The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Stomach Pain, Growth, and Astonishment

I opened the door to my room and entered, then immediately dived into bed.

I buried my face in the pillow and let out a deep sigh as if to expel all the fatigue that had accumulated within me, causing my consciousness to relax heavily.

“… I’m tired.”

I naturally uttered aloud.

It was a genuine expression of my innermost feelings.

Yes, I was tired. Very tired.


I twisted my body and lied on my back, gazing absentmindedly at the ceiling as I pondered why.

Why do unexpected events always seem to happen to me?

It all started when I asked Alfred to teach me swordsmanship.

My knowledge of the original story was still vague, and as such, I only vaguely remembered the characters.

But I don’t think Alfred was the type of character to say things like, “Even if I lean towards evil, I want to see what Master Luke will accomplish!”

In fact, didn’t he quit his butler job to teach Abel how to use a sword?

Next is Alice.

She wasn’t the type of person to gasp and pant, saying “Haa-haa” at every opportunity, was she?

I think she was more like a villainess type.

No…has that really changed even now?

In any case, the mock battle we had the day after that party.

Alice definitely became strange because of it.

As for Yolande, who the h**l was he?

Was there even such a character in the original story?

I have no memory of him at all.

Such an intense character, one should have notice him immediately.

Like I recognized Abel as the main character right away.


Is it because of me after all?

Am I the root cause of everything?

Yeah, I must be.

Right now I’m worried about Freya’s strange behavior, but there’s nothing I can do about it by thinking about it.

There are always exceptions to everything.

But I can’t help but feel that this, too, is the result of my influence coming full circle.

… The “effort” I put in.

That’s the only thing that’s different from the original story.

I accepted Luke’s inherent arrogance as well, so I didn’t act particularly kind.

I didn’t plan ahead of events that are going to happen because my knowledge of the original story is vague.

Or rather, I can’t do that.


That’s right.

That’s really all it is.

It was just pure effort.

Why do such dangerous people keep gathering around me with just that much?

… No, maybe it’s because they become more dangerous by being involved with me?

… Damn it.


That’s the bad ending for me.

It’s the farthest thing from happiness.

If I lose even once, I won’t be able to recover from that defeat and my life will surely become gloomy after it.

That’s why I’ve been studying without compromise from my past life’s memories to today.

I haven’t made any mistakes… or so I thought.

However, I need to realize that the impact of just my “effort” is surprisingly significant in this world.

No matter how talented I may be, “Luke” should only appear in the school arc… or so I thought.

I don’t remember at what point he was defeated by Abel, but it was just until that level.

So I underestimated the impact I would have on this story.

“…Well, nothing will change.”

That’s right.

Nothing will change.

If I continue to work hard, I will never be free from troubles.

However, I must not misjudge my priorities.

… “Keep on winning.”

That is the most important thing for me.

I will never waver in that.

So no matter what kind of problems I am faced with, I must never stop pursuing strength.

…But I am at fault for what happened with Mia.

It was really not good.

The result of prioritizing only my selfish goals.

The “heart” of a human is an unknown entity.

All the events up until now have taught me that.

Sigh… I still feel a slight pain in my stomach.

It’s not so much painful as uncomfortable.

Maybe I’ve been too tense without realizing it ever since I came to this school.

And there have been really too many things that happened.

That stress has come to my stomach now.

I stopped fighting against Luke’s nature because it was tiring, meaning I already accepted it long ago.

Rather than wasting energy on such things, I should focus on becoming stronger.

That’s what I thought… but is this karma…? Argh…

Let’s take a nap for a bit.

Then, I’ll surely be able to do my best again from tomorrow.


“Oraa! You ready, Abel?”


At the signal from Brad-Sensei, I infused my sword with magic.

Lately, I’ve been spending all my time practicing this, except for sleep… but it’s really difficult and I just can’t seem to get it right.

“How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t focus too much on controlling magic!!”


A fiery arrow flew towards me, but I managed to dodge it just in time.

Phew, that was close… If I had been even a second slower to react, I would have been hit by it.

“The battle has already begun! Keep your eyes on me at all times!!”


“Ora!! Let’s keep going!! Don’t stop thinking!!”


Observe carefully, think, and predict.


This was the technique Brad-Sensei first taught me— the ability to ‘cut’ magic.

For swordsmen who cannot use magic, it is the most important technique in fighting against magic users.

It is made possible by infusing the sword with magic using magic manipulation or magic items.

Avoid, dodge, and slash.

Then slowly close the distance.

Don’t rush, don’t stop to think.

Are my movements becoming too predictable?

What will Brad-Sensei do next?

Keep thinking!

──”Physical Reinforcement”

First, one step at a time.

When I fought with Luke, I immediately activated “Physical Reinforcement x5” — my limit.

But that was too slow.

Although Luke waited for me, it left me with a clear opening.

──”Physical Reinforcement”

So, one step at a time.

Don’t rush.

Now I am using it twice!

This is the limit of what I can fully control right now.

But it’s enough.

Predict and dodge.

Then cut with “Dispel”.

The distance between me and Brad-Sensei gradually shortened.

And then, as always, he…

──”Wall of Flames”.

I knew it…!

“Physical Reinforcement”, the only strengthening magic I can use, is compatible with “Dispel”.

Stronger slashes can cut through larger amounts of magic.



“You’re still too weak, Abel…”

I sliced through Brad-Sensei’s “Wall of Flames”.

Only to be hit by his fist right in front of me…



“I think you’ll be fine with this, but if it really hurts, go see the priest.”

“N-no, I’m okay…”

After that, I tried many times over and over again but never won.

Brad-Sensei is from a family of knights and is knowledgeable about swords even though he’s not really a swordsman.

So his advice is always appropriate and easy to understand… even though he can be a bit rude sometimes.

Also, it’s fun.

My training with my master has always focused on increasing my strength.

But here, he teaches me how to use that strength.

So no matter how painful and tough it is… it’s fresh and enjoyable.

But still, I am here today because of the days I spent with my master. I wouldn’t even be able to get to the starting line if she wasn’t there.

I thank her for that.

I can become stronger… and that makes me happy. Very, very happy.

“…Abel, sometimes you give off a pretty dangerous vibe, you know?”

Brad-Sensei’s voice brought me back to reality.

“W-what-!? R-really?”

“Yes. Though, I’m not interested, so I won’t ask, just don’t be in such a hurry.”josei

“… hurry?”

I felt a little confused by Brad-Sensei’s words.

I didn’t realize that I was in “hurry.”

“Yeah. I can see that you are in a hurry. More to the point, you’re too obsessed with being strong.”

“Is it so…?”

“Being desperate is fine. But when you get too desperate and anxious, your field of vision narrows… and you make stupid choices. Usually, those without any margin in their hearts are the ones who make those choices.”


Certainly…that could be true.

I am obsessed with “strength.”

Hopelessly so.

“Do you know why this school only accepts a small number of students? It’s because they want to raise them to their fullest potential. In other words, we teachers are serious about this. So don’t bear it alone.”

… Truly, I am blessed.

“Thank you very much!”

“…Geez, I said something I shouldn’t have! That’s enough for today! Just leave!”


With a swish, Brad-Sensei waved his hand to drive me away.

He has a rude mouth and can be a little scary, but I already know he’s a really good person.

I head towards the exit, then turn back and bow my head once more to him.

“Thank you very much!”

“…Yeah, just go already.”

Then I open the door and leave the magic training grounds.

Training with Brad-sensei is pretty tough.

I’m so tired I want to just lie down right now, and to prove that, my whole body cracks with every step.

But it all feels pleasant.

I’m probably just fulfilled.

I’m really glad I enrolled in this school.

Everyone here is so nice.

Almost everyone except me is an aristocrat, and I thought I would be ridiculed more.

Well, maybe that’s just because everyone is so full of themselves…

That’s when…



She appears from around the corner and starts walking towards me.

Huh, she didn’t notice me?

Am I really that insignificant?

It’s quite shocking…


Hmm, Freya-sensei is mumbling something.

I wonder what she’s thinking.

If that’s the case though, I shouldn’t talk to her… But…, it’s not good to ignore her without even greeting her… right!?

I quickened my pace and closed the distance between us.

And then…

“──Umm, excuse me!”

I spoke up in a slightly louder voice because I thought she wouldn’t notice me otherwise.

But it was a mistake.


She let out a strange noise and dropped the papers she was holding.

What was that “pya” sound?

No, that’s not important! I did it! I spoke to her and now this happened…


While the papers fluttered around us, Freya-Sensei crossed her arms and stood there calmly, giving me a cold, freezing stare.

“You surprise your teacher and enjoy their reaction. That’s quite an interesting hobby you have, Abel.”

For a moment, I didn’t understand what she meant.

Unlike Freya-sensei, I was incredibly flustered.

She’s completely misunderstanding me…!

I realized that a moment too late.

“N-no! That’s not what I meant! I just wanted to say hello…”

“Hmm… if it was just a greeting, then I should apologize for being surprised.”

“No, no, it’s my fault! Um, well…”

“──It’s alright.”

Freya-Sensei… She’s scary.

She gives off an aura that’s somewhat similar to Alice’s… I’m not very fond of it.

We started picking up the scattered papers, and then,

“…By the way, Abel.”

She spoke to me.

That alone made my heart jump.

“W-what is it…?”

I asked back fearfully.

“Have you, you know, heard anything about me? For example, yes, for example— have you heard anything about me from Luke…?”

I had no idea what she was talking about.

There was no need to lie, so I answered honestly.

“Eh… from Luke? Nothing in particular.”

“H-how about other students? Did they say anything?”

Her intensity was frightening…

“N-no… I don’t think so. Luke isn’t the type to talk much afterall…”

“I see…”

For a moment, I thought Freya-Sensei smiled just a little bit.

As if she was relieved.

It might just be my imagination.

As we talked, we continued picking up the scattered papers…

“Very soon, the rank battle between Alice and Lloyd will be held. If you want to go up even a little, you should watch it.”

“I understand.”

“Well then, I’ll be on my way. But don’t enjoy surprising the teacher too much.”

“That’s not what I meant…!”

And so, I saw Freya-sensei’s figure from behind.

Somehow, I thought that even though she was a little scary, she wasn’t really a bad person.

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