The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 364 Would You Ever Want Another Mate?

Chapter 364 Would You Ever Want Another Mate?

Though the male fox was not his father, Ember saw how affectionately he looked at the child like he was his own. Light smiled painted on her lips as she watched the child playing with his parents.

'It's good to have your own child, isn't it?' Suddenly she thought about Draven being a father and they had their child. She wondered how Draven would be as a father, 'Will he show affection towards our child often or will he just have those same cold expressions? Will he even smile and talk alot or will he just sit quiet and observe?' she sighed, 'Hard to imagine. But one thing is sure, he will make sure to protect our child at all the costs. That is what he does the best- to protect everyone around him.'

A smile painted on her lips as she thought about having their small family. 'It will feel so good but...instead of thinking about what kind of father he will be, can I be a good mother?' she shook her head, 'I can't. I am like a child myself who needs to learn a lot or I will be a stupid mother who knows nothing. I can't be clueless in front of my child. I need to learn. Once I am smart enough, only then we can have a child. I don't want to be a silly mother. I also need to be stronger enough to be able to protect my child. I have to wait. We have to wait.' The Expresions in her face looked determined about becoming strong.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?"

She heard the familiar voice and it pulled her back to her senses. She looked at Morpheus, "Are you back? Where have you gone?"

"Just nearby," he replied and asked, "Shall we leave if you are done resting?"

Ember stood up immediately, ready to leave, "I am fine now. After eating lost of tasty snacks, I feel much better that I can walk this entire field," she touched her stomach with her hand, gesturing him that her hunger was satisfied.

"Gluten!" he said with a light chuckle and led her way, "Let's go then."

Morpheus offered a light nod to Baruel to say they were leaving to which the elf replied with a polite bow.

Ember followed Morpheus and reached to walk with him. She could not wait to tell Morpheus about what she had learned today.

"Mister Baruel's wife told me about their story," she looked at the couple and the child who were still enjoying the field of flowers," she looked at him, "Do you know their story?"

"Hmm, I know."

"How did her mate die? Aren't white tigers too strong?"

"We beasts are stronger than others but we are not immortals," he replied.

"Hmm, that's true as well. I was wondering how hurt she must be to lose her husband. I can't even think about losing Draven. But it's good to see her and her child happy with her other mate. She seems happy."

"Hmm," Morpheus looked at the couple and asked Ember, "Will you ever want to have another mate?"

It surprised Ember, "Another mate? No, I can't. Though I live here, I am still a human who believes in beliefs I followed. I already have one husband...a mate, so I won't have another. I can't be immoral."

"And if you were a beast woman?" he asked as he looked at her, the expectations in his heart buried behind that questioning gaze.

"Umm, if I were a beast woman?" she looked like giving a deep thought, "I still think no. As long as Draven is my mate, I don't need anyone."

A disappointment took over him as he could not help but swallow it quietly. Though she was a Dragon's mate, a Dragon he hated for long and wished to stay away from him, just because he fell for his mate, Morpheus didn't mind sharing her with him as long as he could have her but...he knew it was not possible. The one who had never thought about having mate was now even considered sharing a mate.

'So unpredictable and pathetic a destiny can be. Or maybe I am being punished for rejecting all thsoe females who wanted to be my mate. Price of breaking their hearts.'

But then he asked again, "If you were not his mate and you had nothing to do with him? You would have still needed a mate, then?"

"Hmm, you are right," she said and then looked at him, "Then you would have been my mate. I would have asked you to marry me."

Morpheus looked at her in disbelief. Though this is what he wished to listen to, she said it so easily as if it was not a big deal but to him it meant a lot. In that split second he already ended up imagining their happy life as mates together.

Seeing him quiet, she felt like she had said something wrong, "What? You don't want me as your mate? Would you have rejected me?"

He didn't reply her and continued walking quietly, matching her slow pace.josei

She frowned, "Such a bad friend you are. How can you reject me? Am I that bad? Don't I look good? Why would you not want me? Would you have left me alone in the world of beasts?"

Morpheus still said nothing, letting her sulk over her misunderstanding. How much he wanted to tell her that he wanted her as his mate but he chose to be quiet.

'I should not ruin this happy moment between us when she just said she would want to be my mate.'

"Morph, you are mean. You don't want me as your mate? How can you....Woh! I just saw a rabbit..." she immediately ran and walked ahead, forgetting what she was whining over just now.

Morpheus shook his head with a light sigh and followed her. 'Such a child and I want to make this child my mate? There is sure something wrong with my heart which fell for a child.'

"Morpheus, did you see there was a rabbit? I can't find it now?" she turned to look at him.

"There are many here," he replied.


He looked at the small fencing in the field, "There,"

Ember ran towards it and soon found a few white rabbits inside the fencing. "Can I touch them?"

"You can."

Just then Morpheus' sharp ears heard a commotion from the storage house in the field. "Ember be here and I will be back."

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