The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 159-160

Chapter 159-160: Elite Earth Knight Liszt

Liszt thought he must've ate a lot of meat for dinner.

He propped himself up.

He has tossed and turned all night, but can't get himself to fall asleep. From the second floor of the castle, he could hear Stupidwoman's whimpers, and it made him more irritated.

Usually he finds it easy to fall asleep, but tonight, he has turned all over but an exuberant feeling seems to engulf him.

"It's only been six months and I have yet to cultivate that bottleneck qi. It seems like I'm breaking through too fast."

He taught of reasons why one's cultivation time can be shortened.

In terms of total qi in the body, he has definitely no less than Marcus'. He came from a good bloodline and was eating well, there was no reason for him to be far behind Marcus who had a commoner origin. Proper nutrition and training makes one breakthrough faster, but the n.o.ble blood requirement transcends all of that, making someone of a n.o.ble origin far superior.

Even at the young age of ten, Liszt was very popular with the count because of his appearance. And though his step-mother came along, he never lacked food and clothing.

But as he grew older, the count gradually became disappointed with him, he was treated less favorably, but it was never to the point of abuse.

Because of this, despite having a good physical form, he still lacked the knowledge and failed to breakthrough to the first level until he became an adult. Only when he transmigrated did he reach the ordinary earth knight level. It would take more than half a year for him to become an elite earth knight.

"Thinking about it, I think it would come normally. I am well-fed, acquiring knowledge, and practicing way faster than normal." But he felt that he was still advancing too fast.

What aspects could he have possibly ignored?

A thought then crossed his mind, "Could it be because of the smoke dragon?"

But he quickly negated this idea, "It couldn't be. I have been seeing the smoke since I was a child and yet I was still slow in cultivating and couldn't breakthrough to an earth knight level then. "

What could be the other reasons for his quick ascension?

"Magical beast meat?" He was eating a lot of magical beast meat lately, and if it weren't for his fast metabolism, he would've had a nosebleed. "Levis' food is definitely not worse than mine and yet last year he was able to ascend to elite earth knight at twenty years old.

Lvera doesn't have bad eating habits,  she even drinks and eats all day in her castle, and yet has not elevated to elite earth knight.

Lytton is only twelve years old and Madam Mary has been boasting that her son will break through earth knight soon. If that is true, then he might be stronger than Levis and I am a little bit behind him. It should be no mystery since half of Tulip Castle's resources was given to him." 

His thoughts wandered again and this time he thought of Tulip Castle.

When he first transmigrated, he was anxious of going there. But over time he became more integrated into the real Liszt's ident.i.ty. His stand about Tulip Castle gradually changed and now he considered himself a true member of the Tulip family.

Or did he?

His heart was not exactly yearning to be the Lord of Tulip Castle.

Also, it is known that if you farm your own land, you won't inherit your family's property.

"Looks like Lytton really is the Count's favorite, he's spending half of the castle's resources just for the boy to cultivate qi faster. The count would do good to listen to the Madam's words or else she wouldn't share her pillow with him.  "

It was Leewilliam Tulip that founded the Tulip family.

At his prime, the Count Sky Knight's qi was also at its peak. He joined the Grand Duke's annual adventures without hesitation. 

Liszt recalled his encounter with his father and even at that moment he felt the sky knight's great valor and sharp wit and knew he was no match for it.

The Count works with water magic. One would think that the water is calm and tolerant, but his water fighting is sharp and critical.

There is no doubt that this has influenced the count's character.

Just like with Liszt who works with fire qi, one would expect that he was restless and full of vigor, but inside he was warm and calm like a spring breeze. He was not a fan of the battlefield, just the thought of it makes him retreat like a turtle's head shrinking. All he wants to do is farm , farm, farm and farm in his Flower Town.

He goes crazy just thinking about it.

Mary and Lytton, the mother and son, did not like them, and Liszt didn't like them either, so they stopped considering each other.

Liszt thought of Lvera, his sister, a 19-year-old with a certain temperament, but was undoubtedly gifted. She broke through earth knighthood at her adult years and haven't leveled-up again since.

It must be related to the female physical form , for a woman's training is generally less intense to that of a man's.

It is even said that there are no female Dragon Knights in this world.

"I can't compare Lvera and Lytton. Basing things with Levis' history, it would surprise people if I transcend to elite earth knight this early. Levis is a superior 21 year old elite earth knight but 16 year old elites are unheard of at all in the Sapphire Grand Duchy.  "

Liszt didn't think that the bottleneck qi reward from the smoke mission should be highly regarded. It would just help him acc.u.mulate qi until he reaches the next level.

"There must be other factors I am not aware of."

He was still tossing and turning in his bed.

His thoughts were drowning him all night.

Another thought entered his mind, "It could be the milk! Three cups of milk in the morning, midnight and evening, and one cup of milk in the middle of the night, four cups of milk a day, plus a variety of dairy products, that's plenty of nutrition!”

He used to think that it was Flower Town's pleasant climate that made the cow's milk so delicious, but obviously, this was just his wishful thinking. Even if the weather was pleasant, milk taste would still not improve, after all, it was not the first time milk was produced here.

The dairy farms here have existed for more than ten years. It should've been long discovered if the milk quality has improved.

He thought again about Glanny's talk about the smoke dragon earlier that day.

"Maybe an invisible dragon came to the dairy farm and influenced the cows? The more I think about it, the more possible it seems. The milk's taste has been improving, indicating what the bloodline of these cows is changing, they are probably already dragon-type cows! “

Flowermilk, Yellowmilk, and Blackmilk are all pregnant, and their milk production has improved, indicating that the bloodline has improved.

Maybe they were just ordinary cows but when they were pregnant they were influenced by a dragon and therefore the calves they will birth will become a dragon-type cows.

Liszt sat up in his bed.

He was now in a heated mood.

Dragon-type cows sound very rare and might be of great value.

“Starting tomorrow, I'm going to focus on the dairy farms. I will provide them with more pastures, especially now with three pregnant cows that must be taken care of so that their calves can be successfully produced!” josei

He couldn't sleep anymore.

He forced himself to calm down and began to practice his qi.

The cells of all his four limbs are constantly producing qi and converging through his veins. He kept it up until the next morning.

The first rays of sunlight came in as the sun rose the next morning.

Liszt suddenly opened his eyes, and at that moment, he felt his body and qi in all his extremities, producing a “fullness” feeling.

Exhausted but exhilarated he said, “I have absorbed the bottleneck qi and became an elite earth knight.”

The sun rose beautifully that day.

Tremblingwoods who was chained to the wall was swinging it back and forth, he was waiting for Liszt to take him for a walk.

At the castle table, Liszt enjoyed breakfast while looking through Glanny Truth's notes. Breakfast was as rich as ever, but this time he focused on milk.

He didn't know if it was just psychological, but after tasting it once or twice, the previously already good milk was now extraordinarily good to him.

It seemed like it came from a dragon-type cow!

“Mr. Carter, please let Mr. Gort know that he is to come to the castle after nine.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Also, tell Mrs. Abby that in the future, I would like to drink two cups of milk every morning and two cups of milk tea at night.”

“As you wish.”

After finishing the cup of milk, Carter took the cup and went downstairs to have Mrs. Abby refill it. Liszt, above them, pondered on his notes t.i.tled, "Sixteen Tips for Conjuring Fireb.a.l.l.s", while leaning on the back of his chair.

He was already in the the elite knight level.

It was difficult to cultivate one's qi by eating meat and drinking milk alone.

At this point, he needs the a.s.sistance of magical potions to increase his body capacity and qi for this will help in furthering his fighting skills. When he reaches a certain level of qi and energy in his body, only then will he breakthrough.

"Today, I will make a bottle of potion. "

How does a sky knight break through and become a dragon knight? Liszt has no answer for this but he does know clearly how an earth knight breaks through to become a sky knight. His father's sky knight breakthrough experience was unreservedly pa.s.sed on to his children.

A simple method is to use potions!

"This is difficult, I have to hand over my black tulips to Levis for three years. But I can hold back the Flame Mushrooms. Those mushrooms have fire magic property and is an excellent potion material to enhance one fire's qi." Liszt immediately thought of Glanny. "Glanny is proficient in fire magic and can make me potions."

Magical potions are the finished products of combining magic and plants.

Most plant potion properties are unpredictable, but has a catalytic effect for one's qi. A few plant potions, such as Fire Mushrooms, have specific properties and can make targeted magic potions. It can also enhance the effect of other chaotic magic potions.

A potion's effect is specific and therefore makes it difficult to compare one potion to another.

But for Liszt, the magic potion made by Fire Mushroom is the most suitable potion.

A mage can conjure two things – magical equipment and magic potions. Because of these skills, mages are ranked among the upper and middle cla.s.s in society.

However, when mages do not obey the rules of aristocracy, knights will run them over.

In this world, regardless of quant.i.ty or strength, knights have absolute advantages. Mages claim to be on the same level as dragon knights, but even though a mage can stand in a fight with a dragon,  it is definitely not an opponent worthy of a dragon knight. Combining a dragon and a knight is not as simple as one plus one but rather a huge power difference is generated.

This is the reason why knights are more highly regarded than mages.

Liszt thoughts drifted again and this time he thought. "Although Glanny's personality is a bit rough and is not as intelligent, he is still a person….Maybe I can find a wife for him in a brothel in Coral City."

Mages do not marry, for in their pursuit of the truth, one should have to give up the pleasures of the world.

But a mage is still a person, and it is more attractive to solve problems together than alone.

"In any case, I still have to make money, and making money through selling potions is a good plan." He slightly regretted selling his black tulips to Levis . At that time, he felt that it would take at least three years before he could reach the bottleneck qi.

He could've sold and produced magic potions, and at the same time save money.

It is costly to reach a certain knight level. One would have to eat a lot of magical beast meat, and in order to maintain the cultivation speed, more meat will have to be procured. This would require one to buy outside and thus spend a lot.

Lords of small towns find it difficult to support such endeavour with potions and magical beast meat being expensive.

Even Liszt who has a seafood business cannot guarantee that he can keep up with the cost in the long run. One would have to save money or think of other ways to gather the necessary resources.

A large number of workshops would have to be built to make Flower Town a processing center for agricultural products.

Black Horse Island should be operational as soon as possible, and the selling of Dragon Horses can certainly bring large number of gold coins.

At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the formation of the Knight's Squad. A territory not protected by a Knight's squad is to dangers.

“Fortunately, we have dragon-type cows which provide me nutrition so I won't have to eat a lot of magical beast meat” A few of milk a day from dragon-type cows can match the nutrition from magical beast meat intake.

Of course, the dragon-type cows have really come in handy now.

After Gort has walked the dog, he came to the castle.

There is no doubt that he has received Liszt's task for him of improving the dairy farm -he has become accustomed to Liszt's sudden orders.

“As you wish, the cows on the dairy farm will certainly enjoy a better treatment Sir!"

Gort excused himself.

Liszt rode on his horse and headed directly to Wheat Village. He was going to inspect the Glanny and Brad's work progress  and urge them to complete the task as soon as possible.

Twelve hors.e.m.e.n followed Liszt, whistling and marching in unison.

Marcus and his group of knights' mission ended when the logging team finished levelling Thorns Ridge. He returned to being Liszt's protector after that, but now he was granted a new task. He was arranged by Liszt to train the children among the serfs.

At present, there are 354 serf children aged 3 to 10 years old in Flower Town, either local or purchased.

Marcus needs to divide them into groups according to gender, age, physical fitness, IQ, etc. At that time, Liszt will arrange appropriate instructors to train the children-to be loyal to his court in the future and become earth knights in the future. 

"Sir Baron!"

There were guards outside Glanny and Brad's house. When they saw Liszt, they saluted immediately.

The apprentice Charlie opened the door, bowed his head, and said, “Sir Baron, would you  like to come in?” Charlie, who didn't understand courtesies at first, now was awe in with Liszt- and for a very good reason. Liszt frightened him and he was shaking just from being near.

Since then, everytime Charlies saw Liszt, he greets him as polite as possible.

“Is your master working?”

“Yes, master is working on the second crystal lamp.”

When Liszt entered the house, he immediately saw the busy Glanny and Brad. Brad had begun sculpting the fifth crystal while Granny had just finished a lamp.

He couldn't help but urge them, “Make haste, Mr. Glanny, Brad. I've had enough of candles, I need those crystal lamps immediately.”

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