The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 119 - Actions Done In The Shadows

Chapter 119 - Actions Done In The Shadows


"Ouroboros, distance yourself. I'm not sure to what extent I'll take this training, so it's better for you to distance yourself," Apollo warned, urging Ouroboros to move away as far as possible. With his current intentions during training, there was a chance of him causing a turbulence within this place.

If Ouroborus was too close, there remained a chance he could suffer injuries. Due to his current attainments, when wielding his demonic technique, there was still a small instance in which the initial aura was uncontrollable. Naturally, this was another reason the system had yet to reveal the prompt he sought.

Until he reached perfect mastery with his current techniques, the step beyond would forever remain an enigma. Nevertheless, that wasn't much of a worry seeing as his current progress was both worthwhile and continuously hastening. Although he didn't train properly with the Annihilations or the Baneful Steps in these past few months, his other actions caused small increases as a supplemental effect.

"It's okay, Master. Whatever technique you want to use will not hurt me. Did you forget? I absorb your power, so my internal composition matches yours," Ouroboros replied, blinking curiously. 

"I'm aware, but sometimes my techniques inflict damage to myself, ego, me warning you beforehand. However, if you feel you're strong enough then I won't implore you to distance yourself. This may even serve to benefit us," Apollo determined, rubbing his chin with a trace of intrigue flowing through his eyes.

'I don't know Ouroboros' special abilities, therefore, this should be an opportune time to test out my theories,' Apollo thought to myself. After some time, he took a stance—the one he used right before executing the Partial Shade Silhouette.

This time, however, wasn't like the rest. Before enshrouding himself in the half mantle of the shadows, he stimulated his Demonic Anima. As a result, the blanket of aura that seeped from his body possessed a far darker color. Additionally, it emanated an aura of death along with it, like some being of the most baleful energies was coming to life.

'As I thought, Natural Essence was one of the barriers restraining me from deepening my understanding of this technique. Prior to creating this Anima, the Partial Shade Silhouette, other than feeling dark, possessed no other sensations. Thus, feeling incomplete. Luckily, this is no longer the case.' Apollo smiled without restraints.

Disappearing, embers of flickering shadowy flames detached from his body as he moved. The feeling coursing through his was like no other. His body felt as if it was a fish returning to freshwaters.

However, while unaware, Xezym rose from the shadows still masking his presence. This odd presence of Demonic Anima, in his mind, gravitated towards the dark variation of Natural Essence. But, when Xezym's perception delved deeper into Apollo's aura, he found he understood nothing.

'What is this energy he's using. It seems similar to the Natural Essence of this world but then, when stripped bare, it is fundamentally different. I would even dare say it's far stronger! Moreover, it's...nefarious,' Xezym mused, spectating Apollo's actions. 

This was a first, although he was a spirit from a higher world, he had never before seen an energy so evil in its base form. Despite being curious to know more, Xezym made no movements, his vacant eyes gleamed, inspecting Apollo more closely.

'Hm? I shouldn't make any moves, lurking within him seems to be something extremely dangerous. Is this... energy I feel, and is it sealed? What is this youth? No wonder he has tickled the attention of my Lady. It seems he indeed holds secrets; ones that go deeper than we can possibly understand. It's his fortune my master isn't one to scheme. If so, she would have never been able to form a contract with me,' Xezym thought, a hint of pride apparent in his mind.

However, that was his blunder. Albeit, short, Apollo paused. 'What is this I feel? I feel a presence but…' His eyes danced across the room but once again came up clueless but that didn't mean he was without his own thoughts.

'Someone has to be watching me. If so, their cultivation base is many times higher than mine to conceal their presence like this,' Apollo internalized, his eyes alternating between different corners of the room. Unbeknownst to him, he was looking in the direction of the cloaked Xezym, who, for a moment was shocked.

If this lad found his hiding spot he would have found that absurd! As he was now, his cultivation was equal to that of a Spirit Lord. One must know, this was the 4th realm of Spirit Cultivation! Not to mention, a Body Cultivator was not equal to Spirit Cultivator. 

Their disadvantage lay in the fact a Spirit Cultivator possessed the upper hand of numbers! They retained the ability to summon their contracted spirits. Additionally, unless there was a special set of circumstances, a Spirit Cultivator usually possessed some type of cultivation in Body Cultivation.

Of course, not all could go far on this route. During the selection trials, this would be tested as well. After all, a defenseless Spirit Cultivation was a useless tool on the battlefield. If you entered the clutches of the Terrors with a weak body, your demise was inevitable. For this reason, those who climbed the rank of the World Reclamation Task Force were few and far in between.

'I must report this to Lady Sapphyr, this boy doesn't realize it but his senses border on the line of making contracts. Perhaps, this is why that beast follows him obediently. If she can, it'll be in her best interest to recruit this young boy,' Xezym surmised, understanding what he needed to do next. 

Rather than showing himself, Xezym retired to Apollo's shadow completely. At that time, the watchful eyes Apollo felt on his back vanished, 'The presence has left but that doesn't mean they won't return. It's better not to show my secrets. Hence, I'll stick to my two basic tactics for now.'

As he settled his mind on tempering his grasp on the Partial Shade Silhouette, Apollo leapt to the other side of the room. There was a convenient panel located on the side with dials to tweak the atmosphere. However, there were only two options to do so; calibrate the gravity and temperature.

'Hm, I wonder how these two aspects affect training, let's find out,' Apollo shrugged, turning the dials. Consequently, his first attempt, he turned it far too much, nearly smashing into the ground. With his actions, he increased the gravity by over 25 times!

It had to be known, on Astarat, the gravity was twice that of Earth and 3 times that of Apollo's previous world. In short, this new feeling was foreign to both his mind and body but that wasn't only for a moment. 

While he wasn't able to move properly, his body twitched causing his muscles to spasm. Furthermore, his pores opened and closed while expelling a thin film of Demonic Anima; a bronze layer appearing on his body allowing him to slowly acclimate to the changes.

'Interesting. Is this the high adaptation ability of demons, Azridan mentioned? Oh! There's Hellfire in this film. What's more, the Hellfire and Demonic Anima appear to harbor thoughts of mixing. Unfortunately, it seems to lack a catalyst,' Apollo analyzed the power.

In due time, he rose to his feet. Exhaling, he closed his eyes before visualizing a weapon. The Demonic Anima interacted with his thoughts, gravitating towards his palm. Before it, the air roiled, a crude weapon appearing. It looked to be a cross between a spear, scythe and staff. In essence, it was what he was most familiar with—a long weapon.

Tapping his foot, Apollo took a heavy step, a footprint appearing in the ground. In addition to the step, he flung his arm, a crimson arc billowing forth. Unlike the usual happenings, the arc dissipated just two meters away from him.

The increased gravity interfered with the strength of the Demonic Massacre Wave but this is what Apollo sought. Only when it was difficult to use would he understand the moves at a fundamental level. Similarly, trying to perform the Partial Shade Silhouette resulted in a flickering and thin mantle cloaking him.

The issue lay with his meridians. The gravity affected the output and flow of his energy whereas the temperature hampered the interactions with the atmosphere. As it was now, the environment inside the room rivaled the weakest areas of the Demonic Linked Worlds.josei

Of course, Apollo wasn't aware of this. What he was doing was, in essence, preparing himself for the future. Meanwhile, this state excited Apollo. While continuing to deepen his understanding of both his body and his techniques, he entered a frenzied state.

Even when exhaustion engulfed his body, he disregarded. By no means would he let this experience go to waste. Chancing upon self-enlightenment was a crucial yet elusive moment to cultivation. 

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