The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 1984

Chapter 1984: Ranking to Money (3)

Chapter 1984: Ranking to Money (3)

Translator: Artemis060

Leaving the Mission Hall, the group of people were ready to go back.

But on the way, Su Luo had the feeling of being watched.

However, the way back to the Blue Cloud Peak had to go through a secluded mountain road.

Su Luo looked at the communication jade on her wrist, the corner of her mouth raised into a cold sneer.

She also did not avoid the path, but followed the way she came, the speed was not slow.

After a quarter of an hour.

In a secluded place.

A group of unexpected guests suddenly appeared!

There was a ridiculing smile in her eyes, it seemed that trouble had come.

"Stop!" A cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Su Luo looked at the group of people with a smile.

In this group of people, each and every one of them was tall, strong, and had a stocky build. At first glance they looked like a powerful warrior. There were twenty people, but she didn't know any of them.

"Who are you?" Su Luo folded her hand, looked at them coldly.

"Loathsome girl, we are members of the medicine gang." The sturdy young man on the opposite side said with a sneer.

"Medicine gang?" Su Luo raises her eyebrows.

Zi Yan hurriedly went to give information to Su Luo, then Su Luo knew that it was the same Medicinal Pills Trade Union that gathered all the Apothecary and monopolized the market of medicinal pills.

"These people were the hired thugs of the medicine gang. They deal with things that are difficult to deal with in person." Zi Yan added, "It's said that the leader of the Medicine Society is the top three expert in the Dragon list of the Genius Training Camp!" josei

So it's like this, Su Luo nodded slowly, then, her red lips slightly hooked, coldly glanced at the group of people: "What do you want?"

"Without the permission of the Medicine Gang, who let you sell medicinal pills? Are you looking for death?" The sturdy young man stared fiercely.

Su Luo sneered: "It's free to trade in Taobao Street, what is Medicine Gang? Why do we need our permission?"

"Oh! Brothers, did you hear that? Dare to despise our Medicine Gang, hahahaha-" When the sturdy young man laughed, the group of people followed him and laughed, as if they heard the funniest joke in the world.

Su Luo and the others frowned, their faces were cold like the frost, they were in rage and ready to jump at their throat.

Su Luo prevented their action with a wave of her hand.

Then, she looked at the group of people on the opposite side with a smile: "Don't you just want the points we earned today? To be honest, it's not that difficult."

The several sturdy young men looked at each other, could it be that this robbery so easy this time?

Su Luo sneered: "But you have to tell me, is the Bright Moon Hall involved in this matter?"

The sturdy young men blinked a few times, then blinked again… Although they didn't confirm it, they also didn't deny it.

"It really is them!" Zi Yan said angrily, "Qing Yi and Lu Yi, they didn't succeed last time, but they started again so quickly! I won't spare them next time I see them!"

"Hey, have you done discussing it? Ten thousand points, quickly take it out." The group of sturdy young men surrounded Su Luo and the others, approacheing them step by step.

There were more than 20 people in their group, the worst one was 10 Ranked, and the highest one was Commander Ranked. It seemed that all of them had extraordinary strength. Su Luo and the others was totally not enough to beat them, so they were so arrogant.

"We have discussed it, these points -" Su Luo smiled, but the voice hadn't fall yet, suddenly, a cold figure flew in.

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