The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Special Magic Warfare Exercise

“It’s just not right… they haven’t committed any crimes, but just because they look a little different, they’re treated like slaves…”

It all started with something very trivial.

This morning, I asked Abel what he wanted to do if he became a magic knight.

Abel said, “I want to build a small village.”

Not everyone is strong.

So he wants to at least protect those people within his reach.

And he also added,

───”I want to free the slaves.”

Especially those who are enslaved simply because they are “subracial,” such as “beastmen” and “elves.”

What’s scary is, I didn’t understand it at first.

I didn’t think it was funny.

But why is there a need to release them?

If you are demihuman, you deserve to be a slave.

Subconsciously, I really thought so.

What is even more frightening is that nothing about this idea is unusual for me.

It’s not that my thoughts are particularly radical.

Almost everyone who was there listening to Abel thought that subracial peoples being slaves was natural.

Well, only the girl, Lily, seemed to already know what Abel was thinking and was not surprised at his statement.

Come to think of it, the scene has been there before.

I have seen beastmen and elves in our territory, but they were always serving someone else.

The only exceptions are adventurers who may have come from other countries.

───”The demi-humans are slaves to the humans.”

This is the ‘common sense’ of the Myrstian Kingdom, and it is the ‘norm’ that is ingrained in this body of mine as well.

So I didn’t realize… I think.

But a strange feeling as if a knowledge separate from the brain denies it.

Could it be that I noticed this abnormality because I was reincarnated?

I never even wondered until now.

On the contrary, how could Abel think that this common sense was “strange”?

Is he not from this country?

“… Now is not a good time to think about it, huh?”

It’s not something I can do anything about right away, nor do I want to.

At least now I have several things to do.

Well, when I become a “magic knight” who is given all kinds of “freedom” and “power”, I may be able to change this stupid common sense one way or another.

I don’t like things lacking this kind of rationality.

Even if it’s called liberation, various problems accompany it.

It won’t happen overnight, though.

In any case, I should learn more about this matter.

The history of this country and the others.

With this in mind, I left the library.

Immediately changing my mine.

What I’m about to take is the last class of the afternoon, the “Special Magic Warfare Exercise”.

The handout distributed in advance did not list the name of the lecturer, only “Special lecturer”.

There are several classes that are described in this way, and “Special Magic Warfare Exercise” is one of them.

The content of the lesson is written as “Battle practice with the assumption of enemies using special attribute magic.”

Haha, it’s quite thrilling, isn’t it?

I wonder what kind of class it will be.

I’m a little bit looking forward to this.


“It’s been a while, Alice.”

“You must be kidding…”

I was indeed surprised.

It was unexpected.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen Luke, too. Last time I saw you was maybe a year ago?”

“… Yeah.”

Silver hair.

Slit blue eyes.

Crystal clear white skin.

Very neat face.

He is Alice’s brother —”Yolande”.

“Is everyone here? Time to start the class then!”

I’ve never seen Alice so upset.

“Hey, your brother is so handsome!”

Mia whispers to Alice.

“… From where?”

With a disgusted look on her face, Alice denied it.

No, objectively speaking, Yolande actually has a very neat face.

“He’s so cool…”

“Oh, my.”

And so the other female students let out an exclamation of admiration.

“… haa.”

A sigh escaped Alice.

“Let me start with a brief introduction. My name is Yolande Elias Lonsdale. Please feel free to call me Yolande-sensei. It’s good to meet you all. Also, as some of you may have already noticed, Alice over there is my sister.”


Yolande laughed with amusement.

Alice narrowed her eyes in disgust.

They were very contrasting siblings.

In fact, when I met him, I found him strangely different, but Alice had told me that he was an insignificant person.


“In case you are wondering, I have the title of ‘Deputy Commander of the Kingdom’s 2nd Attribute Magic Division’. Well, I was just appointed to this position this year though.”

Seems like that recognition is a thing of the past.

I had heard the rumors.

They said he was a member of the Kingdom’s Magic Division, but was just an unimpressive ordinary soldier.

But I also heard that two years ago, he suddenly emerged as a prominent figure.

Yes─── that was two years ago when Alice and I unwillingly got engaged.

However, I had never really heard that he had risen to the position of Deputy Commander.

A mere soldier to become the Deputy Division Commander in only two years…

Obviously, this isn’t normal.


“Now that I’ve introduced myself, let’s get on with the explanation of this class. My class is called ‘Special Magical Warfare Exercise’, does anyone know what it is about?”


So, a guy raised his hand.

“Then you. What’s your name?”

“Yes! I am Logan Rolle Compton!”

“Okay, Logan-kun. Will you answer me then?”

“It’s a battle exercise assuming an enemy who uses special attribute magic!”

“Correct. Then do you know what that ‘special attribute magic’ is, for example?”

“That’s… I don’t know!”

“Hmm! Good and honest!”

Alice muttered a few words after seeing the exchange with a man named Logan, who had a very good posture.

“─── it’s disgusting.”

At that moment, Yolande stopped abruptly and I did not miss the moment when he blinked and trembled from shock..

Eh… what was that?

I feel like I’ve seen something really hideous.

“Okay, I’ll continue with the explanation. The four major attributes are fire, wind, water, and earth. The attributes that are far removed from the four major attributes. For example, my attribute of magnetism is exactly like that.”

─── “Magnetic force” huh.

“Then you, big guy!”

Yolande pointed his finger to…

“Oh, is that me?”

“Yeah. What’s your name? Just tell me your first name.”

“It’s Hugo!”

“Ok, Hugo-kun. What are your attributes?”

“Just Rock.”

“That’s a good attribute. Then, will you try to cast a spell on me? Please make it as powerful as possible.”

“A-are you sure…?”

“It’s okay. It’s not going to hit me anyway.”

“… got it.”

Yolande’s provocative language fueled Hugo’s fighting spirit.

“Here I come!”

“Yeah, anytime.”

───Giant Rock Bullet

At that moment a very huge rock was generated and released toward Yolande.

The speed was also quite good.

Not bad.

If you don’t start taking evasive action immediately, you won’t make it in time.

Still, Yolande did not move.

“Please avoid it!!”

Hugo shouted.


When Yolande chanted this, the huge rock softly changed its trajectory.

It passed over Yolande’s head as it was.

“See it can’t hit me.”

Then he laughed like a child.

“Wow, that’s awesome…”

Almost everyone in the room, including Hugo, gasped.

Seeing the scene just now, I understood this “Magnetic magic” to some extent.

It’s very powerful magic.

Kuku, are you saying this guy is insignificant?

Even idiots can tell.

“My ‘magnetic magic’ can magnetize anything, generating attraction and repulsion. In this case, I magnetized the rock that Hugo released and the ground to create a repulsive force.”josei

I see.

“Strong, you think? But, the range where magnetism can be given is about 5m radius around me. Heat and cold can’t be repelled. The greater the attraction and repulsion it generates, the greater the magic it consumes. There are various disadvantages, such as limited means of wide-area attack.”

Yolande continues to speak.

“Now I’ve taught you. But in actual battle, you have to find such weaknesses during combat and push your own advantage. Like this, in this class I want you to learn how to fight against a special attribute magician like me.”

That’s great..

I had already decided to take Yolande’s class.

“In relation to the lesson, I will bring along some fellow members of my unit as your opponent, so be prepared for that. ───Alright, that’s about it for the explanation.”

As far as I can see, many of them seem to have a favorable impression of this class.

Alice, on the other hand, still has a complicated look on her face, though.

“That’s right… Luke.”

At that moment, I was suddenly called by name.

“I hear you’re the best of this year. ───Would you like to fight me?”

“… Kuku.”

He had a gentle smile on his face.

But what is this intense hostility?

I’m so hated.

Surely I didn’t do anything to him.

“Yeah, let’s do it.”


I step forward as everyone watches.

We kept their distance, and then we both readied our swords.

“Due to the nature of magic, I also use a sword.”


“Whenever you’re ready.”

“Kuku, then I will fight without reservation.”

I invoke my magic.

— “Dark Absorption”.

It is a simple magic that absorbs the magic power of the opponent.

But its performance is quite impressive.

Magic is the lifeline for Magicians.

Without magic, nothing they can do.

I was convinced that my “Dark Attribute” is the strongest attribute in counter-magic…

But I couldn’t absorb it.

“I know about your ‘dark attribute’. But I have magnetized my magic and generated a pull to cancel it out. ───It’s not as big a deal as you might think.”

“Kuku, Ahahahahaha!”

I’m really not bored.

It’s a lot of fun.

─── “Granted: Darkness”.

Darkness cloaks the sword in my right hand.

─── “Armor of Darkness”.

Darkness took the form of armor and covered my entire body.

─── “Physical Reinforcement x 2″

An enormous amount of energy rushes through.

“Are you ready?”


With a ripped smile I kicked the ground.


My sister Alice is the most beautiful in the world.

No man in the world would leave her alone.

Yolande understood this fact better than anyone else, which is why he knew that one day Alice would leave him.

He was ready to accept it.

But… his beloved sister was changed.

By the devil named Luke.

That is the only thing that is absolutely unacceptable, no matter what.

Hence, Yolande released himself.

His true ability that he had been hiding for a certain purpose.

Now, a monster that was not supposed to be involved in the original story has been released───.

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