The Damned Demon

Chapter 399 A Kingdom Without Mercy

Chapter 399 A Kingdom Without Mercy

Chapter 399 A Kingdom Without Mercy

The Skycrawler, nearing the vast lands of the Inferna Continent, prepared for its descent.

Behind them, the 100 Dreadwings, which had been their protective escort, had to cease their accompaniment, leaving the ship to continue alone. Leonidas, gazing out through the window at the departing Dreadwings, expressed his concern and frustration, "Oh devils... We felt so safe with them around and were able to repair our ship in peace. Now we are going to be alone in the land of those arrogant draconians."

Caelum, stepping up beside him, chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood, "At least we aren't going to get killed the moment we land. Our king should be the one worrying, not you. He is the one who is going to take on whatever challenges they throw forward for our sake."

Leonidas sighed and nodded in agreement, "You are right. He has it tough, and he is so young. I don't know how he is able to maintain his cool."

"That is why he is the king," Silvan interjected, his voice carrying a note of respect as he joined them with a smile.

"Your Highness," both Leonidas and Caelum greeted, bowing their heads briefly.

"Just call me Silvan while we are among ourselves," Silvan responded with a light smile, prompting a grin from Leonidas, "As you wish. So... you aren't scared?"

Silvan's gaze drifted out to the looming view of the Inferna continent, "Yes, I am," he admitted, "It seems obvious that the draconians are planning something bad for our king. They never play fair. But what makes me wonder is if the king is prepared, or if he has any plans to return without any incidents."

As the group stood together, discussing their concerns about the upcoming challenges in the Draconis Kingdom, the sound of approaching footsteps diverted their attention. They turned to see Oberon approaching.

Leonidas and Caelum's expressions stiffened noticeably as Oberon neared. They greeted him formally, albeit with evident reluctance, "Your Highness," they both said, their voices strained to keep it polite, especially after what he did yesterday.

Not only did he abandon the king as soon as he got injured, but he also snatched away the best supplies while making their king personally retrieve them from him. Just by his crimes alone he should be flogged 100 times at least.

However, what caught their attention was Oberon's appearance. He looked unusually pale, his eyelids heavy as if burdened by a month's worth of sleeplessness. His face bore a dark, almost haunted expression, and he shot a deathly glare at the three before continuing on his way without a word.

"What the fuck. He stole our supplies and glares at us as if we were the ones who did something wrong," Leonidas muttered under his breath, his annoyance clear. He then turned to Silvan, suddenly conscious of his words, realizing he had just spoken ill of Silvan's brother.

To his surprise, Silvan appeared unbothered by the remark. Shaking his head, he said, "He must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed," His tone was nonchalant, as if he couldn't care less.

Leonidas visibly relaxed at Silvan's reaction, while Caelum couldn't help but lightly chuckle to hear Silvan's comment.

As the Skycrawler glided through the air, Asher stood by one of the large windows, his gaze fixed on the hellish landscape sprawling beneath them with volcanic mountains spewing forth lava every minute.

The land dominated by the Draconians unfurled before his eyes, a vast expanse marked by the stark realities of their rule.

There were only a few stretches of land that were relatively safe and people seemed to have built barriers to protect their lands.

With his exceptionally sharp eyesight, Asher could discern the activities happening far below. People of various demon races looked up at the ship, their expressions ranging from curiosity to fear upon suddenly seeing such a huge ship passing over them and casting a dark shadow over their lands.

Among them, Asher noticed ogres, minotaurs, and goblins, their burly and rugged forms moving about the land. They seemed to be the henchmen for these draconians, as expected.

Scattered among these demons were a few vulpins, their presence sparse and seemingly subdued.

It was clear that no lone or a group of vampires or werewolves dared to tread in this hostile territory, and the lesser numbers of vulpins suggested either a desperate escape from these lands or a resigned submission to servitude just like similar to other weaker races.

Clearly, their females were used by the draconians to vent their lust.

He could see piglons with a face resembling that of a pig being used for labor and any shitty work. Such a submissive race was perfect for these draconians to make use of.

The Draconian guards, easily identifiable by the symbols on their armors, were omnipresent. They wielded whips and lashes, driving their workers and slaves relentlessly. The guards moved with an air of authority and cruelty, enforcing their dominance through fear and brutality. Asher's eyes caught sight of several instances of torture and atrocities. It seemed like raping, skinning people alive before their families, or killing for sport was a daily activity in this place.

Some guards were seen laughing as they inflicted pain on the helpless, their actions devoid of empathy or restraint.

The scene below was a dark picture of oppression and despair. The Draconian lands were rife with suffering, where the strong preyed on the weak, and mercy seemed to be a concept long forgotten. In stark contrast, Asher's thoughts drifted to the Bloodburn Kingdom.

He remembered Rowena telling him that despite its challenges, it was a realm where a semblance of order and stability prevailed, a society that, while not perfect, offered a sanctuary compared to the hellish landscape he now observed.

Even though he came to learn that the Bloodburn Kingdom also has their hands dipped in blood, it wasn't at least as bad as this.

Only the strongest can hope to survive in the continent of the draconians.

The rest can only pray and endure.

Asher's introspective gaze was broken by Naida's soft voice from behind. "Such a pitiful sight... don't you think?" she said, her tone laced with a mix of sorrow and contemplation.

Turning slightly, Asher noticed Naida walking up to stand beside him, her eyes also drawn to the grim scene below. He suddenly recalled the kiss he had planted on her lips yesterday.

However, noting her composed expression, he surmised that she had chosen to overlook the incident and forget about it as a mistake, just like she said.

Asher decided it was best to do the same, especially considering he couldn't end up in a messy situation right after becoming king. He already had enough troubles to take care of.

Asher nodded in agreement with her statement. Looking back out the window, he reflected aloud, "It makes you wonder if a kingdom, or any person in our world, can become powerful quickly through pure subjugation and domination, without leaving any room for peace. I wonder why our kingdom didn't do the same as the draconians."

Naida offered a brief smile, one that seemed to hold a deeper understanding, "Because that isn't the vision we inherited from our forefathers," she responded and added,

"But the harsh truth is that the draconian way of life is the most effective and quickest way to gain power. That's how they managed to conquer millions of miles of land over the centuries. Just a fraction of their conquered assets is enough to cover our kingdom with their palm." josei

Asher nodded and then said with a focused gaze, "But we have something they don't have…dragons."

Naida gave a knowing smile, "Of course. They are one of the main reasons we are still standing today. Just the fear of the progenitor of all dragons still continues to hold the draconians at bay. But…" Her expression became slightly grave as she added, "If things suddenly turn bad and the draconians wage war against us, then we will definitely lose. Our few dragons and all of us combined can definitely deal some damage to the draconians. But in the end, they will win, and atop our ashes, they can easily get stronger over the years. If we still had Drogor then maybe things wouldn't seem so bleak."

Asher's expression became serious, "We really don't even stand a 1% chance of winning?"

Naida turned to look at him with a narrowed gaze, "Well…you are one factor that the draconians or none of us ever saw coming. And since you have proved yourself to have the potential to achieve miracles, then maybe we might stand a chance if you manage to reach the peak. But that's a big 'if', and I can't really guess our chances because not even I can predict how far you can grow. Every single time, you just seem to defy everyone's expectations."

Asher smirked and said, "I just don't like disappointing people."

"A very appreciated mentality for a king," Naida said with a smile and then looked out the window as she furrowed her brows, "Looks like we are almost there…The most dangerous place of this continent…

The Draconis Kingdom."

Asher joined her in observing the landscape that unfolded before them. The sight was as fearsome as it was awe-inspiring. In the distance, dark towering structures spanned thousands of miles, creating a skyline that spoke of power and menace. Wyverns and other dark flying beasts circled overhead, their massive forms casting unsettling shadows over the land.

At the heart of the kingdom, colossal walls reached skyward, their surfaces etched with crimson runes. These runes pulsated with an eerie glow, adding to the kingdom's intimidating presence. The walls appeared almost alive, serving as both a formidable defense and a stark warning to any who dared to challenge the Draconis Kingdom's might.

Above, the blood red sky seemed to mirror the kingdom's nature—

fiery, unyielding, and steeped in power.

The kingdom itself stretched beyond the limits of sight, sprawling over charred plains and intimidating volcanic mountains. The peaks of these mountains spewed fire and ash into the air, painting the horizon with shades of rage and passion. Just the size of this kingdom was almost half as big as the Dracyra Continent!

Asher crossed his hands behind his back as he said with a focused gaze, "Let's see what they have in store for us…"

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