The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Prince's Anxieties and Frustrations

Luke decided to disband the group, thinking that the conversation would become more complicated with Abel and Lily present.

He believed that only Alice, Mia, and the cause of their current predicament, Porupon, should continue with the discussion.

“──Why in my room…?”

“That’s right. Only I’m allowed to enter Luke’s room.”

“You be quiet.”

“S-sorry… haah-haah…”

“Luke’s room…it just calms my heart.”

“I’m going to disturb you.”

“S-sorry to bother you.”

Although it was not a small room, Luke did not have a habit of inviting people in unnecessarily. 

He thought for a moment whether it was reasonable to do so considering the contents of the conversation they were about to have. 

(I still don’t think it’s necessary for it to be done in my room though…ah, I’m tired. Let’s just finish this quickly.)

“Come to think of it…if I look closely, you’re from the Lennox family, right?”


The one who suddenly said so, despite Luke’s already exhausted mental state, was Prince Porupon, the root cause of the problem this time.

“It’s a shame as a royalty to be so late in noticing those of the King’s faction.”

“I don’t think that’s why you came to talk, His Highness”

Mia’s response was filled with a very cold atmosphere. 

Sensing that the conversation was likely to take a more troublesome direction, Luke sighed softly.

“… It’s not completely unrelated. I am asking a favor from the Gilberts, the leading aristocratic faction, and their eldest son, Luke.”

Porupon’s expression turned somewhat grim.

In the Myrstia Kingdom, there were three marquises who had significant power and were called the Three Great Nobles. 

They were Marquis Godwin, Marquis Drummond, and Marquis Gilbert.

Of the three, Marquis Godwin and Marquis Gilbert formed the noble faction, while the nobles who submitted to the royal family, including Marquis Drummond, belonged to the King’s faction. 

Twenty years ago, there was a fierce power struggle, but now it has calmed down.

This was all due to Luke’s birth, which caused Claude to lose all ambition to continue the farce.

“… I see. Perhaps I was picking a fight with Alice because I’ve seen that sort of thing since I was a child. I guess I unconsciously disliked people from the noble faction… But it doesn’t matter anymore… Fufu.”

(… Scary)

Luke felt a mysterious fear run down his spine as he looked at Mia’s quiet laughter. 

The Lennox family belonged to the King’s faction, and the Lonsdale family, to which Alice belongs to, was part of the noble faction. 

Although surface-level conflicts have decreased, the factions’ animosity still ran deep.

Therefore, when Porupon saw Mia together with Luke and Alice, he was slightly surprised.

“But, isn’t it really bad for His Highness to be asking favors from Luke?”

“… Of course, there are many people who don’t think well of us. But there’s no turning back now. I have to become one of the top ten in the ranking… Also, I’m just a student now, so please, stop calling me ‘Your Highness’ and just call me Porupon casually.”

“Well, then I’ll call you Porupon.”


“What’s wrong?”


(Being called by my first name so suddenly… and no honorifics? I mean, today was the first time we really talked too…)

Porupon was taken aback by Alice’s casual use of his name without honorifics.

“So, Porupon…”


(Eh, even Luke is using my first name…? Wait, I’m a prince and his senior, shouldn’t he use honorifics to me…?)

Porupon began to wonder if he was being unreasonable, but Luke continued without a care.

“Why are you so obsessed with being in the top ten?”

“… That’s because—”

Porupon was a little hesitant, but still looked Luke in the eye and said clearly.

“…It’s because my father… the king is incompetent.”

His expression was filled with anguish and anger.

“My father has too much faith in magic. He even suggested that the next king should be the person with the best magical ability among those who have the right to succeed the throne…!”

Porupon’s concern for his kingdom echoes as a cry of the soul.

“The problems in our kingdom are not small. We haven’t been able to control the nobles because of power struggles, and many people are suffering from poverty. Our foreign relations are also in a terrible state. Many countries view us as an arrogant nation. Although we seem to have a friendly relationship with the neighboring empire, it’s nothing more than a house of cards built on our military might. Our lack of progress in magical technology is also another fatal weakness. Even though we should be aware of how far behind we are in magic engineering, we’re disregarding it because our magical ability is considered superior!”

He spoke rapidly, revealing the festering issues in the kingdom. 

The overwhelming magical power of the nation had led to neglect of problems that should have been addressed long ago already

“I want to change this country! To do that, I have to become a better magician than my brother and become the king! But right now, I can’t even come close to surpassing him. I can’t let that man, who doesn’t care about the people, become the king! So, I’m begging you…”

Then Porupon lowered his head.

“Please, teach me magic!”

Luke, who understood the meaning behind a member of the royal family bowing their head, did not hesitate to answer.

“Kuku, what are you misunderstanding?”

A devilish voice that sent chills down the spine could be heard.

“Dear Prince, I don’t give a damn about this country. I don’t care about anything else as long as I am happy. I’m just one of those noblemen you despise.”


Porupon was at a loss for words. 

There was certainly anger in him due to Luke’s words, which was akin to abandoning his responsibilities as a nobleman. 

It was natural for him to feel angry as someone who was concerned about the country. 

However──that wasn’t it.

The real reason he was speechless was because he was overwhelmed by the unknown force that Luke emitted.

“If it’s necessary for my happiness to improve this country, then I’ll do it. However, I don’t think that’s the case at present.”

“W-why…! You know that too, don’t you!? What I said earlier──”

“Yeah, I know. But I believe that the magical might of this country is far more overwhelming than you think.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll rule my own territory perfectly. I can’t stand the thought of being inferior to other lords after all.”

Luke had no patriotism whatsoever. He had no intention of sacrificing his time to make this country better, or to make Porupon the king.

(… No, this is definitely not what I should be doing)

Above all, Luke was convinced that everything about this situation was something that should never have even happened.

(Wasn’t this guy supposed to ask Abel for help in some way? I think the correct plot is that the two of them overcome various difficulties together and somehow Porupon becomes king, right? It has to be that.)

It shouldn’t have happened.

The situation where Porupon, the second prince of this country, is bowing his head to Luke, the villain aristocrat, is nothing but a bizarre sight.

(Damn it…not again! How crazy does it have to be for this to happen…!)

What Luke did to use Mia as a pawn, and if he goes further back──it was probably because of his efforts.

If it was like the original story, there should have been an event where Abel and Porupon’s older brother dueled. 

If Abel won, Porupon would become king, and if he lost, they would both drop out of school with a magical contract, and they would fight in a non-official battle instead of a hierarchical battle.

However, Porupon witnessed Mia’s overwhelming growth in a short period of time under Luke’s guidance, and he felt the power firsthand when he fought him directly. 

And then──everything went crazy.

“Alright, that’s enough. You’re annoying, just disappear already.”


Porupon is extremely qualified to be king.

If Porupon were to become king and the influential nobles worked together for the sake of the country, the Myrstia Kingdom would become a much more splendid country than it is now. 

However, even if he is excellent, he is still only sixteen years old. 

Because of his youth, he may sometimes make wrong decisions by succumbing to temporary emotions.

—”I was taught because I became Luke’s ‘pawn’. I think it would be nice if His Highness also became Luke’s ‘pawn’.”

Just as he was about to give up, Porupon remembered Mia’s words. 

It was the only thing left for him to cling to now.

“Would you lend me a hand if I become your ‘pawn’?”

“… Ha?”

Porupon was anxious. 

Excluding the first-year students, he was second from the bottom in the hierarchy. 

He felt helpless as the distance between him and his brother continued to widen. 

It was at such a time that he met Luke. 

No, he stumbled upon him.

It was an encounter with a monster who demonstrated magic power greater than his own. 

For Porupon, it was a ray of light seen in the darkness. 

Therefore, he was convinced that the only way to break through this current situation was to learn magic from Luke.

(At worst, I’ll propose a magic contract and become his ‘pawn’. I don’t think Luke is inherently ‘evil’. There is a risk of me becoming a puppet king, but if that happens, it means my judgment was wrong. The path is open with the condition of prioritizing Luke’s happiness. It’s much better than not becoming a king and not being able to do anything!!)

Porupon made a crazy decision. 

If he had been a little more calm, he might have realized that it was not the right thing to do. 

But it was impossible for him to do so now.

“I will be your pawn, Luke! As a royalty, I can be used effectively for your happiness! So please, I beg you! Please teach me magic!”

Again, Porupon bowed his head.

But from Luke’s perspective, there was no way of knowing why Porupon had come to such a decision. 

His appearance only stirred Luke’s heart deeply.

“Wait a minute, my head hurts… and my stomach hurts too…”

“A-are you okay, Luke!?”

Luke’s appearance, holding his head with his right hand and his stomach with his left hand, deeply disturbed Mia’s heart like a chain reaction. 

So she immediately activated healing magic. Over and over again.





“ —Wait, that’s enough… I’m good.”


“… you overdid it.”

Even after receiving Mia’s excessive healing magic, Luke’s spirit was far from being healed—.


— “Claws of the Grey Wolf”

The A-rank adventurer party consists of four members: the leader swordsman “Zach,” heavy warrior “Jippel,” thief “Sufusasa,” and archer “Kigon.” 

Well, it’s not just any adventurer party. 

They are currently the closest to being an S-rank among all A-rank adventurer parties in the kingdom.

(How ironic… jeez)

Zach was once broken by his encounter with the truly chosen “monster,” but with Alfred’s help, he got back on his feet and decided to continue being an adventurer for a little longer. 

Until now, Zach used to charge forward and fight while others supported him. 

However, he came to realize his place and started fighting in unison with his teammates after being defeated by Luke. 

And then, he discovered his talent.

He is a talented person who can “grasp the situation correctly and move people around with precise instructions.”

It may not have been the talent Zach had hoped for. 

But it did break down a wall that he thought was a dead end, and it certainly connected the path.

Now, Zach and his team had come to Capital City for a certain purpose.

“Hey. Going somewhere, Zach?”

“Just going to the bar for a bit. Also to say hello.”

“Oh, nice! Have a drink for me too, I’ll come later!”


They left their luggage at the inn and headed to the bar. 

Based on Zach’s experience, adventurer relationships are built in bars. josei

However, they have been operating in Gilbadia as their base until now, so it has been a while since they visited the capital. 

Zach walked around the area absent-mindedly and saw a small bar. 

Although the wooden door looks old, it’s more relaxing than a bar that’s overly luxurious. 

He decided to go there today and as he entered…

“Dahaha! Can’t wait for the next one!”


It might’ve been that it is still a bit early for drinking time or maybe this bar is just not popular, for there were only three customers. 

One person was drinking at the counter while chatting with the owner, and the other two were eating a small meal a short distance away.

“Sigh… what should I do…”

“You’ve been saying that since earlier. Get it together already.”

“Even if you say that… I can’t forget about that night…”

“Coward. A wimp. Petty.”

“… Aren’t they all the same meaning?”

The two people eating small dishes and drinking were wearing turbans. However, there was a melancholic atmosphere around them, making it difficult to approach them.

“Hey, welcome! Haven’t seen you here before!”

Thanks to good timing, when the owner spoke to him, Zach’s feet naturally moved towards the counter.

“Hello! I actually arrived in the Capital today! I’m Zach and I’m an adventurer. Nice to meet you. Also, give me some ale!”


With a practiced hand, he poured ale into a glass and placed it on the table a little roughly.

“I’m Butcho. I’m Butcho, and this is Kolco, who runs a store in the market. Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you, Zach.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you too.”

Zach downed the ale in one gulp.

“Mmm, this is amazing!”

“Wow, you drink well! So, Zach, what brings you here, going all the way to the capital? Oh, of course, if you don’t want to say, I won’t ask.”

“No, it’s okay. Actually, I got an invitation from Aslan Magic Academy. I’m going to be a special lecturer starting this summer.”

“What?! That’s amazing!”

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. The person who was originally supposed to do it had something come up, so I’m filling in for them.”

“That’s still amazing! I don’t mean to be rude, but are you perhaps a famous adventurer?”

“No, not really. I’m just a humble adventurer based in Gilbadia.”

For Zach, this wasn’t false modesty. 

It was truly how he felt. 

He knew there were real monsters in the world than him

“Wait, you’re based in Gilbadia… Do you know Luke!?”


Luke, the moment he heard that name, Zach blew out his ale.

“Why… Why would you bring up that name? Well, I guess I do know him, but…”

“Oh, so you do know him! I’ve always wondered since  he is an amazing magician!”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Luke is an amazing swordsman!”



Are we really talking about the same person?

Zach was asking himself these questions when…

“I want to hear more about this too. Is that okay?”

He turned around and saw the little turbaned girl who had just had a small meal standing there. 

Then, as if in a panic, another tall man with a turban came running and started bowing his head.

“I’m sorry for the suddenness. This guy doesn’t know anything about manners and is always causing trouble for people like this.”

“Oh, it’s fine. Would you guys like to have a drink with us?”

“Huh, really!? Thank you so much!”

In a small tavern with few customers, the conversation was full of surprises for Zach.

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