The Demon's Soul

Chapter 47 All that matters- Part 1

Chapter 47 All that matters- Part 1

"Master Luke," one of the creatures spoke behind the dusty staircase, "We didn’t know you were visiting."

"Would you like to have the meal, master," another creature spoke and whispering began in the entire room.

"Is that your fiancé?" Sam asked me who was standing next to me.

"This person?" Marc exclaimed turning his face towards me with his eyes wide and I gave him an uneasy smile.

"MEROL," Luke called out the name loud enough for the windows to rattle.

"Yes, Master Luke," said the familiar voice of the creature I had spoken to before. josei

"What did I say before letting you dwell in this world? You are allowed to touch only the ones with that are nearing death," Luke said assessing dark creatures that had crawled into corners of the house right now in fear.

Something caught my eye as Luke spoke to them. There was a shadow that was bigger than the other creatures behind the door.

"The girl smells-"one of the creatures began to only be silenced by him.

"Quiet. No one touches the girl. Prey else were," there was swishing noises as though the wind was blowing in here. He then turned his gaze towards me and asked me in a clipped tone, "What are you doing here, Lillian? This isn’t a safe place for you or your friends. You put yourself in danger," he said as he walked to where I stood.

"I’m sorry I wanted to check few things before heading back but I’m alright," I said while he assessed me for few seconds with his dark green eyes. I then realized my friends were standing there with us, "This is-"

"I know," he interrupted me, "Rick, Sam, and Marc. Did I get that right?" he asked them who just nodded.

He was talking to Rick when his facial expression changed to a serious one. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he pushed me behind him and pulled his shiny gun out. A loud bang echoed through the house which was caused due to the gun. I turned my head to see what was going on and felt my eyes widen at the sight of the four crossbreeds. Their wolf-like face was baring their teeth out while their lean legs moved towards us. Luke pulled the trigger as one of them charged forward, hitting it straight at its head without blinking his eyes.

"Waaaaaah!" Marc screamed as another crossbreed stood right in front of him. Not wasting a second Luke turned his gun, pouring the bullets into it until it fell limp on the dusty ground.

"This is why it is dangerous, bloody crossbreeds," I heard Luke mutter under his breath.

"I thought they couldn’t cross over to this dimension. Did the tunnel weaken?" I asked Luke.

"I guess so, they must have followed our scent to come here," he replied looking around and making sure to see there weren’t more of them, "Let’s move out of this place and get something to eat," he suggested placing his hand on my back. I gave one last glance to the house, searching for nothing in particular before we stepped out.

We weren’t that hungry but a stop before heading back to the lounge was a good idea. Sam seemed to be in deep thoughts as we left the abandoned house. Rick was the one who was interacting with Luke, making decent conversations while Marc behaved like a little kid who met a Santa which made me wonder if he had made Luke his role model after seeing him fight.

I didn’t get how the crossbreeds crossed over. Weren’t there guards watching over the tunnel? And how was it that no one noticed them? Something didn’t feel right but I didn’t know what it was.

"So who won the soccer game?" I heard Luke ask as he ate his rare cooked steak. Luke was a smooth talker. He was speaking to them as though they were his friends and not mine while I sat looking at them.

"St. Anton’s did. We got second," Marc answered him coughing a little, "Hey can I look at the revolver?" he asked Luke eagerly who shrugged and passed it to him. Marc had been coughing since we left the haunted house and I wondered if it was due to the dust.

"What were those things back there? Werewolves?" Sam asked.

"Crossbreeds," Luke replied, "They are the outcasts of our society, cursed by the moon and sun a long time ago. They hunt all kind of beings which makes them the most dangerous being on this or any land."

I felt the food was just an excuse Luke had made to have more time with the boys or to observe the surrounding. I was now leaning my back on the car as I held the cold drink in my hand and feeling its temperature spread over my skin. Luke had to check with tunnel maintenance guy before we head back and the boys had tagged along. Marc and Sam to be checking the tires of the car while Rick stood next to me.

"I feel your hiding something. Your spacing out since Luke came, what is it?" I heard him ask and I turned to face him.

"You always do," I said raising the can to take a sip from it.

"Don’t dodge the question, Lil," he had his eyes narrowed at me and I let out a sigh.

"I’m not sure, Rick. It’s one thing to love and it’s another thing to love and not know," I said as a car passed us, lifting the dead leaves up on the road for it to only fall back, "I don’t remember Luke," I said as guilt filled up in me.

"Remember?" he asked tilting his head, "Didn’t you just meet him a few days ago?"

"I did but that’s not the thing. I-I’ve been reincarnated," I confessed, "Rick, I died in my previous life because my father wanted to sacrifice me to bring his dead wife back. Luke and I were lovers back then. I don’t remember it and my father of my previous life is back again," I whispered the last part. Rick took in the information without expressing any surprise on his face and spoke after few fleeting seconds.

"Firstly, we’re sorry that Ace turned out to be that kind of person," I opened my mouth to tell it wasn’t anyone’s fault but he shook his head, "We’re your friends and protecting each other from any harm is our duty. I’m glad you knew him for only a short time. Love is something that comes naturally. I’m sure you will as time passes by and remember about your past," Rick said as we heard Sam and Marc laugh about something, "Personally I found Ace shady unlike Luke who I noticed is bold, he seems like a strong person mentally and physically, therefore, we know he’ll keep you safe in the supernatural realm and away from that psycho father who wants you."

I nodded and smiled at what he said, "I guess."

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