The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: Flying Dragons, Asian Dragons and Dragon Beasts

The five huge remains of the unknown creature must have an extraordinary use, and Liszt is yet to find out what. He wanted to put the bones in the gem s.p.a.ce, but the bones were too big to fit and they were all embedded in the rocks and couldn't be pulled out.

“Teacher Marcus, remember, if you can arrange people to dig these out, they can do so. But if they can't , just protect them in place.”


“In addition, I will send people to pick up the other bones from this place and ship them back to Flower Town……I'm just going to open a bone shop in Flower Town.”

Marcus nodded, saying, “These bone fragments will make high quality bone tools. With the amount of debris here, the serfs of Flower Town will no longer be short of farming tools, and the patrols and the rangers will be able to split up the bones to two or three pieces to make weapons.”

Speaking of bones.

Liszt suddenly remembered that there was a dragon bone in his gem s.p.a.ce. According to Kosto, the dragon bone should be from the bones of a superior dragon magical beast.

“Teacher Marcus, do you remember the dragon bone? It is said that the dragon bone is from the skeleton of a superior magical beast, but there's a huge difference between those bones and these bones in front of us. I don't think the gap between an advanced and superior magical beast is that big at all.”

This negates their previous speculation.

Marcus remembered and it made him frown, " If it is not a dragon bone nor a superior magical beast's, then to what kind of creature does it belong to?"

There seems to be no answer formulated in that short amount of time.

The sun was about to set and the group had to leave the valley and return to the temporary stronghold. There was no need to sleep on the boat at night. Liszt had to drag Tremblingwoods the whole way down. Without the dog's snoring, Liszt can rest quietly for a night.

But he still lay on a hardwood bed.

Liszt couldn't sleep right away, he was still thinking about the bones.

“Five decaying bones indicate that they must be from ancient and absolutely strong creatures. In a biological standpoint, these creatures must be legendary superior magical beasts. According to the cla.s.sification of creatures, Superior magical beasts are second only to some dragons. “

In many knight's novels, the Superior magical beasts still make frequent appearances.

But they have another name – Asian Dragons. 

Other high, middle and low-level dragon species of beasts have a unified name-Dragon Beasts.

Even some knight novels believe that dragons are actually a kind of monster, forcing the flying dragons into another kind of breed. This also forced the flying dragons, asian dragons, and dragon beasts together into one breed.

This undoubtedly degrades the n.o.ble ancestry of the dragon, so this type of knight novel was not popular and now only belongs to a niche category. Liszt also disapproves. He dreams of riding a dragon, and telling him that a dragon is just a kind of monster defiles his lofty ideals in life.

This knight novel should be listed as a banned book!

“If it is not a dragon or an Asian Dragon, what exactly are these five bones?” The thoughts in his brain were getting mixed up and various ideas kept surfacing.

He paused for a while and a.n.a.lyzed the right and wrong.

“Asian Dragons are magical creatures. It is difficult to say whether it exists or not. It should be ruled out first … I have excluded gem dragons, metal dragons and elemental dragons. Only sacred dragons are left … Could they be smoke dragons?” He suddenly thought of his cheats ; the smoke task a.s.sociated with destiny.

He always believed that the smoke task was the product of the smoke dragon.

But he is more inclined to have contacted the smoke dragon when he was a child, and then be infected by the smoke dragon. But now, a new idea rises. “If it is a smoke dragon that died and its magic infected me, did that form the smoke task? Did a dragon die on Black Horse Island and infected a group of black blooded dragon horses? “

Those ideas cannot be said to be without logic and rationality.

But if one would think about it, there are some things that do not conform to common sense. After all, the bones have decayed therefore, maybe thousands of years have pa.s.sed. And for no reason, it suddenly infected a little puff of smoke on Coral Island next door. In the memory of his predecessor, he has not visited other islands except Red Crab Island and Beer Island.

This did not include Black horse island that was just discovered.

Furthermore, the description of the smoke dragon, which is generally described as a cloud of smoke, does not contain any claims of bones or flesh, and may disappear directly after death.

There's no reason for it to leave such a skeleton.

“It shouldn't be a smoke dragon, invisible dragon is not right either. The shape of the invisible dragon is very small … Fairy dragon? No, the fairy dragon has unlimited life and can't die … Twilight dragon? Emerald dragon?”

Liszt still can't figure it out.

The night ended.

The next day, just after dawn, he rode Lightning and came to the valley to observe the bones.

The serfs who lived on Black horse island also soon arrived in a team, and started to pick up each piece of bone fragments on the ground. They packed the bones  and transported them to the temporary base. Marcus took the other team and started digging the other four bones to see if they could be dug out and to get a full picture of the bones.

Since the bones did not turn into fossils, they did lose some of their properties.

Tremblingwoods , a bone-loving creature, had no interest in bone fragments on the ground. He followed Liszt while staring at Lightning the whole time and drooling on the floor.

Lightning ignored Tremblingwoods and continued eating the gra.s.s roots leisurely.

Not far away, the Black Blooded Dragon Horse herd grazed on the hillside. From time to time, some dragon horses would raise their head and look in the direction of Lightning. After all, Lightning was still their leader.

“Sir, the second bone was dug halfway but again the other half was stuck in the bed rock. It was impossible to dig.” Marcus came to report.

“It looks like underneath this Black Horse Island is a layer of rock.” Liszt walked towards the new dug pit, jumped to the bottom of the pit, and stepped on the solid rock.

He squatted down, reached out to wipe the dirt off the rocks, and wanted to see carefully what kind of rock it was.

However, he didn't know much about rocks. He just felt that this kind of rock was relatively hard. It seemed to have dense small holes on it, like bubbles.

“Bubbles?”Liszt suddenly thought of something, but couldn't grasp the root of it.

So he commanded the serfs who were preparing to dig the third bone. “Expand this big pit, I want to see more rocks.” He didn't believe that the rock layer would be a whole rock. There must be a broken place where they could pry open a piece of bone and study it carefully.

As expected.

After the serfs expanded the exposed face of the rock at the bottom of the pit, Liszt saw the gap between the rocks.

Only as the bottom of the pit was continuously enlarged, the soil was removed and more and more rocky surfaces were exposed. He suddenly found that the rocks were very orderly, like a basin-sized hexagon. And there was a high and low distribution between the rocks, like a staircase in a row.

“It……”Lister finally seized the inspiration he had just come up with, “It's a basalt column!”

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