The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 346 A Whistle

Chapter 346 A Whistle

Inside the King's study.

Due to their agreement yesterday, Morpheus' return would entail that not only the council members, even the leaders of the cities had to coordinate with the Commander of Warriors. That was why despite it being early in the morning, Draven had summoned the necessary people who needed to know he had handed over the matters related to the security of the kingdom to Morpheus.

"The number of warriors who will be in patrol on land and in the air—"

"They must take this route and switch shifts—"

"About the ongoing strife between the humans and the elves at the border, the bare minimum manpower—"

"Have the witches strengthen the protective formation—"

Hours later, their discussion finally came to an end and everyone inside the study was dismissed. A certain shapeshifter stayed back until only two people were left inside the room.

"I plan to visit my friend before leaving," Morpheus said in a casual manner, the serious expression he wore earlier already shifting into a carefree one. His tone implied he wasn't particularly asking permission, but more like simply notifying Draven who had returned to sit in his chair behind the desk.

"Go ahead," was all Draven replied as he read the documents the people from earlier handed for him to review.

Morpheus left the study but instead of walking through the hallway, he flew out of the building. To his surprise, Ember was standing in the balcony of her study and she seemed to look bored. He could have gone to visit her by letting a servant inform her of his arrival, but that would be too dull. It was still more entertaining to visit her his usual way, randomly, surprising her with his appearance when she least expected it.

Though her scent would affect him, he was determined to control himself. The matter he was meeting her for was much more important- her safety and stopping something hurtful from happening.

As planned, his sudden landing on her balcony made her nearly jump in surprise.

"What—-Morph! Ugh, you scared me!"

As she complained, she kept her hand on her chest to calm her heart.

"The Queen of this kingdom can't be this delicate,"  he commented as his majestic wings folded behind his back. "Tsk, scared by nothing."

"I am not scared, just surprised, and I am not a queen," she frowned.

"Not officially yet but you will be soon," he said and walked towards her. "What are you doing here spacing out?"

"Just thinking," she replied with a pout, her expression seemingly saying, 'You made me mad so I won't tell you.'

"Oh, is that so? Will you tell me what you are thinking about?"

Seeing the familiar lopsided smirk on his face, she grumbled under her breath. In the end, she let out a sigh and looked the shapeshifter in the eye. "Morph, is it fine for me to try to find my identity?"

This question puzzled him for a moment. "Of course. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, it is a logical thing to do, but why are you curious about it so suddenly?"

Morpheus was aware of her lack of interest in her past. She was content embracing her identity as 'Ember Aramis, mate of the King of Agartha' and living her life forward. For Ember, only a single woman, her nanny, mattered to her about her past.

At the same time, he was also aware of her real identity: a royal princess from a human kingdom. Because her parents had abandoned her, she was forced to live a life like that of a beggar, scraping food for survival, instead of being pampered and showered by luxury as per her birthright. Morpheus could not help but worry about the impact of the truth to this pure and naive girl.

Unaware of his complex thoughts, Ember showed him the token she was gripping in her hand. "This…This made me want to find out about my identity. This doesn't look like any ordinary token, isn't it?"

"You are right."

Ember fiddled with the token, her head lowered as she studied the engraving on the jade.

"I've been thinking a lot," she started slowly, as if distracted. "At first, I just wanted to know who I am. But the more I thought, the more questions I had.

"Why did my nanny refuse to give me a name? If I'm no one, why do I have this token? Who are my parents? Are they still alive? Do I have a family? Maybe siblings?"

As she voiced her thoughts, more words spilled out from her, years of accumulated grievance.

"Why did I end up on that mountain? Am I unwanted by my family? Why are the people of Valor scared of me? Why do they call me a witch? What about my powers? Why am I a human being with powers?"

A hollow laugh escaped her lips as her thumb caressed the jade pendant.

"I-I thought I was already content to remain ignorant. I thought it didn't matter whether I knew it or not. I thought I was satisfied with having Gaia as my mother, and the people I met here in Agartha as my new family. But…but I realized that somewhere deep inside me, I wonder if my birth parents ever cared for me or even thought about me."

As she said those words, her voice was so small it was almost a whisper. Morpheus wanted to reach out to comfort her, but in the end, he chose to remain silent and listen to her until she fully let out all the troubles she kept in her heart.

"When I was living on that mountain, survival was the only goal I had. It was all I needed to think about, and there was no room for these kinds of thoughts. Maybe because I am living too well and too idle ever since I came here, that I start harboring silly thoughts.josei

"I see all of you with your families, the bonds between clans and people of the same race, and I can't help but compare and wonder…" she explained. When she lifted her face, her beautiful eyes looked at him as if asking him if she was not really not doing anything wrong. "Do you think it's fine for me to…?"

He offered her an assuring smile. "Of course, it's fine to find out about yourself. It is a choice only you yourself have the right to make. You, of all people, deserve  to freely lead your life the way you want. Things like that, you don't have to worry about whether it's right or wrong. Do what you want and you can ask for help from me when you feel you need to."

At those words filled with sincerity, Ember could not help but smile. "But don't you think I'm being ungrateful?"

"Ungrateful? You? How come?"

"I was wondering if Draven would be fine with it. He brought me here, gave me this new life, and yet I do not want to let go of my past. I don't want him to think I am being ungrateful and trying to look into unimportant things."

"I don't think he will think that way. Though he doesn't look like it, he's the kind of man who will support you with what you want."

"Do you really think so? I don't want him to misunderstand—"

"He is your mate and you should know him better by now."

As he said those, Morpheus found himself feeling sour. To think that there would be a day he would speak highly of that Dragon, he wondered what spoiled food he ate today. But he could not bear seeing Ember dispirited.

"Umm, I think you are right but…" She took in a shaky breath. "Don't tell him about it yet. Let me do some research on my own first. I don't want to worry him about my matters when he is busy with matters related to the kingdom. I know the day of mourning that is coming soon is an important occasion. I do not want to disturb him from his priorities—"

As she talked, Morpheus had his arms folded in front of his chest, his back leaning against the balcony railing, simply staring at her without saying a word.

"Morph, did you hear what I said?"

"I did."

"Then why aren't you saying anything?"

"I was just thinking you have become more mature, considering the bigger picture when making decisions. Before you're just like a little girl, but now I feel like you have grown up a lot, Ember."

She didn't know what to say in exchange for this praise, but a hint of pink appeared on her face to show how pleased and embarrassed she was to hear those words.

"Ah, I forgot why I was here," Morpheus suddenly said and put forward his hand on which a tiny object carved out of wood appeared. "This is for you."

She observed that wooden item about the size of a finger and picked it up. "What is this? A bird figurine?"

"It's a whistle," Morph informed her.

Only then did Ember realize that it was indeed a dainty whistle skillfully carved in the shape of a bird perched on a branch. The mouthpiece of the wooden whistle was located on its tail.

"So this is a whistle. It's so small," she said in awe. "The details are so fine, I thought it's a figurine. Such a beautiful whistle. But why are you giving it to me?"

"You can use this to call me when you need me," he replied, his expression unexpectedly solemn.  "Especially when you are in danger and no one is around to help you. Use this to call me. Do you understand?"

"To call you? For help?"


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