The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 128 - A Grand Shock

Chapter 128 - A Grand Shock


23 hours later, 

"I believe it's time you awaken. While you have made great strides in your cultivation, the time for registration approaches. It'd be a shame if you missed it due to overzealous cultivation," Xezym warned Apollo, jolting him awake.

"How long has it been?" Apollo muttered while a shade of darkness flashed in his eyes but dissipated shortly after. Needless to say, Xezym discerned this silently.

"Nearly one day. There is still time for you to make last-minute touch-ups but there really isn't much to accomplish in the approaching two hours. After all, it appears you've made some type of breakthrough during this session, correct?" Xezym glanced at Apollo, nodding at the change in his aura.

'While he doesn't have a dark source, his understanding of the shadows has undergone substantial growth. Perhaps he is a special case and doesn't require the existence of these things typically needed for humans,' Xezym speculated, extricating his gaze from Apollo.

Now that the end of his cultivation time grew near, Apollo rose from the seated position. It was time he headed to do other things. Any other progress could be made through practical use.

"I appreciate your demonstration, it has helped me," Apollo thanked Xezym before leaving the relatively undamaged room. While he didn't exacerbate the damages already present, there were still some discrepancies within the operations. Naturally, this wasn't his fault so he wouldn't be blamed for it.

However, this left a question in Xezym's mind, 'He utterly destroyed the previous rooms yet was unable to do anything here. It seems my assumptions were true. He hasn't reached the level of the Scions. Each one of them is capable of tearing this space asunder should they will it.'

While Xezym ruminated over this, Apollo exited the premises. After heading downstairs, he caught wind of Sapphyr but didn't approach her. This was due to the unfamiliar female standing before her, seemingly much older. However, between the two there was an uncanny resemblance.

As Apollo passed by, he opened his ear eavesdropping on the situation at hand. When he heard the topic of the conversation, his eyes widened and his ears perked up. Based on what he heard, something was amiss!

"Ugh! Not only did you disgrace the family in the past, but you also can't even handle grunt work? Do you wish for me, your mother, to live a terrible life until the end? From young, I have groomed you to be a stellar child, yet look at your current appearance. Despite all our hard work… you still couldn't become a Scion. You know the Supremes don't accept anything less than yet," Sapphyr's mother frowned, but inside her  voice was hurt.

Due to Sapphyr's past transgressions, Teresa, her mother, bore the brunt of her decisions. While at first, she was silent about her qualms with the situation, after experiencing the sordid actions of the Braum Family, she needed an outlet.

"I understand but there isn't much I can do, you know what she did! My talent isn't the same. Let alone Scion, I'm not even a Glory of my generation anymore," Sapphyr sulked, vexation appearing in her eyes.

At this sight, Teresa's heart softened. She raised her hands cupping her daughter's cheeks "I know...don't mind my words. I've been trying to hold on to my sanity but every day it is tested at the torment of that woman. I don't understand how such a disgusting being can be alive," she sighed.

"Ahem...excuse my intrusion but I have a question. Who in the Braum Family are you talking about?" uttered a voice that appeared out of nowhere. A slender figure with luxurious silver locks and an extremely beautiful appearance emerged before the two. However, while her countenance was beautiful, her countenance was cold.

All Sapphyr did was spare the newcomer a glance but afterward, her expression darkened, "No one called for you Sarai! Leave," Sapphyr scoffed.

"I wasn't talking to you now was I," Sarai asserted, an overbearing crashing down upon Sapphyr. Surprisingly, besides her, no one else was affected by the pressure. This alone spoke volumes of the newcomer's control over their power. As it was now, Sapphyr was far from their match.

With each passing moment, the pressure bearing down on Sapphyr increased, bringing her to her knees. Witnessing this sight, Teresa frowned, "Stop, stop stop! She is your sister, how can you be so cruel?"

Meanwhile, as this took place, Apollo watched silently. Not only was he amazed by the situation, but he was perplexed by the events that lead up to this. From their conversation, all he obtained was obscure bits of information. However, what he did understand was this person and Sapphyr shared a relationship.

"Hmph, half-sister. Your useless blood runs through her and that is the reason she is so weak," Sarai snorted, abolishing the pressure on Sapphyr, allowing her to gasp for air. "This is the reason you aren't welcomed in the family. Father was right to disown you. Even the new generation of Braum will easily surpass you; you disappoint me."

'Wow, such malice from this woman. She puts that Krystella lady to shame. This is what you call a true venomous existence. It's a shame the world is like this,' Apollo thought to himself, shaking his head.

He had seen enough, turning around to depart from the area. Additionally, it wasn't his place to offer assistance and quite frankly, he would be useless. Up against that type of power, he'd simply be asking for death.

No sooner than he left, however, did he have to turn back; something else far more surprising happened. Xezym appeared brandishing his slender obsidian sword, "Release her!" 

"Heh, Kraydin, come forth," Sarai chuckled, a spatial portal opening revealing a knight adorned with polished, slender black armor. Vibrant, golden eyes shone through the cracks in a majestic helmet, an extensive tassel swaying in the breezeless air.

"Are you sure you want to raise your sword? Once I raise mine, I will not relinquish it until your end is nigh," Kraydin threatened in a grim tone.

In response, Xezym frowned. It went without saying, Kraydin was far stronger than him. First of all, he wasn't a normal spirit but rather a Heroic Spirit. This meant two things; the weapon he wielded also possessed an awakening ability and part of his power was always sealed.

Additionally, this meant he had surpassed the Spirit Lord level. In comparison, Xezym wasn't one. Not only had he not awakened, but his weapon wasn't something unique to him.

"All I ask is that you release her. Hasn't she been tormented enough? She is already considered a commoner, why tarnish her more like this?" Xezym frowned, feeling untold sorrow for Sapphyr.

"That is not my place, I simply act upon my orders," Kraydin answered, paying no heed to Xezym's plea. Similarly, Sarai didn't spare a single glance. Not once had her eyes filled with disgust left Sapphyr.

"You know, sometimes it isn't you that I blame, but Father. While he is strong, he is also weak. You possess no martial talent, only beauty but that is worthless. A good heart? That's useless as well," Sarai peered at Teresa, "If you never appeared, the Braum's would have given birth to a better heir and become the Empyrean Family but no, we still reside at our current level."

Unable to respond, Teresa choked, looking down at her daughter. At this point, it wasn't herself she was worried about but rather her. "What happened to the gentle girl you used to be? Why are you like this now? Has the pursuit of power corrupted all of you? I don't understand, after what you seek is achieved… what will you have left?" Teresa's voice trembled.

"Hmph, I think it's better you leave Pangea Island. I don't wish to see you ever again. If I do…" Sarai paused, summoning a slender, golden rapier from her palm. A second later, it pressed against Sapphyr's throat, drawing blood, "It will be the end of you."josei

Several moments passed in silence before she responded but when Sapphyr lifted her head, both Kraydin and Sarai were nowhere to be found. Having to suffer this kind of embarrassment once again, tears flowed down Sapphyr's cheeks.

The somber atmosphere grew when those who witnessed the scene unfold began to murmur. Everyone on the island was familiar with each of the families controlling an entire district, however, this one, the Southern District was free reign. There was no ruling family nor did scenes like this appear.

Hence, those in the perimeter were surprised but soon enough, a booming voice was heard. "All of those present clear the area!"

'Oh, I know this voice.' Apollo thought to himself, glancing behind himself. Although he heard a voice, he saw no one. However, he soon felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Well, if it isn't that little lad from years ago're not so little anymore are ya?" Irauk chuckled, with a mischievous smirk. Before Apollo could respond, he raised his finger, flicking Apollo on the forehead. Behind the flick was a heavy force, sending Apollo hurtling into the grounded Sapphyr.


'That's for lying to me in the past, you young brute,' Irauk muttered to himself, lifting his lip into a sneer.

Meanwhile, Apollo held his forehead groaning but had yet to realize he laid on top of someone, lips pressed together. When he did, his eyes widened in shock.

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