The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: An Inevitable Reason

“Oh, oh my? Who do I see if not my dear little brother. It’s been a while, are you well?”

“It’s been a long time, brother. Yes, thanks to you, I’m doing well.”

In the Kingdom of Myrstia, the royal castle.

Porupon sighed inwardly upon encountering an unpleasant person. However, he showed not a hint of this in his expression.

He responded with an untroubled smile. Standing before him now was his own elder brother, the first prince of this country, “Alexdra Behi Dine Myrstia.”

“Is that so, that’s good to hear. Come now, come here. Let your brother embrace you.”


Porupon accepted it without any resistance. Despite his brilliant mind, he couldn’t comprehend this behavior, not that it was devoid of revulsion. It was just that he was used to it.

No longer feeling any emotion, all that was left was resignation, thinking “not this again.”

“Haah… you smell good.”


He felt a shiver of disgust.

It seems he still wasn’t used to this kind of creepiness.

Yet, Alexdra showed this side of himself only to Porupon. Aside from that, Porupon considered Alexdra to truly embody the word “perfection.” Until he knew of Luke, he was convinced that his brother was the most talented person in the world.

Therefore, Porupon’s mind was at work. He pondered how he could use this man for the betterment of the Kingdom of Myrstia. At that moment—

“Hey, little brother. —Are you thinking of switching sides to the noble faction?”


While being embraced, the words whispered unexpectedly in his ear sent a shock through him as if struck by electricity.

Yet, such was not enough to disrupt his breathing in the slightest.

“Brother, what on earth are you saying?”


He felt scrutinized, as if being appraised, with eyes devoid of any warmth, only cold, calculating indifference.

Alexdra’s intuition was sharp, almost making one wonder if it was a genetic trait inherited from his father and current king of the kingdom, Mengis, who possessed an exceptionally unique attribute of “luck” that seemed to transcend mere magic.

(Just a little bit… he resembles Luke. …No, on second thought, not at all. I’m sorry.)

Anticipating a possible outburst, he apologized inwardly.

“Hmm. Well, I was just asking out of curiosity. No ulterior motive. But, you know, my ‘intuition’ has never been wrong, so I’m a bit worried. What if I have to kill my beloved brother with my own hands?”

“That won’t happen, brother.”

Porupon smiled.

He gave the most innocent smile he could muster.

Then, a brief silence took over the scene.

“…Right〜, that’s good〜!! Ah〜, come here!!”

Alexdra smiled brightly, as if his mood had suddenly lifted.

While being embraced again by his brother, who was breathing heavily for some reason, Porupon thought. Indeed, this man was dangerous.

If he would not become an ally, then it might be better if he were dead.

Ice Dragon Dia.

She was harboring a rather curious emotion now. She was supposed to be dominated by humans, considered inferior beings, and had been living days drenched in humiliation, anger, and overwhelming fear.

Yet, her human master was going to a place called “Empire,” a place she did not quite understand. And after a few days—how delightful it seemed!

Even if it was just for a short while, she could forget that fear. Now, the only beings around her were insignificant existences that she could kill as easily as swatting gnats, should she exert even a slight bit of her power. What was there to be afraid of? She could reconfirm her status as an absolute powerhouse.

Literally, it was a chance to stretch her wings.


However, why?

Why did her heart, which should be filled with joy, feel so empty?

It was as if there was a gaping hole.

Dia did not know the name of this emotion. Not knowing only served to infuriate her, causing an odd irritation.

“You seem lonely, Dragon-san.”

That’s when she heard a voice.josei

Therefore, she slowly opened her eyes. Below her, there was a human. While she, being a dragon, could hardly tell humans apart, she remembered this one. They were called “Mother,” a term for mother. Though as a living being, she must have one too, she did not know hers.

“―Do not get ahead of yourself, human.”

This human was not “Father,” a term for father.

Therefore, there was no need for flattery.

Right now, Dia was in a foul mood. The inexplicable emotion swirling in her heart would not fade.

It was unbearably annoying.

“Getting too familiar, huh? I have nothing to talk to you about.”

“Oh, come on, it’s not like it costs anything.”

“I’ve said it time and again—”

“Let’s talk!!!”


(What is with this human? Why isn’t she afraid?

Is she strong? No, that’s not it.

Though her magical power is significantly higher than the average refuse around here, she is ultimately still within the realm of humanity. And her magic lacks “color.”

Is she assuming she’s safe because I can’t attack her? No, my dragon senses tell me that’s not the reason.)

Dia became increasingly perplexed by the human in front of her. However, there was one thing she could understand.

It was the presence. Why did she feel something similar to her master, “Luke”?

“My name is Julia. I’m Luke’s mother. Nice to meet you, Dia-chan.”

“Silence. I have nothing to talk to you about. Disappear from my sight—”

“I finally got to talk to you! I’ve been wanting to talk for so long! With Luke gone to the empire, I’ve been feeling so lonely. He seems to be busy all the time, and I’ve been wanting someone to talk to!”


(What is with this human? But—)

“Lonely, you say? What is that…?”

(She mentioned something slightly intriguing.

So, it wouldn’t hurt to listen, just a bit.

That’s all it is.)

“Lonely? Hmm, it’s hard to explain when asked directly. Perhaps it’s the feeling of sadness from not being able to see someone you want to?”

“Want to see…? That’s completely irrelevant. I do not wish to see anyone, but…?”

“Eh, that’s not true! It’s obvious. You want to see Luke, don’t you?”

“Ha!? What foolishness!! Do you even know? Why have I fallen to such a state! If I could, I would tear out my intestines—”

“That’s a lie.”


Dia thought to herself.

(This human is impossible to converse with. She couldn’t understand anything being said.

First of all, why could she speak with such confidence? That aspect also resembled that detestable master.)

“Oh right! I made cookies because I was too bored. I’ll go get them now, so wait here for me, Dia-chan!”

“I don’t want such things—”

“I’ll be right back!”

“Hey! Listen to me!”

(First off, what even are “cookies”?

Really, what is with that human?

So irritating.)

While thinking such thoughts, Dia laid her head on the ground and closed her eyes. 

However, for some reason, the nagging feeling in her heart had slightly dissipated. That’s when—


She suddenly opened her eyes.

Lifting her head, she sharpened her senses.

There was the presence of monsters, many of them, heading this way. But more importantly, there was a presence mingling with them that was on par with her own.

While she could probably defeat it, many here would likely die.

The distance was still significant. Considering their speed, it would take a few days before they arrived here.

Now, what was she supposed to do in such situations?

(That’s right, “Father.” Report to Father.)

“Wait, hold on…”

This could potentially be a significant event.

Yes, that’s right. Since it’s significant, it’s better to report to her master “Luke” first, not “Father.”

This was the correct decision.

She couldn’t afford to be scolded later with, “Why didn’t you report to me?”

Yes, this was entirely unavoidable.

Thus, for such an unavoidable reason, Dia activated “Telepathy,” a form of non-attribute magic.

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