The Demon's Soul

Chapter 74 Trailing back- Part 2

Chapter 74 Trailing back- Part 2

Though Marc was part of them now we didn’t know what the crossbreeds would do to him. They were creatures who sought out for blood without any remorse, like a wild instinct. It would be equal to treason if Marc turned to a complete crossbreed.

"Don’t worry he’ll be fine. I’ll look for him, I did promise to drive away your worries and fear, didn’t I Lillian," he said kissing my temple.

That night as promised, Luke headed out in search of the crossbreeds with Elvis. It was said that the crossbreeds roamed on the land freely at night making it easier to hunt them down. I wanted to tag along but they had shooed me away telling me that they would be back in an hour.

I sat on the bed now, turning the card in my hand which I had received this morning. The writing was back and it hadn’t vanished.

"Your answers are your keys while the questions will take you forward. Beware not to peek into another as guilt will only seep into your soul making it worse. Taking back to trails," I read out and furrowed my brows, "Trailing what?"

It was possible that it was a trick card made by witches. I remembered something, reading about cards as such that were used during Halloween. It was a simple card that was used in the supernatural world to show a trick or a treat for someone but the witches that made these had gone extinct therefore it was very expensive to buy a card as such.

Taking a deep breath I said, "Trick or treat."

In the beginning, nothing happened but then slowly the edges turned black, spreading until the entire card turned black.

Treat it is! Goodnight sweet dreams!

A goodnight card huh. Well, goodnight to you too, I wished it in my head and the card vanished in the thin air.

Yawning, I puffed my pillow before placing my head on it to only be pulled into a dream. A dream I had forgotten which was part of me.

She sat under the tree plucking out the grass from distress. Her brows furrowed in worry while she looked ahead to see if he was there yet but when she didn’t, she went back to plucking out the grass.

"Not that I mind but that’s a lot of grass you have there," she heard the man she was waiting for speak above her.

"Lucian," she said his name while he jumped from one of the branches, "How long have you been here?" she asked.

"Enough to see you tear out the grass," Lucian replied dusting his hands together.

Hearing this she turned red in embarrassment.

She had known him for two months and now they had become acquainted with each other.

When Lucian ran his hand through his black hair looking at the demon town she took in his features. Eyes as dark as the green forest, black silky mane, and a smooth strong jaw.

The irony was that she called him a devil in disguise, only if she knew how right she was.

"You look bothered," he commented looking at her, "What is it?"

"Ah-its nothing important," she said waving it off.

"Is that so. Then I shall take my leave, I have other things to attend to," he said ready to leave.

"Wait!" She exclaimed making him smile slyly, "I-I...."

"Yes, Lillian, you?" She knew he was teasing her.

They were acquaintance, like friends. How was she supposed to explain that she had grown to like him? The feelings she felt were like a hurricane that didn’t let her rest.

She knew well that the man she had fallen for was a Casanova. A man who had bedded plenty of women. She didn’t mean for it to happen but it did anyways. That wasn’t the only thing bothering her.

The reason for her distress was that her parents had found her a suitor.

"My parents have picked a man for me to marry. As my mother’s health is deteriorating they think this is the best time. He’s one of the Lords nephews and they have decided to get us engaged by next week," she explained her situation.

He kept quiet for few seconds and then spoke, "You don’t know to cook nor are you elegant. I pity the man. I sure wouldn’t give you points," she felt a pang of hurt in her chest and she threw the stone at his face to only be dodged, "And you have a bad aim."

"Like you have trophies hanging on your shoulders. You are mean, bad mouthed at times and for no reason pick fights. On the other hand, the man I’m marrying is decent, polite and a complete gentleman," she said with narrowed eyes and grumbled under her breath, "You should learn few things from him."

"Of course, princess," he replied sarcastically and soon they began arguing about pointless things.

Lucian leaned on the tree looking at Lillian head towards her home.

He knew what she had intended to get to when she began speaking and had also seen the hurt in her flash in her eyes. He liked her company, a woman who wasn’t someone he used for his sexual needs and after his title.

She didn’t know who he was, in her eyes he was a wandering stranger like a nomad. And he preferred to keep it that way until the time came. Giving her false hope wouldn’t do good to either of them but when she spoke about another man he felt a tug in his heart, like invisible strings were pulled.

Ruffling his hair, he sighed. She was messing his head.

Something moved in his line of vision and he was quick to catch its neck, "Look what we have here, spying are we?"

It was one of the shadowed creatures from Hell. What a wonderful father he had, who wanted to take part in his life, he thought dryly.

"Master Lucian," it squeaked feeling Lucian’s nails dig into it’s body, "Merol was just passing by."

"Is that so, Merol? Well then pass by soon and pass this message to my father too. If he keeps his nosy-self fuck out of my life, I’ll meet him in a months time," he said digging his nails deeper to make his point clear, "Now go."

Soon the engagement day came and Lillian was engaged to an eligible demon bachelor in their town.

At night, Lillian locked her door and wept to her heart’s content. Looking at the ring on her finger, she took it out and threw it on the floor. A tap on her window startled her and she wiped her eyes with her sleeves only to see Lucian standing there.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with her wide eyes.

"I came to see how you were doing. You look terrible," he commented as he lazily studied her.

"You need not concern yourself with such trivial thing," she retorted childishly and began searching for the ring she threw.

"Do you know you’re the butterfly and I’m the spider?" she heard him say but she was too busy searching for the ring to understand what he just said, "Are you searching for this?" Lucian asked holding the ring in his hand.

"Thank y- what are you doing?!" she whisper-yelled at him when he casually threw the ring out of the window like it was a piece of dirt, "Why did you do that?! That was my engagement ring."

"More the point. Now that you don’t have it you are un-engaged," was his instant reply.

"That’s not how you do it. I belong to someone," she said feeling a light headache form.

"That’s right, Lillian. Let me show what an actual engagement means," Lucian said pulling her into his arms and kissing her on her lips. Even though she was engaged to another man, the man her was the one that called to her heart. It was wrong yet so sweet.

Taking slow steps he pushed her towards the bed and she let out a gasp of surprise when his lips traveled towards her neck, giving small chaste kisses. He then pulled back from the blushing girl under him,

"I don’t share, Lillian," he said. He w-


I suddenly woke up to see a maid with a frightened look on her face in my room.

"I’m so sorry, Mrs. Knight. I’ll get this cleaned right away," she mumbled before getting out of the room. josei

During breakfast, I felt weird after my dream from my past. At times I could feel my heart beat loud enough for my ears to hear it whenever my eyes met Luke’s eyes.

On the other hand, Luke looked off. Of course, he smiled but it was like a ticking bomb that could go off any second and it wasn’t just me who noticed it. Was it about Marc?

When we went back to our room, Luke went straight to take a shower. As I evened the sheets on the bed, I saw a card fall down on the floor.

It was another trick card and I wondered what it held. A zap like flash of memory suddenly played over in my head and I turned my head slowly to look at the envelope which was addressed to Luke.

"No," I whispered feeling the blood drain down my face.

It was a memory when Ace had cornered and kissed me in my room. This was the reason why Luke was in a foul mood.

Before the card burnt itself it read ’Love from father-in-law’ and there was a small sign. Lucifer.

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