The Damned Demon

Chapter 451 Forged In Blood And Flames

Chapter 451 Forged In Blood And Flames

Chapter 451  Forged In Blood And Flames

The sky above the barren lands was thick with the scent of impending doom. Rowena saw Rebecca landing before the carriage and stopping Lysandra in her tracks. Never in her life did she expect to feel relieved to see that woman. But in this situation, she knew Rebecca was powerful enough to hold off Lysandra long enough.

She then turned her head to look at the imposing figure of Drakar, her crimson eyes glinting with cold resolve,

"Surrender? My kingdom was forged in blood and flames. Your words cannot chill its flames. All you can do is let it devour you," Rowena declared, her voice a calm, cold blade cutting through the tension.

"Hahaha," Drakar's laughter, deep and mocking, filled the air, only to abruptly cease as his eyes caught sight of something up in the skies.

He narrowed his eyes as he took in the sight of the advancing forces hundreds of meters away—numbering around 1000, but in his eyes, inconsequential. A small batch of Umbralfiends was also present among them, though it didn't seem to deter him.

"Is this the best you can prepare within this time? My men will eat through them within minutes," Drakar taunted, his smirk oozing contempt.

But Rowena's retort was as chilling as the grave, "Minutes? It takes but a second for a dragon's breath to turn your men into memory."


The moment her words left her lips, it was followed by the earth-shaking roar of Flaralis.

Drakar looked up and had his jaw slack as he saw the colossal dragon, a force of nature personified, unleashed its wrath upon one of his draconian warships by chomping down on it. The vessel, a symbol of draconian might, was rendered into nothing but ashes in just mere seconds.

The draconians, witnesses to this display of raw power, were struck by a paralyzing terror, their confidence shattered like fragile glass.

Yet, the call to arms was inevitable. Drakar's roar, fierce and commanding, broke the spell of fear, "Kill it first! They don't stand a chance!" The order reverberated across the battlefield, igniting the flames of conflict.

Rowena, her spirit unbroken, brandished her whip, the weapon crackling with crimson flames. In the next heartbeat, her figure blurred into motion, a dance of death and defiance.

Drakar, equally resolute, met her charge head-on. The clash of their wills was a cataclysm in itself while their armies collided with a thunderous impact. The sky became a picture of chaos, filled with the echoes of clashing steel, fiery spells, and the indomitable spirit of warriors ready to lay down their lives.

Amidst the tumult of the larger battle, a more intimate and fierce clash unfolded between Rebecca and Lysandra. The air around them crackled with raw, untamed power, the ground beneath their feet scorched and frozen in turns, as the ferocity of their duel only seemed to increase with each second.

Lysandra raised her staff high as she relentlessly unleashed fiery orbs filled with her wrath and let them rain down on Rebecca.

Yet, in the relentless dance of attack and defense, one spear, empowered by the sheer force of Rebecca's will, pierced through the fiery barrier and found its mark. "Ugh!" The icy spear struck Lysandra's shoulder, piercing her tough skin with enough force to almost expose the tip from the other side.

Lysandra stumbled, her face contorted in pain, yet her eyes burned with an unquenchable fire, her spirit undeterred as she took out the bloody spear from her shoulder and threw it away, though her natural rapid healing process was slowed down by the icy mana lingering in her flesh.

Seeing that her attack proved successful, Rebecca, with a triumphant grin, unleashed another relentless barrage of bloody ice spears, each one imbued with her vengeful spirit. These spears, crimson-stained and deadly, hurtled through the air with a murderous intent, aiming to impale Lysandra with their frozen wrath.

However, Lysandra, undeterred by the imminent threat, straightened her back.

Just as the bloody spears were about to strike her, with a swift motion of her staff, she conjured a small, dark red portal, a vortex that bent the very fabric of reality. All the spears were swallowed by this portal, disappearing into its mysterious depths.

To Rebecca's utter shock, another portal, mirroring the first, materialized before her, and the spears she had conjured re-emerged, now shooting toward her.

Did this bitch purposefully let herself get hurt to make her lower her guard?

In a desperate move, Rebecca conjured a barrier of icy darkness to shield herself, but it was not enough. One spear, defying the barrier's strength, pierced through and lodged itself into Rebecca's shoulder.

"Ungh!" The impact sent her reeling backward and was strong enough to make her fall on her back, a mix of rage and disbelief etched on her face. josei

Bleeding and incensed, Rebecca removed the bloody spear, her expression twisting with rage.

But before she could get up, in an abrupt eruption of movement, Lysandra materialized seemingly from nowhere, catching Rebecca off guard.

The air seemed to momentarily warp around them as Lysandra thrust her staff forward in a swift, brutal strike that collided with Rebecca's unsuspecting face. A gush of blood spurted forth, splattering onto the ground as if punctuating the violent act. Stunned, Rebecca reeled back, her vision blurring as her head snapped violently to the side under the force of the blow.

Lysandra then raised her staff to deal the killing blow, "You son will soon join you in the pits of Tartarus. Take comfort in that," Lysandra declared, her voice cold and unwavering.

Hearing her words, a wild transformation overtook Rebecca's visage - her features morphed into a twisted, frenzied grin, giving her countenance a sinister edge.

Just as Lysandra prepared to lower her staff to burn Rebecca to death, her brows raised when Rebecca hurled her arm upward, causing Lysandra to pause mid-strike. An overwhelming, chilling, and eerie sensation suddenly filled every fiber of her being, leaving her paralyzed. The feeling surged relentlessly until she couldn't bear it any longer. With trembling hands, she released her grip on her trusted staff, watching helplessly as it clattered to the ground.

Rebecca rose, her bloodied smile widening, reveling in her impending triumph, "Did you forget you were fighting a vampire like me? Now that my blood is inside your body, I can turn you into my slave in no time," she proclaimed, her voice laced with a sinister glee.


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