The Demon's Soul

Chapter 18 Secret- Part 1

Chapter 18 Secret- Part 1

"That’s right. But did they find it?" Regorzil asked her father, taking a seat at the dining table like the rest.

"I don’t think they have. The last time I heard, it was told that the humans lost sight after the war that broke down at the island, "A search was set but no one found it. In my opinion with what happened there, it must have been destroyed."

Lilly shook her head when her mother nudged her forward for her to go and take a seat but the demon king had been kind enough to ask her to sit next to him. Taking a seat next to him and spreading the napkin on her lap which she rarely did, she passed the food around the table as her mother joined them.

She looked at the two men who sat in front of her. One of them had a lean built body, his hair bleached grey or maybe it was naturally grey. His actions were soft and delicate, his elegant fingers cutting the meat on his plate carefully. The other person next to him had bright red eyes with blonde hair, not shying away from hiding his sharp canines that peeked every time he spoke to the grey-haired man. Putting two plus two, she realized that he was a vampire. She had never come across a vampire and this might be the first time to see one and that too so close. The man who sat next to her father was the one whom she felt wary about. His hair black and eyes which were in gold slits with an intimidating face who spoke the least at the table.

"That’s because you were so proud of it that you kept it for display at your mansion. I should have known you would lose it," the grey-haired man glared at the vampire.

"It was protected with magic," the man defended himself.

"Honey, if you could pass the salt," her mother asked her.

Lilly lifted her hand about to pick the little container when it suddenly floated in the air and reached her hand like a magnet. Wide-eyed she looked at it, wondering what just happened. Passing the salt to her mother, her eyes met the vampire’s eyes.

"You didn’t introduce the young lady here, Julius. We know about her but I don’t think she knows," the vampire spoke with a smile.

"Pardon me. Lilly this is Canrart who is the vampire king," her father introduced him, "And this is Elvis who looks after the witch realm," he introduced the grey-haired man who smiled at her warmly. He looked to be the only sane and comfortable to look at at the table, "This is Weshes who is the dragon king," the intimidating man gave a curt nod before going back to his meal.

"We hope that you do know, there are five realms in this world. One for the humans, one for the demons, one for the vampires and the other two for the witches and dragons," Regorzil, the demon king explained which she was already aware of.

"So, she’s the one you were talking about?" she heard Elvis, the witch, ask the vampire sitting next to him in a low tone. Lilly saw Canrart give him a nod.

"She grew up just pretty," the vampire commented making her blush.

"Poor thing is sitting right there. Don’t be so blunt," Elvis murmured, only for Canrart to be heard.

"True," Regorzil agreed to the vampire’s previous comment, "Ellen and Julius brought her well. She looks like a little lamb," Lilly just wanted to die out of embarrassment. Did they forget that she was at the table, with them? "Only if things were different I would definitely ask her to be one of my son’s wife."

"Better luck with that," Elvis raised his brow while Canrart smiled drinking his wine. Lilly again felt there was something going on in the background she had no clue about. It was her gut feeling.

"And Cole has become good at this hide and seek. I should probably lock him up once I catch hold of him," the demon king continued with his fatherly woes.

"What about yours Weshes?" Elvis asked, trying to add him in the conversation as he seemed to be an unsocial butterfly but the man did respond, his voice deep, "He took off somewhere after the engagement to the lady Catherine set him up with. We are giving him some time," he replied a little tense and Elvis didn’t pry further.

"I wish I had kids of mine," Elvis sighed, "Its so hard to find the right person, does not make it easy when your sexuality is different."

"Don’t be hard on yourself," Canrart said taking hold of Elvis’s hand in his, "You know you can rely on me if there’s anything bothering," Elvis’s cheeks turned slightly red at it and swatted his hand away.

"Canrart!" Elvis scolded him while clearing his throat.

Lilly didn’t comment at their silly behavior and she wondered if the kings of different realms had free time to be so laid back. Thinking it would be rude to stare, she completed her meal and went back to the kitchen to see Rose sitting on the stool, eating cherries. Taking some from the bowl, she put it in her mouth. Looking at her mother talking the Canrart, Lilly asked Rose,

"Say, Rose. Is the vampire king gay?"

"He is bisexual, why?" her reply was nonchalant.

"Oh, nothing. I think I saw him hitting on the witch, I mean Elvis," she said remembering his name.

"Hmm," she hummed thoughtfully, "How should I put it. Elvis is gay and the vampire king lost his wife years ago. They just share some weird chemistry. It is cute to see them bicker like children," leaning towards the dining room Lilly saw Elvis’s cheek had turned red as Canrart spoke. It looked like the witch was trying to ignore the vampire. The guests stayed until evening, having some tea before they departed in their luxurious cars.

Lilly had tried calling Ace again to only find his phone say it was out of coverage. Maybe he had gone to the demon world, she thought biting her lip. To pass her time, she went to her father’s study to borrow the book titled ’Five Realms’ which listed out the main people of the different worlds. Sad thing she found out was one could only turn to be a vampire and never a demon because it was impossible.

"What are you doing reading such a boring book?"

Lilly placed her hand on her chest as she gasped in surprise to see Ace in her room. He was a sneaky person to get inside without her notice. Coming to sit next to her, she looked at the page she was reading.

"Where were you? I was worried," she said to see him smile.

"I had gone to the demon world. Sorry," he apologized.

"That’s alright," she saw him scrunch his brows and look around her room.

"You had visitors," he stated.

"I did. Kings of the four realms arrived for lunch today."

"Is that so. Was there any reason for them to come?" he inquired to see her shrug.

"I don’t think so. By the way, how do you travel to the other realm?" she asked him curiously. Even though her adoptive parents were demons she had never traveled to the demon world.

"We, the creatures of the other world use portals to come and go. Every world has it at specific points," he answered, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. His finger lingered on her skin for a while before withdrawing away.

"That must be really cool."

"It is. Enough of the realms," she felt him lean forward and lean a kiss on her forehead, "I missed you," he whispered before placing his lips on hers. She missed him too.josei

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