The Demon's Soul

Chapter 27 The vampire kingdom- Part 1

Chapter 27 The vampire kingdom- Part 1

I was in deep thought when the car jerked. Opening my eyes I saw through the window that it was raining. josei

"The weather might be a little rough until we reach the kingdom," Jack said as he drove the car.

"I see."

When we started our journey it was only drizzling but as time passed it started raining slowly. Jack, Luke and I were the ones in the car. Dad had stayed back in Presxail, the witch-kingdom. I wouldn’t have understood his decision of sending me to the vampire kingdom while he stayed back if he hadn’t told me the reason. Though mom was dead, Elvis said he might be able to get her back as her soul hadn’t left her body completely. My chest felt lighter hearing it and so did my mind.

Dad wanted to stay at her side during the process and told he would visit me soon. In two days that was. He also kept giving me this weird speech about how I was destined to be with someone else and not Ace. That fate had something else planned. It was really hard to follow what he was saying.

Elvis had also insisted on Canrart to stay so that he could fix his arm but Canrart dismissed it with a wave. He said it was better to take me to their kingdom as a storm was going to appear soon and he was right. The sky had considerably darkened even though it was noon and the speed with which it was raining was increasing by every few minutes.

"Does it always rain like this here?" I asked out of curiosity, outside the car it was turning foggy.

"Actually yes, it is the monsoon season now after all. It rains day and night in this region," Luke replied. Canrart was driving in a separate car while we followed them behind. Wiping the window with my hand I saw the view. The forest was thick and the raindrops making sounds on the roof of the car.

Leaning my head on the window I sighed. So much had happened in a span of three days. Gwen and I were looking forward to the weekend but it was a disaster. Cole after speaking to his father took Gwen along with him to his kingdom, which was after Gwen spoke to her parents.

"It’s a good thing we have the witch king working on Mrs. Griffin," Jack said making a conversation, "I’m sorry for what happened. I should have known the boy was lying," he said.

Ace...the thought of what he said did hurt. Everything was a lie, every moment we spent and it hurt now.

I shook my head to it, "It isn’t your fault. You saw him only once," I said rubbing both my hand together for heat. I shivered slightly at the cold temperature. Jack had switched on the heater but was of no use.

The side of my head bumped the window, making me wince in pain.

"We’ll be driving faster. Hold on," Luke had increased his driving speed quick after that, "There are people following us," he said making me blink.

"What? Where?"

Turning behind I saw there was no vehicle that I couldn’t see much with the fog-like atmosphere. There was some kind of moment and that’s when I saw a couple of people running towards the car. They were fast moving vampires. Undoubtedly they ran like a vampire but they weren’t one. They had a wolf-like a face, running on hind legs and leaner than a vampire I had ever seen. I was going to ask Jack what they were when one of the cars in front of us drifted on the wet road.

"What are they?" I asked him panicked. Looking at the window, I saw there were others like them approaching through the forest.

"Crossbreeds. There’s a bag under the seat having silver guns. Take it out," Luke instructed as we hit a rough patch on the road making the car jump and I hit my head for the second time today. Pulling the black bag out, I took out the guns, "I don’t think we’ll be stopping any soon until we reach the gate of the kingdom," he spoke.

"That’s fine by me," I said looking at the crossbreed bare their teeth out at us, which wasn’t pretty.

We were driving fast taking turns to dodge and a race towards the gate of vampire kingdom. We saw one of the cars take a quick turn and stop due to which Jack hit the brake suddenly making my head hit the roof of the car. Damn that hurt. Hopefully, I wouldn’t have bumps like Tom, the cat.

"Give me the guns," Luke said turning back and I handed them over to him, "Stay here and do not get out," he said quickly before going out of the car.

I saw Luke, Canrart and another man, who I guess was Canrart’s driver shooting the crossbreeds. With the sound of rain pouring down from the clouds, the place was echoing with sounds of continuous gunshots being fired.

There were at least seventeen of them around. I saw one of them charge towards Canrart but he shot it right through the forehead, making an empty hole there. Jack had a lesser reflex as he was a demon but he made sure to keep them at a distance. Luke was busy fighting the crossbreeds when one of them sneaked up behind his back baring its teeth out to attack him. The next second Luke had turned behind using both his hands to tear its mouth horizontally, killing it in the process.

While I was looking at the fight, I heard a screeching noise and turned around to only come face to face with a crossbreed who was standing right outside the window. It banged the glass making me jump. Was the car bulletproof? The window got smashed due to the crossbreeds banging. Nope, not bulletproof. It tried reaching for me as I fumbled with the bag that had guns in it. The cold and fear were mixing as my hands shivered. I pulled the trigger and the bullet went straight to its shoulder. I waited thinking it might go away but to my dismay, it got more ferocious.

I went to the front seat when it tried reaching for me and got inside the car. Opening the car door, I got out leaving the crossbreed behind in the car. Angry raindrops fell on me as I searched for the others. When Luke saw me, his eyes expression turned a little angry.

"What are you doing here?! I told you not to get out of the damn car," he demanded furiously.

What the heck was going on? It was like my life was going way fast with a lot of bad surprises. Was this what dad was trying to tell me?!

I was fated to be with Luke?

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