The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Under the soft light from the sun orbs, he could see clearly where she was hurt. Her small face had new scratches deep enough to bleed, while the dirty skin on her hands was torn in various parts, probably from trying to grab at the sharp rocks and branches before he caught her body.

Probably because her body rolled down the cliff, her long dress was torn at various places, making the good part of her skin visible, something that a decent lady would not want others to see.josei

The dress was torn at the seam line where the sleeve is connected to the armhole, slipping down to show her entire slender neck, bony collarbone, her entire right shoulder and top part of the right side of her chest, barely covering the delicate mound underneath. It was a pitiful appearance, since she was so thin, she was almost skin and bones.

Even the long skirt of her dress was ripped, causing a slit to appear on her dress that showed off a good part of her shapely leg, leaving none to the imagination, and when Draven eyed her thigh, he found there was even a bleeding cut on it, one so deep you could almost see her bones.

If Ember was seen in this pitiful condition, with her weak body exposed like this in front of a cheap human male, she would have probably been in danger, but luckily, the one with her was the coldhearted Devil whose mind and heart would not waver over these fleshly things.

Draven simply observed her as a poor little thing who needed to be treated.

He sat at the other end of the bed opposite to the edge she had shrunk herself to, causing little space to be left on that small bed. With his tall muscular body, that bed made to suit her size seemed to be smaller than it actually was.

Draven moved his hand to touch the wound on her thigh, but upon realizing where his hand was moving to, Ember immediately covered her thigh with the remaining fabric of her skirt. Though she grew up on a mountain, Gaia had taught her she had to protect her body. She was aware that being seen like this for a woman was not a good thing. She also realized then the state of her dress, and immediately pulled up the part of the sleeve that had slipped down her one shoulder.

His hand stopped even before it could reach her thigh. He frowned seeing her reaction.

‘Is she too dumb to understand my goodwill?’

“Listen, human.” His cold voice was filled with annoyance. “Even if you sit naked in front of me, without even a thread covering your body, I won’t feel anything but repulsion for a disgusting human creature like you. To be able to seduce me, even the next hundred births won’t be enough for you.”

She still didn’t let go of her dress and continued shrinking back in the corner of the bed with her head lowered, trying to hide from the intensifying gaze of those intimidating red eyes.

“Do you plan to bleed to death and die here? If you are that desperate to die, I can take you back to your home on that mountain and put that entire mountain on fire once again.”

His words were cruel and lacked any kind of compassion and sympathy. With each passing century, he had seen countless deaths, not only of his own people but also of his enemies, and it had reached the point that someone dying in front of him no longer bothered him much. He had turned immune to it long back. Despite his efforts to help her, this human didn’t trust him and it annoyed him. He cherished life, but it was still one’s own decision what to do with that life. He could offer help, but if the other person refused it then he had already done his part..

Though he had saved this human, she was still nobody to him.

‘If you choose to be in pain, then suffer with your choice.’

Despite her hesitation, she put her hands away as if to say she was allowing him to touch her.

‘Only threats work on her,’ he concluded.

He held the fabric of her skirt to move it away to see her wound on the thigh, as it seemed to be the largest wound on her body. Such wounds were like scratches to him though it was severe enough for the human to suffer blood loss if left untreated.

Not wanting to need to wake up Leeora in the middle of the night, he decided to treat her injuries on his own. After all, although his speciality was not healing, he had seen how it was done countless times during the wars against humankind. He had learned how to treat wounds and even helped treat his subordinates if he was not fighting on the frontlines.

He first observed the wound, checking if there were dirt and small twigs in it, and raised his hand palm up. The next moment, the cloth hanging on one stand in the room flew towards him and dropped in his hand. It became damp in a matter of seconds and he pressed it on the deep cut, starting from the edges, cleaning it meticulously. He then gestured for another clean cloth, keeping it dry this time to use it to stop the bleeding. He was aware that any amount of bleeding would not do anything good for her.

He moved his hand under her thigh to lift it up a little, but she flinched and her green eyes were filled with anxiety.

Draven realized she didn’t understand what he was doing. “I told you I am not interested in your body, so stop letting your imagination go wild.”

Draven held her thin thigh in his large palm, making it look more delicate when he held it. He wrapped that cloth around her thigh tightly to stop the bleeding, and once he was done, he let go of her thigh and looked at her.

“Where do you keep the medicine Leeora uses on your burns?” he asked.

This time, the human obediently held a finger towards a particular table in the room. She already understood she didn’t have to be scared of him at this moment as he was just helping her. Still, inside her mind, she still felt anxious about his presence, especially since they were alone inside her home. It was the instinct of a woman towards a strange man that was making her unable to relax her body.

Draven stood up and went towards that table where he saw several small boxes that carried the various herbal pastes. He also saw a number of bottles neatly arranged on the side, and there was one distinctly shaped bottle that didn’t belong to the Wood Elf Clan but from the witches.

He held the potion bottle in his hand and realized it was filled to the brim. This human didn’t seem to have drunk it yet.

‘What a fool.’ He could not help but frown at this human’s negligence.

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