The Demon's Soul

Chapter 39 Claim- Part 1

Chapter 39 Claim- Part 1

"I’m sorry, milady," Charlie apologized with a slight bow to his head, "Let me introduce myself, I’m Charlie Wells, prince of the Salas, second cousin of Lucian and Canrart in blood." josei

"I’m Lillian Griffin," I introduced myself and saw him nod.

"Forgive me for my previous statement about you being his blood bank."

"That’s okay," I said not minding it and saw him smile.

"Lucian!" we heard a woman call Luke. She had the palest skin compared to everyone present in the room now, with her brown hair cascading down her back. She looked as tall as Luke himself, wearing a three-inch heel.

"I’ll be right back," he said to me before walking towards her and a group of elders.

"You are different to what Luke usually goes for," I heard Charlie talk who was standing next to me while I saw Luke talking to the women and an old man.

"I can see that," I agreed to nod my head. The woman was beautiful like a sculpted doll that Luke was with right now, I could see the subtle flirtation she was trying on him.

"Not the appearance," he said and I turned towards him, "Luke has been with women wild nature, spoilt and arrogant to be specific. You, on the other hand, seem to look patient which is needed if you’re going to live with him for an eternity."

"How are you enjoying the party so far?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Truth or lie?"

"Lie," he picked.

"It’s amazing, especially when you know so many people," I said to which he laughed.

"That bored, huh. Weren’t you searching for food?" he asked, "Let me show you where the food is." I looked at the direction where Luke was and saw that he was busy talking with them. I followed Charlie as he began walking, leading me to where the food was displayed.

Seeing so many varieties on the table, I didn’t feel that hungry anymore and chose to eat a bowl full of fruits. We took an empty table to sit so that I could eat comfortably without standing. Charlie sat quietly next to me, sipping his drink in regular intervals as he looked at people without blinking his eyes. He looked more like a robot to me now.

"Staring is rude," he said feeling my gaze and turned to face me.

"Aren’t you doing the same?" I asked him with my eyebrows raised and saw his lips curve. He leaned towards me,

"They don’t know, I’m staring at them," he whispered in a low tone, "Moreover, you will miss the little things that happen here. Like there," he said looking at one corner of the room where a woman was standing, "She is furious with her husband as he’s cheating on her and over there you can see mischief in the air, I believe someone drank blood from a human. And then there," his eyes fell where Luke was.

"He’s watching you discreetly when you aren’t looking in his direction. I’m not sure if I have to categorize it as cute or creepy," Charlie said, taking another sip from his crystal glass, "I thought it was a prank being played when they said Lucian was going to settle down but now that you’re here it must be true. So has there been any classes given to you on how to be a Queen?" he asked me casually.

"No, Heather didn’t say anything about it so I think I’m off the hook for now," I replied and he gave a curt node hearing it, "Is it necessary?" I asked him.

"Usually it is after all you have to handle the vampire kingdom along with the King but I don’t know what Luke has planned-"

"Charlie, the party is boring," a boy around my age interrupted us as he came towards our table with a girl and sat down. He had bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair, "Couldn’t you do something different this time? You’re such a bad host," he huffed.

"I have already heard it this evening, Simon" Charlie replied as his eyes shifted to me, I sat there embarrassed that I had called his party boring when he had asked me.

"That’s so obvious, the only people who are enjoying are the old people," the boy named Simon said and scrunched his nose like he was trying to detect a smell, when he looked at me his face lit up like Christmas light, "A human," he stated.

"Will you let me have a drink?" he asked me eagerly and I heard Charlie mutter, "This should be interesting."

"By the smell and look, I don’t think she has a good quality of blood in her," the girl spoke annoyed, "I would be careful if I were you. We don’t know what these things carry." What did she mean by I carry things! And did she just call me a thing!?

"Are you a doctor?" I asked her.

"No, why?" she replied making a face as though she was offended that I was talking to her.

"Then you don’t know what I carry unlike you who carries yourself with a bitchy attitude," I said and saw her nose flare.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? You filthy low-"

"Another word and I’ll have your tongue ripped out from that pretty mouth of yours," Luke said appearing from nowhere to sit next to me, "And on another note she’s mine, so no one is allowed to drink her blood. Not even a drop, is that clear?" he asked.

"Yeah," Simon said dully leaning back on the chair, "Where did Cassie go?" he asked turning his head.

"She got ticked out," Charlie replied and then spoke to Luke, "You know how she is when it comes to humans, Luke. Don’t be harsh on her," he said and I saw Luke smiling at the entrance.

"Let’s see, what I can do," he said and turned to talk to me with a frown, "Why are you eating fruits? Didn’t you like the food here?" he questioned me.

"Not that hungry anymore," I replied and heard him hum in response.

"Let’s move to the main hall, the events should begin now," Luke said holding out his hand for me and I awkwardly placed my hand in his.

"Mm, prey. You guys go ahead without me," I heard Charlie murmur looking at a girl standing near one of the large windows. She looked younger and definitely a human by the way she stood there rubbing her hands due to the cold wind blowing in through the window. Was he going to attack her? I looked at Luke and seeing the expression on my face he spoke,

"She’ll be fine, Lillian," he assured me and we walked from there towards the main hall.

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