The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 339 Gift For Black Witch

Chapter 339 Gift For Black Witch

5 chapters today


Morpheus took Aureus to a dense forest around the valley at the base of mountain which belongs to the valley elves and the dangerous animals nurtured by them.

"What are we going there for? To visit any clan inside these dense forest like those orcs?" Aureus asked.

"We sure are going to visit a clan but before that we need to prepare something to make the old grumpy witch happy," Morpheus answered as they continued to fly towards the valley.

"Witch?" he asked, "Other than Lady Cornelia is there someone above her?"

"Not someone above her but we are going to visit a Black Witch," Morpheus answered, which made Aureus frown, "I don't find myself interested in meeting that kind. Why are they even staying in this kingdom?"

"I know you have a bad opinion of Black Witches due to the experience you had with them but I wish to show you not all of them are bad. In fact they are pitiful ones who are struggling to survive. Let's not make things difficult for innocent ones just because of a few evil ones."

"King Draven, does he approve of it?"

"He is the one to allow them to stay in Agartha when everyone in this kingdom opposed it," Morpheus replied, "and for that I admire that Dragon that he didn't let his anger and sorrow take over his rationality and didn't punish the innocent."


"Are all humans you stay with good?" Morpheus asked.


"You got your answer then."

Aureus understood what his uncle meant and nodded as they finally landed inside the dense forest.

"Do they live in such dangerous forest?" Aureus asked as he observed the dense surrounding.

"They don't live here but we are here to collect a precious herbs that grumpy old witch prefers to have with her," he explained further, "Be careful, this forest is full of some dangerous wild creatures that is why Black Witches don't come here as they are already weak in powers. Make sure to be alert.

Aureus nodded as he followed his uncle in that uneven, tall grass covered path with so many tree around.

"We have to look for one specific plant which you won't see everywhere but once you find one, underneath you get a treasure of what we are searching for." Morpheus' sharp eyes continued to search something with a focus and soon his gaze caught what he was looking for.

"Come with me," Morpheus instructed as the two walked ahead.

Morpheus stopped in front of an ordinary looking small plant which was almost hidden by the grass which was grown almost a foot tall.

"This plant?" Aureus asked.

Morpheus nodded and kneeled on the ground, "Under this plant. We need to get part of its roots without killing this plant.

Morpheus started to dig the soil around the plant carefully with gentle movements of his fingers. Aureus kneeled in front of him and started to help as well. Soon the roots of that plant were being exposed and it caught Aureus with a shock.

"Are these the roots of this plant?" He observed thick and strong roots under the soil which seemed to have belonged to any big tree but this tiny plant.

"Don't be deceived by the size of this plant. It's a precious plant which grows its roots firmly under the soil. Even if it gets killed, some other will grow on those strong roots and it keeps living. We need to cut a part of the root which is not too close to this plant and won't affect it."

Aureus understood and saw his uncle cutting the palm size big part of the entwined roots. It was strong and Moroheus had to use quite a lot of strength to cut it.

"What do they use it for?" Aureus asked as he observed it carefully.

"These roots help to diminish the effect of black magic on one's body. That old witch also needs it to keep her body nourishing after she was injured in war. It helps her to regain her strength which she loses after using her powers for any use. She makes pills out of it for herself and others who need it."

"So it's basically a medicinal herb."

"Hmm, which is helpful for black magic users."

They collected the roots and flew away towards the village of the Black WItches.

From the sky they saw a small isolated village with few huts and one prominent cottage. "Here we are. Village of Black witches- Millow Circle."

"Is this the name of a village?" Aureus asked.

"Yes," and they flew towards the ground towards the particular cottage. Just as they landed on the ground, in front of that old cottage, they heard the voice of an old woman from inside the cottage, "You are here again? You won't leave this old witch alone?"

"As long as you are alive, I don't plan to," Morpheus replied with a playful smirk. "But I also brought a gift for you so you keep living and get bothered by me for a long."

The door of the cottage opened and an owner of the voice stepped out, "You annoying child," and she looked at Aureus, "you brought a guest as well."

Morpheus offered her smile in return and saw Leeora coming out behind her. It shocked Morpheus that why Leeora was here as it was not something usual. "Leeora?"

"Why are you so surprised? Can't she come here to meet her old friend?" Zelda commented as she continued to walk towards them.josei

"Of course she can," Morpheus said but looking at Leeora he was sure she was bothered by something and must be here to seek help from Zelda. For now he decided to keep it for later and let Aureus know about the Black Witches and their powers and not all of them are evil.

Leeora walked forward as she offered them a smile, "So, today you are introducing Black WItch territory to your Nephew?"

Moroheus nodded and then introduced, "This is Myra's son, Aureus," and then he looked at Aureus, "This is the Elder of Wood Elf clan, Leeora and this is Elder of Black Witches, Zelda."

Aureus greeted them with a light nod and heard the two women who said it together, "He looks like Myra."

"He sure does," Morpheus agreed and they heard Leeora, "I will wait for you to bring Aureus to the Wood Elf clan. For now I have to take a leave."

Morpheus agreed and Leeora left. Morpheus put his hand forward and the root appeared on his hand, "Old witch, this is for you. I hope it will help you get rid of your grumpiness."

"Grumpy, you are the one," she frowned and without a delay accepted that root from him. "I am not going to thank you for this as you came here announced."

"You can save that thank you for later. For now, you can offer us tea," He said.

Without replying, the old witch turned around to go back inside her home carrying that precious roots herb

"You can come inside if you want," finally they heard her when she reached the door.

Morpheus looked at Aureus, "let's go."

"Doesn't look like she is happy to welcome us," Aureus said as he was conflicted over being unwelcome.

Morpheus chuckled, "That's her normal way of welcoming guests. You know old age and once mind can…."

"I can hear you, Eagle. Old age didn't affect my hearing senses," they heard Zelda as she entered inside her home.

"See, she is asking us to come inside," Morpheus said as he walked ahead.

'When did she even ask us to?' Aureus wondered and followed his uncle.


A/N- The Double Golden Ticket event has NOT started yet. Please hold onto your Golden Tickets. Once the event starts, I will publish a new chapter to inform you all. <3<3

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