The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 385 Good Husband To Silly Wife

Chapter 385 Good Husband To Silly Wife

Though the cottage and food was simple, everything seemed so pleasant and nice. There was no tension or awkwardness between them, as if they had been living like a normal wedded couple like this from the start.

" is this place yours?" She glanced out the open window. "I mean, I can see the dandelion field and the river nearby, and it seems like there are basic necessities in this cottage. Do you stay here often?"

"This cottage originally belongs to Evanthe," he replied without a change in his expression.

"Evanthe?" Ember wondered where she heard that name. "You mean the Queen of Witches?"

He nodded. "This place is not a secret, just that not many dare go near this place because of me. Because people tend to avoid this area, Evanthe enjoyed staying here in the past to get away from her coven's affairs to enjoy the peace here.

"I, being a Dragon, do not mind staying on the dandelion meadow since I can frolic on the field as a beast, but witches are closer to human nobles when it comes to preferences. She finds the idea of lounging in the open uncivilized. She built this cottage here and spent days here whenever she wanted to be alone. But after she was gone, I took over this place."

Ember listened quietly as he spoke.

"Were you two close?" She could not help but feel a little jealous.


"We were," he replied normally. "We were comrades--no, we still are...maybe, at some point, you can say we are friends..."

Ember felt relieved to hear it. "Like me and Morph?"

Draven wondered if the comparison made sense.

"She is someone I could trust with my back," he replied. "I am not good with people, but back in the days, I used to have companions I treated as peers, not subjects. Along with Evanthe and Morpheus, there was Isa's brother, Aldis, and Morpheus' sister, Myra, as well as  Logan who you've met in Nimer.  You can say Evanthe is the core of the group, the one who gets along with everyone, and she sometimes invited us here for a meal. Those were peaceful times..."

His expression looked calm as he shared his past, but Ember could see there was a pain behind those red eyes, the pain of being the one left behind by people he cherished. "You miss them a lot?"

Draven did not answer. His face was like a serene river which provided water to others but had nothing for himself.

"You still have Morph and Mister Logan. Aren't you guys still friends?"

"Things have changed." After a bout of silence, he added, "Maybe it's me who has changed and I don't know how to go back now."

Ember put the spoon in her hand down and reached out to hold Draven's hand in her delicate hands. She caressed it gently to comfort him. "Maybe you can try. I am here as well. With me, you can try to be like before and get back with your friends as well. We have plenty of time. You don't have to always be like a king."

He put his hand over hers as he looked at her quietly.

At this point, only a single thought came to his mind.

' something we might not have.'

The visions, the dreams, the signs, all of them were pointing out the end. Whatever time was left, he would rather use it to spend more time with his mate, to leave good memories of him for her to remember him by.

He simply agreed. "I will try."

She smiled. "You know, you are a better person than I thought. My initial impression of you happened to be totally wrong. I didn't know you could be such a good husband to such a silly wife."

He chuckled. "I like the silly you."

"Of course, you will say that now as you have no other option than to accept me." She playfully made a face at him, causing him to smile.

"I am telling the truth."

"Fine, fine, if you say so." She then returned her attention to the food. "Oh no! You distracted me. The food is cold now. Let's eat, let's eat!"

Ember resumed eating, while Draven started to eat. After the meal, Ember let out an unladylike but satisfied burp.

"So good. I can get used to this. I wish we can stay here longer. Are we returning to the palace now?"

"We can stay here if you want to," he replied as he put the dirty dishes away, moving like he was really used to doing household chores.

She was pleased to watch him clean the table, even more pleased when she heard his response, but there was an issue. "Umm, Draven, do I have nothing else to wear other than this? I mean, I don't have clothes."

He looked at her body. She was trying her best to keep that sheet wrapped around her chest and was being careful with her movements. When she stood up, she was like a wooden doll which made him smile a little.

Draven led her back to the bedroom and went to a shelf where he had placed his clothes. He pulled out his white shirt, blue waistcoat and belt as well and brought them to her.

"You can wear these for the meantime."

She looked at those clothes and clearly remembered how large they were. "These? They are so big. Won't I look like a cat jumping around who is trapped in a burlap sack?"

Draven smiled at imagining her as what she had said and shook his head. "First, wear this. I will adjust it for you."

"If you say so," she said with a pout. "Not like I have any other option. It's at least better than this sheet which can fall anytime."

"I won't mind if you keep this sheet and it keeps falling again and again."

Ember noticed that playful smirk on his lips and narrowed her eyes at him. "I can see your intentions, Mister Dragon."

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