The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Want a Real Sword

“I’m sorry!! I’m sorry!! This failure is my responsibility!! Please, please spare my daughter—”

As I raised my right hand, the annoying woman crying at my feet finally stopped.

Honestly, it would have been easy to cut off this woman’s head in my irritation. — But that wouldn’t do.

She still had value to be used.josei

“Look at me.”

… Ugly. The woman’s face was twisted in fear and dirtied with tears. Very ugly, almost unbearable to look at.

Indeed, humans lose a significant amount of value if they aren’t beautiful.

“You did very well. Don’t belittle yourself.”

“Ahh… ah…”

“Your daughter followed my orders perfectly and guided us in flawlessly. It was my fault. So you don’t have to feel responsible.”

“Such a thing…”

I stood up and approached the woman.

Then I lowered my gaze to where she was, and put my hand on her shoulder.

I didn’t really want to, but I had to. To bind this woman’s heart even stronger.

Ah, a feeling of discomfort spread throughout my body from my right hand. It’s disgusting. I have to wash it thoroughly later.

“The ‘darkness’ that brings calamity to this world must be destroyed. Please continue to lend your strength to me from now on.”

“…Everything I have belongs to you, my lord. I will serve you with all my heart and soul.”

Looking at the ecstatic expression on the woman’s face, I was convinced that everything I had done was right.

I had no more use for her, I thought, as I let her go.

…This country is truly unfortunate.

I had been preparing for years to overthrow Myrstia, the loathsome dominant power of the old generation, but when it came time to execute my plan, I received unbelievable information about the emergence of the ‘dark attribute’.

In the past war, a single magician with the ‘light attribute’ covered everything, and history shows that Myrstia gained dominance as a result. Therefore, we cannot ignore the ‘dark attribute’ that is its counterpart.

Furthermore, ‘darkness’ nullifies magic. This is not good. It is an absolute power that this country should not possess.

So I leaked this information to each country. Of course, I didn’t make any mistakes that would reveal me as the source of the information.

Everything will be engulfed to eliminate the ‘darkness’. Surely, countries that do not have good feelings towards Myrstia will start to move towards its elimination.

Of course, I moved too. In this country, there were many foolish nobles, so it was too easy to get close to them. 

That was the “Assault on Aslan Magic Academy” this time. Eliminate the “darkness” while still inexperienced, and if possible, abduct it. 

If it can be eliminated, that’s fine.  If it can be abducted, it can be used as our pawn. I could do that. …It was a not-so-bad plan. 

But the result was a spectacular failure.

“Why?” I pondered. There was little information about the darkness attribute. 

“Did that magic tool not function?” No, that possibility was unlikely. I couldn’t imagine it deviating from the framework of magic.

Hmm… oh, didn’t they say, “he’s a noble who also enjoys swordsmanship?” 

At that time, I dismissed it as insignificant information, but could it be possible…? 

Simply put, was it repelled with non-magical power? Trained assassins? A child of that age in a country that revered magic as supreme…? Unbelievable. Or rather, I don’t want to believe it.

No, there is one more.

There is also a story that a useless person who cannot even use attribute magic enrolled this year.

Moreover, unexpected intervention by a third party is also possible…sigh.

I don’t know. There is not enough information.

Hmm, what should I do…


“Well then, Alfred. Let me ask you. How much did you tell Father about the ‘Sword Saint Festival’?”

“…Only that such a thing as the ‘Sword Saint Festival’ is being held in the Empire, I conveyed.”

“That’s troublesome. In other words, Father doesn’t know that the ‘Sword Saint Festival’ is a brutal festival where people die every year.”


“Kukuku…Alfred, this matter must not be spoken of to anyone else. Don’t worry. Whatever happens, I will leave a written record of my will to ensure that you will not be held responsible.”

With the incident with Mia finally settled, my head was filled with thoughts of the ‘Sword Saint Festival,’ which I had been looking forward to for the past few months. 

Therefore, while I do feel somewhat sorry to see the troubled look on Alfred’s face, but I simply can’t yield on this matter.

“There is no need for that.”


“I apologize, Master Luke. I myself have a desire to ‘see’ it. This is my will. Therefore, if by any chance something happens, I will take responsibility myself.”

“…Kuku, you’ve become quite respectable, Alfred. Your will doesn’t matter. My will takes priority, obviously. I’ll leave a written record. This is my decision.”

“…Thank you very much.”

As I researched about the Sword Saint Festival, I found out that they held matches using real swords. 

Of course, it seemed that they didn’t condone murder, but it was silently acknowledged that there was no choice if it resulted in instant death. 

It was truly a serious and genuine competition.

Kuku… this feeling that makes my blood boil.

It was something that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“First, I need to acquire a real sword. I want to choose it myself. We’ll go there directly, so prepare yourself.”

“Understood. Shall I prepare the guards immediately—”

“No need. You’re enough.”

“… Understood.”

After that attack incident, I strongly desired a real sword. 

What I have now are only replicas for training purposes. Of course, the army knights have their own weapons, but I still wanted to choose my own.

Honestly, I am very excited now. Incredibly so. It must be the backlash from the recent increase in troublesome matters.

There is a risk of death. Because of that alone, my father would not allow me to participate in the Sword Saint Festival. 

So, I thought about it.

—I just need to acquire the qualification of an “adventurer.”

If I do that, I can go to the Empire as an adventurer rather than as a noble. 

I wouldn’t need to worry about the troublesome etiquette of being a noble. 

The only concern is the risk if my identity were to be revealed, but I won’t make such a mistake.

“Kukuku… Ahhahahaha!!”


Perfect, isn’t it!! 

With this, I can participate in the Sword Saint Festival without my father saying anything!!

Alfred-san looks at me with an indescribable expression as I suddenly burst out laughing, but it’s fine. I have already done my research.

Let’s head to the blacksmith right away.


“I’m sorry, Zach-san. I took you up on your offer and came along… Here, Ferris, say thank you too.”


“No, it’s fine, really! Don’t worry about such a small thing like that!”

I wasn’t lying with my words.

It’s nothing. When you’re doing things like being an adventurer, you realize how important connections can be.

In the end, these kinds of relationships end up benefiting oneself in some way.

“Plus, you introduced me to so many things. I don’t even know how to thank you…”

“That’s why I’m saying don’t worry about it. But more importantly, about the blacksmith I’m going to introduce you to now…”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Well, his skills are definitely top-notch, but he’s a bit difficult to deal with…”

“What, is that all? It’s fine, I’m good with people.”


Why is he so full of confidence… they are usually expressionless, quiet, and not particularly friendly… but well, they must be good at something in their own way. 

Anyway, it’s a good thing I’m here to support them.

While I was thinking about this, we arrived at the familiar blacksmith’s shop.

As usual, it was a simple, unadorned building that had been converted into a shop. But that was fine.

“This is the place I was talking about—”

At that moment,

“I will not yield to power, I told you already!!!”

A deafening roar echoed out from inside the building, causing people walking on the street to stop in their tracks.

“What the…?”

I didn’t understand the situation, but I immediately went inside.

“… Shut up. Don’t raise your voice. I won’t say it twice, got it?”

The moment I saw the person in front of me, the nightmare that I thought I had forgotten resurfaced from the depths of my mind like a demon crawling up from h**l.

I want to praise myself for not screaming out loud, “What the h**l are you doing here!?”.

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