The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Childhood Friend

…As expected.

A strange light gathered in the sword, and a fake sword without a blade, concentrated with that odd light, released a sharp slash that was equal to, or perhaps even more powerful than a real sword.

What kind of power is this, it’s… different from magical power…? There might have been some important settings, but I’m not sure. Hmm, I don’t understand.

Lately, I’ve been training my sword with this power in mind. I’m convinced that this is the key to reaching even greater heights and power.

While my sword has become faster and sharper… it’s not enough. I can go even higher than I am currently at.

Kuku… as expected, swords are interesting.

“Um… Luke-sama. Can I talk to you for a moment…? Dalkin has something to say actually—”

“SORRYYYYYYYYYY!! It’s because of me, waaaah, it’s me, I’m really sorry! I thought all noble… all nobles— waaaaah!”


Just when Zach arrived here, Dalkin appeared from behind him and ran towards me, crying and rubbing his head on the ground.

… It’s disgusting.

“Aaah, I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! Dalkin is old-fashioned, and— just please listen to his story, won’t you…? This is how it is!”


Zach looked at my face and immediately lowered his head, probably because he sensed that my mood was deteriorating.

I don’t understand it, but I don’t seem to dislike this man named Zach. 

In fact, I could say that I like him. I feel a strange affinity for this insignificant man, even though we just met… Wait, did we fight once before? I don’t remember at all though.


“Please, take this sword… Please!! I don’t need any money for it!! I just really want you to use it!!”

Thus spoke Dalkin, handing me a single sword. 

It was stored in a black scabbard, and when I drew it, it shone silver. 

However, I felt an inexplicable power that couldn’t be expressed with just that. 

The sword wasn’t much different from my replica that I had been using until now, and the grip was comfortable. Hmm, it’s magnificent.

“… This is mithril, right…? Wow, it’s much better than my sword. Besides, mithril is so hard that it’s difficult to work with…”

“Yeah, Zach’s right. It’s a sword made by processing mithril around the core of a black dragon bone. The blade is made from a black dragon fang, and the scabbard is made from black dragon carapace. It’s truly my greatest masterpiece!!”

“B-Black dragon…!? Where the h**l did you get something like that!?”

Ho, Black Dragon. 

A dragon that bears the title ‘color.’ In the lecture on demonology, the teacher said it was a high-ranking monster that followed the attribute dragon Elemental Dragon and the Dragon King Dragon Lord. I liked that teacher because he talked about knowledge that wasn’t in the book.

I was looking forward to the ‘demon subjugation practice’ starting from summer, but those annoying attackers ruined it.

While thinking about such things, I lightly swung the sword I received from Dalkin. 

The definite weight transmitted through my hand and the sound of cutting through the wind felt good. It really is a good sword.

“Dalkin, I’m impressed.”

“Th-thank you very much.”

“Thank you very much!? Dalkin are you… using honorifics!?”

I can’t forgive this guy’s rudeness, but if he does good work, I can’t help it. I’ll forgive him. I’m generous like that.

“But, take the money. Alfred.”


“Wait!! I don’t need money—”

“Don’t misunderstand. Make a better sword for me. This is an investment. Do you understand?”

“Uu, Uuuu… I will definitely, definitely d-do it!”

“Hey, it’s annoying. Zach, do something about him.”

“I’ve to do it again!?”

It’s true that I want a better sword in the future, but I can’t stand owing favors more than that. 

That’s why I said I would pay, but I’m slightly regretting it after seeing the bearded man crying at my feet. 

Oh well, I can leave it to Zach.


“Um, sorry… We just remembered we have something to take care of, so we’ll excuse ourselves here. Sorry for leaving so suddenly. Thank you very much for today, it was really for our sake.”


As soon as they left Dalkin’s blacksmith shop, Canis and Ferris said so.

“Oh, I see! Sure, sure! Next time, I’ll take you to a good restaurant!”

Zach didn’t particularly try to stop them and just saw them off. However,



Luke stopped them. Canis and Ferris felt as if their hearts were being grabbed just by that one word.

“There’s something I want to ask you guys. Let’s talk about it at another time though.”

“…Understood, Luke-sama. Then, excuse us.”


Luke’s words were just that. This time, Canis and Ferris left.

“Umm… I’ll be going around here too…”

Zach also took the opportunity to leave. He had been feeling suffocated ever since he came to the blacksmith and met Luke. He was constantly worried and his stomach has been hurting. 

Luke was a noble and Zach was a commoner adventurer. It was impossible not to worry. His feelings were only natural.

“Zach, take me to the guild or whatever it’s called. I’ll qualify as an adventurer.”


However, Zach’s wish did not come true.

“…I won’t say it twice.”

“Hiii. Sorry! I will guide you!”

Zach had no choice in the matter. Although he tried to make eye contact with Alfred and signal him with his eyes, he was only met with a sharp glare. 

Zach knew that it was futile, and sometimes it was important to give up in life.

(I’m so done…I just want to go back to my friends…)

In silence, they began walking towards the adventurer’s guild. The atmosphere was uncomfortable. 

Usually, Zach was good at lightening the mood with casual conversation. However, he judged that it would be wise not to speak this time, as he didn’t know what would be considered rude. 

If he were to inadvertently offend Luke, it would be disastrous.

Therefore, he chose to remain silent.

“Hey, isn’t that…?”


As they walked, several carriages passed by them from ahead. 

They were clearly owned by nobles. Luke searched his memory but he had not been informed of any visitors by Claude.

At that moment, Luke and Zach coincidentally thought the same thing.

(…I have a bad feeling about this.)

(…I have a bad feeling about this.)

Zach earnestly wished for it to pass without incident. But, as if fate was mocking him, the carriage stopped.

“…The Godwin family, huh.”

Luke muttered to himself as he noticed the coat of arms decorating the door of the carriage. It belonged to the Godwin family, the leading faction of the aristocratic faction alongside the Gilbert family.

Then, the door opened slowly.josei

“Long time no see, Luke.”


A woman stepped out of the carriage. 

Her facial features were very well-defined, but she exuded a somewhat rough atmosphere. She had long black hair that resembled a lion’s mane, a too-rich bosom, and a height that was almost as tall as Luke’s despite being a woman. 

She wore a belligerent smile and had an arrogant gleam in her amethyst eyes.

(She’s big… in many different ways.)

Luke thought to himself as he looked at her.

“…Eleonora, huh.”

“I’m glad to hear that. You remembered me.”

As he looked at her directly, Luke felt like the puzzle pieces in his head that had been scattered everywhere were coming together one by one. Yes, he knew her.

(Eleanora is my childhood friend, from a memory of ‘Luke’ that’s even older than the time I remembered from my past life.)

Luke first felt a spark of recognition when he saw her name listed as number one.

(…I completely remembered now.)

As Claude lost his ambition, the relationship between the Godwin and Gilbert families gradually deteriorated. Until then, Luke and Eleanora had been friends, but they inevitably stopped meeting each other.

Then, when rumors spread among the nobility that Luke had started studying swordsmanship, they became completely estranged.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen Alfred.”

“Long time no see, Lady Eleanora.”

“…I’m happy to see both of you, but…”

Eleanora’s previously calm atmosphere changed completely there.

“What are you doing walking along a commoner, Luke?”


If possible, Zach wanted to escape from this situation with all his might. One great noble was bad enough to handle, let alone two of them. Moreover, he was being directed with clearly negative emotions right now, which was unbearable.

(Why do I always have to go through this kind of thing?!)

He couldn’t possibly say it out loud, so Zach let out a deep sigh in his mind.

“It’s none of your business.”

“That’s true. But I don’t want Luke to do anything that would lower his status any further than it currently is.”


“I couldn’t believe it when I heard he started sword fighting.”

Luke’s anger began to radiate, but Eleanora didn’t seem to care. She didn’t break her smile, in fact, she deepened it.

(No, no, no, no, no!!)

This situation, where a spark could set off an explosion, was unbearable for Zach. He was sweating profusely.

“Hey, Luke. I became the top student at Aslan Magic Academy in just one year. Do you think you can surpass me while doing things like sword fighting?”


Luke smirked quietly.

“We can do it now if you want. The outcome won’t change anyway.”

“Heh, hahaha!… Okay then.”

Eleanora’s laughter echoed, intensifying the dangerous atmosphere even more. The tension was like that of two beasts staring each other down, waiting for the opportunity to sink their teeth into each other’s throats. But…

“Eleanora, hurry up.”

“Yes, Father.”

The stifling tension fizzled out when another voice came from the carriage.

“Unfortunately, let’s make it another opportunity. Well then, Luke.”


After saying only that, Eleonora turned on her heel and returned to the carriage.

(… He didn’t even get off until the end, huh.)

While watching the carriage start moving again, Luke felt intense anger. It was because Eleonora’s father didn’t get off the carriage until the end. It was nothing but a will that there was no need to greet.

“Let’s go.”


“Oh, yes!”

However, Luke immediately began to walk. Zach and Alfred followed suit.

(Eleonora… that woman is my stepping stone.)

Having directly seen her, Luke remembered some original knowledge.

(So by easily defeating a prodigy who became the top in one year, the strength of the enemy called “Luke” is expressed. That’s right… I was only the final boss in the school arc.)

A memory that became a little clearer.

With a renewed determination to gain the strength of isolation and to make sure he would find happiness, Luke headed for the Adventurers’ Guild.

(But what did the Godwin family come here for…)


“What’s the matter, Eleonora? Did something happen with Claude’s son?”

“No, not really.’

“Is that so? Your face looks red though…”

“I’m really okay, I assure you.”

“I see… Hey, what’s with that wriggling movement!?”

After parting ways with Luke and the others, inside the Godwin family’s carriage,

(OMG, OMG, Luke is so cool… He’s gotten so much bigger! And above all, that attitude of a strong person who doesn’t hesitate at all! It’s too dangerous, I would have almost screamed if I let my guard down! … Fufu, if it’s Luke, he can win for me, I think? Ah, I want to fight with him with all my might as soon as possible.)

With a fierce gaze looking far ahead, Eleonora was writhing. 

The divergence where Luke began focusing on swordsmanship had brought a change to her── a change that was not small. (E/N: Uh, waifu acquired?)

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