The Demon's Soul

Chapter 15 Feelings- Part 2

Chapter 15 Feelings- Part 2

At the wedding, soft music played in the background once the ceremony was completed. The bride and the groom dancing on the floor with relatives and friends surrounding them. The gown Lilly wore was so long that she had to pick the front of it to make sure she didn’t trip and fall down. Deciding to take a seat at the table where she could continue looking at people dance, she walked towards the table and took a seat. Her cousin Nate, who was dancing with a woman waved at her and she waved back with a smile. It had been quite long since the last time she had met all her relatives at one location. The wedding had been beautiful, from the venue to the vows that were exchanged, Lilly loved every single bit of it. She was happy for Sophie, the bride and also her cousin to have finally settled down with the man she loved.

Lilly was sipping her lemonade when an elderly woman came to sit at her table. She looked posh, dressed in the finest material of silk, her thin lips painted red. She stopped the waiter who was walking by, picking up a glass of wine and taking a sip from it before she placed it back on the table. josei

Not minding the lady, Lilly played with her straw until the woman decided to speak to her, "What’s a human like you doing here? I thought humans weren’t allowed here," she tsked her face showing a bored expression.

Guessing the woman didn’t know about her, she answered, "I’m Julius and Ellen’s daughter, Lillian," to see her nose cringe as though the wine had suddenly turned bad.

"Oh, it’s you. God knows what is wrong with the demons-adopting a child nonetheless a lowly human girl. People like your parents are not only tarnishing their names but also bringing our reputation down."

"I don’t think you know about it. But my parents hold a fair reputation by not having or allowing narrow-minded people change their decision, "Now, if you’ll excuse me," Lilly smiled at the lady and left the table. She had come here for vacation and she wasn’t going to humor an old lady who had no clue about coexistence.

"Lilly," she heard Nate call from behind and when she turned around, he engulfed her in his arms to give her a bear hug, "I didn’t get enough time to talk to you! How have you been? I wish you came a day prior to the wedding," he asked pulling her with him as they walked. Nate was four years older to her. He was her company when she was small before they moved to Spain.

Unfortunately, their time was cut short as Lilly was called by her mother later to meet and greet the guests who had arrived at the wedding. Finally slipping away from the guests, she went to sit this on the other side of the venue where she wouldn’t be bothered by any guests or would need to put up a smile on her face. She rubbed her jaw tiredly. But it seemed that people wanted the seats at whichever table she picked.

"Is this seat taken?"

Lilly gritted her teeth before schooling her features to look up at a male standing there with a black suit. He was the same person who had accompanied her when she was following her duties of being the bridesmaid. She shook her head to see him take a seat, "We didn’t get to introduce ourselves before, I’m Tristan," he said raising his hand.

"Lillian," she replied shaking his hand.

"Are you the bride’s relative?" he asked, his eyes set on the dance floor with a smile.

"Bride’s cousin. How about you?"

"Groom’s best friend’s younger brother."

After exchanging polite words with each other, he asked her for a dance and she politely refused. Nonetheless, Tristan stayed at her table, talking to her until she got up herself as it was time to leave.

"I wish, you could stay longer," her cousin Nate said, wiping his nonexistent tears from his cheeks, "Why aren’t you staying again."

"I have tests and school. You have more free time than I do! You should come to visit me instead," she suggested.

"I will. But I really did wish you could stay," he hugged her.

"I know," she hugged him back, "Visit me soon ’kay?"

"Sure, thing. I would like to meet this person named Ace too," Lilly who was looking at her parents talk to her uncle, suddenly snapped her eyes on Nate.


"So he is someone. Did you know that your reactions are so obvious," she dragged him to the side so that her parents couldn’t hear them, "So what’s cooking and what’s brewing in Lilly’s mind and heart?"

"There’s nothing brewing. How did you-"

"You forgot to lock your phone and just happened to see the message pop. Don’t worry I didn’t look further into it. I am a man who respects privacy," he crossed his heart solemnly. Lilly wasn’t sure which message he read because there were many!

"Thank you," she sighed knowing she could trust his words.

"Boyfriend?" he leaned forward and whispered.

"No, but I think I like him...Can you keep it a secret?" seeing him zip his lips, she smiled, "Thanks, Nate."

Reaching back home after a smooth flight, Lilly went back to school the next week as usual. Since she had arrived, Ace hadn’t sent her a message, not even a reply to the ones she had sent him. Gwen had caught a bad cold when she was away. Thankfully the boys didn’t have soccer practice due to which she had Sam accompanying her for few of the classes they shared.

Completing attending all her classes, she started to walk to the bus stop from her school. On her way, she met two sleazy looking men, who now whistled at her. Why was this always happening to her? she thought in her mind. Quickening her steps she heard one of them say,

"Want to have some, babe? I know a motel downtown-" his speech was interrupted with Ace’s fist colliding against his face. The man fell down unconscious. Both Lilly and the other man who wasn’t hit looked shocked. Seeing his partner down and Ace glaring at him, the man thought the better and left his partner lying on the ground.

"Hey," she greeted Ace who looked angry.

"Whey aren’t you replying my messages?" he asked his anger which was yet to simmer down.

"I had to take a test and my phone was in silent. What happened?" she asked to see him sigh.

"Nothing. I thought you were ignoring my messages," he muttered under his breath. Hearing this made her smile, "Let me drop you home," he offered which she happily complied.

On her way home, she didn’t understand what had made him angry. Was it what he said about her ignoring him or had he been worried for her? The speed of the motorcycle had increased gradually, halting only when they reached the front of her house. Getting down from the bike, she saw him look at her house.

"I am sorry about before," he apologized as she got ready to leave, "I- You got me worried. If something like what happened today repeats, call me. I’ll be there in no time," he said looking into her eyes and placing his hand on her cheek. He leaned forward, getting closer to where she was and at the same time she heard her house gate open which broke her dazed state. Pulling away quickly, she caught sight of the intense look in his eyes.

"I need to go," she breathed, sprinting from there and quickly running to her house. She placed her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beat erratically. Peeking out of the main door she looked if Ace was still around but he wasn’t. Tapping her chest to cool down, she got inside the hall to find her father sitting on the couch with her mother next to him. Her father was usually not at home at this hour of the day and she wondered what was up.

"Your home," her mother greeted, getting up from the couch to go and place a kiss at the side of her temple. Something was definitely up, thought Lilly while looking at her parents.

"Hey, honey," her father greeted, raising his hand for her to come and sit. She walked to go and sit next to him, occupying the seat her mother had just left a few seconds ago.

"What’s going on?" she asked them worried.

"We have something important to discuss with you. I want you to hear it out completely before jumping into conclusions, okay?" she nodded getting more anxious as time passed, "The demon king with the others sent a marriage proposal for you. I am not exactly sure why it’s being done right now. But these are the orders from the higher-ups."

"Marriage?" Lilly asked taken aback before cracking a smile thinking her parents were joking but they weren’t, "But I still have school to complete."

"You don’t have to decide it right away. For now, all you have to is meet and spend some time with the man. Just like with your friends," Lilly looked at her mother who had was standing at the window with her back faced to them now.

"Why is the king interested in getting me married to someone? Seriously dad-"

"Just go and meet him, Lillian. That’s all you have to do. We aren’t forcing you to get married right away but for now please," her father patted her hand with his, "For mine and your mother’s sake. Will you please go meet him? You already met the name so it wouldn’t be that hard."

"Who is it?"

"You remember a man named Tristan, don’t you? You guys met at Sophie’s wedding."

At night, Lilly walked back and forth in her room. Was she going to get engaged? What about her feelings? And why was the demon king trying to get her married to somebody who wasn’t even his relative! Exhaling loudly, she got up from her bed and almost felt her heart jump to see Ace sitting at the edge of her window.

"Ace! How did you get in?!"

"Your window is really wide. Isn’t that difficult to spot and get in? Is this how you got out last time?" he asked her, taking a look around her room. Walking quickly to her room she turned the locks before any of her family would get in.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him worried.

"Why did you run away?" he asked, standing straight to walk towards her slowly.


"Why did you run away today?" he repeated his question, his walk like a predator cornering its prey, "I know you like me, Lilly. Don’t bother denying it," he said coming to stand right in front of her.

Her mind was an absolute mess. There were so many things going on today that it was getting hard for her to comprehend exactly what was going on. Before she could say anything, he pulled her towards him, circling his arms and placing his lips on hers to her surprise. Her eyes went wide and she couldn’t fight the sweet temptation anymore. Her lips moved with his and she leaned forward as he tipped her chin to angle the kiss. Tracing his tongue between the seam of her lips, he tightened his hold over her. Snaking his tongue into her mouth he kissed her like there was no tomorrow but only today and this moment which was theirs. When they pulled apart her face was on fire, her breath harsh.

"Now," he said calmly like he wasn’t affected by the kiss, placing both his hands on either side of the wall, "Why did you run away?"

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