The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Encounter

─── [Aslan Academy of Magic]

As is well known, it is a school established with the goal of training the country’s highest military force, the “Magic Knights,” and is the most prestigious magical education institution in the Myrestia Kingdom.

For those who aspire to have the title of “Magic Knight,” of whom only 10 are allowed to hold in the country, graduating from this school is truly a gateway to success.

Many people with a talent for magic aspire for this school at one time or another.

But most of them give up naturally at some point.

A little bit of magic is not enough to even get you started.

That is what “Aslan Academy of Magic” is all about.

When it comes to the opinion of the “magic knights,” even the king can’t ignore it.

Overwhelming power with honor.

They are a distinct entity from the other magical divisions.

The rightly chosen 10.

Appropriate to be admired.

Moreover, the academy is also known for its excessive and absolute meritocracy.

Therefore, there is no “recommendation” system in this school.

This is because in a society of nobles, it is thought to be a breeding ground for the decline of magical power.

By the way, it’s a boarding school.

Really thorough.

I think it rightly deserves to be named after a mythical hero.

I am currently riding in a carriage to take the entrance exam for this prestigious school, which holds many grandiose titles. But then—.

“… Why are you in the same carriage as me?”

“You ask strange questions. Do I really need a reason for us to be in the same carriage as two people who have a future together?”


Alice Rune Lonsdale, who spoke without any change in expression, was the first to speak.

I hate to say this but she is my fiancée.

However, I’ve already accepted this fact.

It’s foolish to lament over things that can’t be changed.

The next thing to think about is.

What do I have to do to find happiness under the condition that Alice, a pervert out of the ordinary, is my fiancée?

What exactly is the optimal solution?

What I should be thinking about is this.

… But I still haven’t found the answer.

Yeah, this is not something I should be thinking about right now.

For now, let’s focus on the immediate future.

I heard it’s the most difficult one to get into, in case you’re wondering.

“I’m getting a little nervous.”

Alice muttered.

She was nervous, but her expression was still the same as usual..

“You on the other side, is the same as always.”

“Of course.”

“You’re not nervous?”

“Do you really think I’d be feeling such emotions to this degree?”

“… No, I’m just asking.”

For the record, I don’t understand this girl.

What is there she needs to be worried about?

She’s a rare talent of having two attributes.

In addition to that, she never neglected to make an effort to learn magic.

At least that’s how it’s been since I met her.

“──What you should be thinking about is how to become the next in line.”


Alice looked surprised, though not to the extent that an average human could notice.

“Don’t worry about such a trivial thing as whether or not you can pass the exam. It’s disgusting.”


I mean it.

Alice will pass.

She has talent that even Amelia-san would have praised her for, and she’s worked hard on top of that.

“Fufu… Sometimes, I think you are a very cunning man.”

“… What do you mean?”

“Unn, don’t worry about it.”

She smiled… I had a feeling.

Well, if it makes her feel even a little bit better, then it’s worth it, I suppose?

Humans are creatures of emotion.

It is often the case that one cannot perform to their full potential because of a weak heart.

As we were talking about this, the carriage stopped with a clatter.

Alfred, whose presence had been completely absent until now, stood up and opened the door for us.

“Please watch your step.”

I got out of the carriage, followed by Alice.

And then, the grand and imposing gates loomed into view.

It wasn’t the first time I was seeing it.

Still, it took my breath away.

The academy that could be seen in the distance gave off a sense of history, but also had a style reminiscent of a royal palace.

“Well then, I’ll be back to pick you up when your exams are over.”


That was all Alfred said.

He then gave a signal to the coachman and went on the other way.

Not even a single word of encouragement.

Like everyday.

“Pretty cold huh, that butler.”

Yes, he is.

That’s how it appears in other’s eyes.

But… I’ve received a certain amount of trust.

Alfred is my mentor after all.

I know that much.

Which made me grin a little.

“… Hey, look.”

“Yeah─── it’s ‘Luke Wizaria Gilbert’…”

“I knew it, he’s going to take the exam…”

“And there’s even ‘Alice Eune Lonsdale’ with him… so it was true that they were engaged… huh…”

Huh, just when I was feeling so good.

“… tch.”

The uncomfortable stares that clung to me.

Since that party, there’s been a lot of talk about me among the nobility.

So I knew there were people like this around.

Even though I know it, it’s still unpleasant.

Insanely foolish creatures who can only see the surface of things.

They looked down at me when all I was doing was swordsmanship, but when I demonstrated dark-element magic, they turned on me.

They’re incompetent to the point of making me sick.

“Luke, are you okay? You’re making a bit of a scary face.”

“… Nothing, let’s go.”


I passed through the gate with a change of mind.

Well, it still doesn’t change the fact that people keep staring at me.

Or rather, I think half of it is because of this girl walking leisurely next to me.

For looks only.

She is good.

And I’m definitely the only one here who knows what this girl is really like inside.

If there is someone out there who knows this girl for who she really is and still loves her, I’d like to give her away to that person somehow.

“I am excited to be despised by you, Luke, who changed everything about me. I am not the kind of person who is satisfied with just anyone, you can’t call me a pervert.”

I remember once being told that.

I can’t believe this girl thinks she’s not a pervert.

At that moment, I thought of Alice’s brother.

A man named “Yolande” with that pasted-on smile.

I don’t know why I remembered him now.

No, it’s been stuck in my brain ever since that moment when we first shook hands.

Alice had told me he was an insignificant man.

In fact, I also thought he was a man without ambition.

However, when I shook his hand, I sensed that… that terrifyingly refined flow of magical power.

I can’t shake that feeling of discomfort I felt back then.

He was the epitome of mysteries and creepiness.

“Ara? There’s a crowd gathering.”

Alice’s voice snapped me back to reality.

I turned around to look at a gathering of people.

… And the center of attention was right in front of me.

“Dahahaha! Abel! Is that all you have to your name! How come you’re not even a commoner! What a disappointment!”

A large man’s lowly laugh echoed through the air.

“Haa? So what’s wrong with that? It doesn’t matter what your status is to enroll in Aslan!”

“It’s okay, Lily. I don’t care.”

The strong-willed girl raised her voice loudly in the boy’s defense.

Dark-haired, in modest clothing.

A feeble looking boy with blood red eyes.

I recognised him at a glance.

───It’s him.

I see.

That’s how it is.

He’s right there.

“Buzz off.”

It doesn’t matter.

Nothing has changed in what I need to do.

I said the words shortly.

To that big guy blocking my path.

“Aan! Who the h**l do you think you’re talking to… wha?”

The moment he saw me, that large man’s eyes widened.

“Do I have to say it again? You’re an eyesore. Get out of my way.”

“L-Luke-sama! I beg your pardon! Please come through!”

I don’t really know who he is, but apparently he knows who I am.

The air was frozen silent.

I walked past it without a care in the world.

I looked at the stunned face of the boy called “Abel” with a side glance, taking advantage of the opportunity.

“… you know that boy with the dark hair?”

Alice asked quietly as we walked for a while.

“No? I don’t know. I’ve never seen that guy before.”

“Is that so? You were smiling, looking happy, I thought you knew each other.”

“Kukku… I see, so I was smiling.”josei

Apparently, without realizing it, I was smiling.

That’s right.

I can’t help but smile.

It’s finally time.

Yeah, come, Hero.

I ain’t running and hiding.

No matter how much you are loved in this world, I’ll crush you head on.

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