The Devil’s love

Chapter 295 - Unexpected Visit

Chapter 295 - Unexpected Visit

Helplessly shaking his head, Chen chuckled, "I knew you would say something like this. You are quite predictable these days Ziying."

"Stop being an ass and drive properly." Closing her eyes, she instructed, "Tell me when you are tired, I'll drive instead." ​​

"Wait, you know how to drive?" he curiously inquired.

"What is with that tone? Everyone drives these days, what is there to be shocked about?" she scoffed.

He nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, I know but you don't look like someone who can drive you know. Do you have a driving license?"

"Of course I do." Grabbing her bag, she took out her purse and then fished out her driving license. Shoving it in his face, she snapped, "In your face."

Taking it in his hand, he looked at her picture in the license and chuckled, "You look very very handsome in this."

Scrunching her brows, she snatched it back. "That was a tough day, okay? And I wasn't well as well."

"Don't worry, I am not judging you or anything. Everyone looks like a potato in their driving license and other documents," he explained.

Rolling her eyes, she looked out of the window and scoffed, "You should see my passport then, I slayed in that picture."

"Really? If that is true then I have to say that you are the only person who can slay in a document photograph," he stated.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything, like literally anything because I owe you a big favour for agreeing to come on this trip with me."

"Why are you taking me there? I mean, I am sure you know many women who wouldn't hesitate to go with you but you still tricked me to come with you, why?" It really made Ziying feel very curious and somewhat suspicious. Why would he want to take her to his school reunion?

"Hmm how do I answer that? Let's just say that I think you are different so instead bringing those clingy women who are more interested in my money, status and my other manly thing, I thought bringing you would make things much easier?" Without waiting for her reply, he quickly added, "And also because your presence will make me look even better."

"Was that a compliment?" she raised her brows.

"I compliment you all the time, you are the one who is always super angry to notice it," he stated.

"Oh God, please stop lying. Never once did you compliment me for anything. In fact, you always tease me," she complained.

Raising his brows, he inquired, "So you want me to praise and compliment you all the time?"

Widening her eyes in shock, she snapped, "When did I say that?"

"You just did, I heard it," he chuckled.

Scrunching her brows, she jerked her head to the other side. Ignoring him, she took out her earphones and shoved it inside her ears.

Helplessly shaking his head, Chen chuckled before focusing on the road again.


Ning and Yichan's place.

Dining area.

Ning, Yichan and Yitian had just sat down to have dinner when a guard approached them.

Glancing at the watch, Yichan frowned, "What is it?"

"Boss, Mr.Jiang is here to see madam," the guard informed.

"Bring him inside, I'll be there in a minute," Ning instructed.

After the guard left, Yichan placed his hand on hers. "It's okay if you don't wanna talk to him now."

"It's alright." Getting up, Ning added, "You both should start eating, I'll be back soon."

"It's okay sister Ning take you time, we will wait for you," Yitian stated.

Ning smiled and nodded her head before walking towards the living room where grandpa Jiang was most likely waiting for her presence.

After she left, Yitian awkwardly cleared his throat. "I heard about sister Ning's family."

"You did? Who told you?" Yichan inquired.

"Hmm I accidently eavesdropped when aunt Wenna and grandpa Mo were talking, I was in the old mansion that day because aunt Wenna had called me over for lunch so—"

"I see, whatever you heard was true. Things are still a bit complicated right now but we are trying to deal with it," he explained.

Yitian nodded his head and remarked, "Sister Ning is a very strong woman, I am sure she will handle everything well."

Patting his head, Yichgan inquired, "How is everything in college?" josei

"Everything is nice and is running smoothly." Paying for a while, Yitian added, "Actually there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"Grandpa was asking me to take up business studies as well, I told him I would think about it and now I don't know what to do," he explained with an intention of seeking advice from his elder brother. When Yitian was in the States, he always did what he wanted to and almost never seeked advice from his parents but after meeting Yichan who was also his big brother, he always felt a strong urge to seek his advice for every single thing.

"Grandpa told me about this as well." Pausing for a while, Yichan stated, "What you want to become and what you are interested in is something that only you can decide, not grandpa, Ning or me. If you want to do something else, feel free to pursue your dreams and if you want to take up business studies, we already have a big company and you are always welcome there. And if you feel like working in a company which belongs to your family is gonna degrade your potential then there are many other companies. I can pull some strings and get you a job there which fits your qualification."

Yitian nodded his head and smiled, "Thanks brother Yichan, I'll keep that in mind."

Patting his head, Yichan stated, "I'll go check on Ning and come back."


Living room.

"Were you having dinner? Did I disturb you?" Grandpa Jiang nervously inquired.

"It's alright." Pausing for a while, Ning inquired, "Why are you here at this hour?"


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