The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

This bonus chapter is dedicated to the reader “RMehrotra” Thank you so much for the super gift. 3 3


It was the same mark he had seen on the back of the neck of that woman in his dream.

That day, he went to search for this fire mark on Ember’s body, but he returned empty-handed.

‘A mark not in her body but in her soul.’

What was the relationship between this symbol and him marking her as mate?

Draven put all his thoughts aside and asked, “Is there any way to know what this mark is about?”

“Leave this to me, Your Majesty. Though I do not know what it is, I will try my best to search through the hidden ancient books we witches have. I will even see if I can consult with the other leaders, though I do think it unlikely that they have ever come across such a mark, since among the races in Agartha, witches are the experts when it comes to matters of the soul. Please be assured that I will keep the reason secret.”

Draven nodded before closing his eyes to clear his thoughts. After a while, he looked at Leeora. It was the time to tell them about a piece of information that might be crucial to understanding the mystery of that mark.

“Leeora, this mark, I also saw it on the nape of that woman in my dreams,” Draven informed.

It shocked Leeora while Cornelia looked puzzled.

“Sire, that same woman?” Leeora asked. “The one who is the reason for that stab wound over your heart?”

He nodded. “A few days back, I had a new dream…” Draven explained about the scene of the woman walking on the grassy field and how everything was later covered in a hellish fire.

Leeora and Cornelia remained quiet even after he finished, unsure what to say.

“Sire, may I ask if this dream is related to Your Majesty’s missing memories?” Cornelia asked. In the past, Cornelia had been asked to scry the King’s memories, but similar to Ember’s case, it was also a failure. It was also Cornelia’s first failure as a witch, which had a huge impact on her confidence.

Draven simply nodded and gestured for Leeora to explain. The elf proceeded to fill in the witch with the important details about the King’s dreams.

Afterwards, Leeora looked back at Draven. “Sire, do you think there is a relation between that woman and Ember?”

“There should be. Initially, I merely had doubts as this human has similar eyes as that woman, but now, with Cornelia seeing that mark on that human’s neck, the connection between them is undeniable,” he replied.

The study was enveloped with silence as each of them fell into deep thought.

The two women then witnessed the King let out a frustrated sigh that was incompatible with his usual cold dignified appearance.

“That day…” he trailed off. After shaking his head, his expression regained its composure. “I was trying to search for that mark on her body but I could not find it.”

The devil finally thought to explain his cruel behaviour to that poor girl. He didn’t know why he felt the need to explain it when he never bothered to explain any of his actions to anyone before, but for some reason, he felt it proper to tell these people about it.

Did he regret it? Did he feel bad about that human girl? He had no answer. He believed his action was justified since he was simply trying to find out something important, but still…

‘So that’s why…no wonder that child was in that state of undress…’

‘I understand but did he really have to go that far?’

The two women finally heard the reason for his inappropriate action with Ember back then, but though they understood, they still thought the King’s means were too extreme. Sadly, they could only keep that thought to themselves.

“There is something else,” Draven said and the two women waited for him to talk.

“That night I brought her to Agartha, I wasn’t travelling—I was in my chamber when I was suddenly summoned to a burning mountain on the other side of the continent. There was no one else on that mountain but her. She must be the one who summoned me, but she doesn’t know she is capable of doing so,” Draven explained. “I was forced to save her, or else I couldn’t leave that place.”

This was a shocking revelation to the elf and the witch, something impossible for them to imagine

‘She summoned the King?!’

There had been cases where humans with strong wills or pure hearts were able to connect with supernatural beings who’d agree to help them in their time of need, but those were soul contracts or blessings that the supernatural beings would initiate.

There were also cases of witches forming bonds with spiritual creatures—beings called ‘familiars’—who were either their slaves or partners, similar to an elf’s animal companion, but that kind of summons could only be used on small creatures like cats or crows. Even then, a ritual, a medium or a sacrifice was needed.

But a human girl summoning a dragon? The Black Dragon, the most destructive being on the continent, without knowing it?

“It happened twice,” he added. “I concluded that whenever her life is in danger, I am forcibly sent to her, compelled to save her.”josei

“This is so…” Leeora mumbled in disbelief while Cornelia didn’t know what to think about it.

Leeora soon sorted out her thoughts. “Sire, perhaps Ember’s arrival in Agartha is not any accidental event. Perhaps she was meant to be here.”

Draven didn’t agree but didn’t deny it either. There were many questions with answers he was yet to find. The only thing he was sure about was that this human was the key to the mysteries of his past—she’s his clue to the part of his memories he had lost.

For now, what he needed to find out was this human’s connection with the woman in his dream.

“I agree with Elder Leeora,” Cornelia commented. “As supernatural beings, we know that nothing happens without a reason.” She looked at Draven. “The questions that have been plaguing Your Majesty for so many centuries, finally, you have gotten hold of a clue.”

Draven agreed to what the women said, feeling unburdened that they reached the same conclusion he did. That was the reason he had allowed that human to stay with Leeora in the first place, as he had always sensed there was something about her which was related to him.

“Your Majesty, I will try to find out about that mark as soon as possible,” Cornelia assured him.

Draven nodded and heard Leeora this time, “Sire, are we keeping Ember in Ronan…?”

“She will stay in my chamber until we get the result of the marking,” he replied.

He marked her in front of the council and that showed his intentions of making her his mate so there was nothing wrong if he kept Ember with him. In fact, it was normal for the male to look after their mate in this phase.

Marking a mate was generally done between lovers who chose to tie themselves in a spiritual way, thus they were each others’ most precious person. Even if they weren’t, they at least had the intention of checking whether they were suitable to be each other’s mates.

“Can we visit Ember? We are—”

“You can,” he answered.

After excusing themselves from the King’s presence, the two women didn’t dally and left to see Ember after bowing once more to the King.

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