The Devil’s love

Chapter 73 - You Are Not Upset Right?

Chapter 73 - You Are Not Upset Right?

Ning gasped in shock when Yichan scooped her into his arms.

Aunt Lin chuckled and walked away giving the newly wed some privacy. ​​

Hooking her arms around his neck, Ning chuckled. "You scared aunt Lin away."

Walking towards the stairs, Yichan said, "Aunt Lin is very understanding. I am sure she left because she wanted to give us some privacy. So why don't we make use of that privacy?"

"Hmm that sounds like a great idea but let me think whether-

Cutting her off, Yichan vigorously shook his head. "No more thinking Mrs Mo, I think five years was more than enough for both of us to just think. You have no idea how sexually frustrated I am."

Smacking his chest, Ning snapped. "Filter your words."

Yichan chuckled and helplessly shook his head. "You are talking about words? My whole body has already been filtered by you several times five years ago and since there was a long gap, you have lots of accumulated things to filter."

Not understanding what he was actually referring to, Ning frowned and gave him a confused look.

Yichan chuckled and brushed their nose together. "Think about it."

Ning widened her eyes in shock when he finally understood what he meant. Glaring at her shameless husband, Ning narrowed her eyes. He wasn't this shameless back then. Who taught him to be so shameless?

"Who taught you all of this?" Ning asked.

Yichan shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Who taught what?"

Pressing her finger on his chest, Ning fronwed. "Shamelessness, who taught you to be so shameless?"

"What? Is that something that has to be taught or learned? I am a pro babe, I learn things automatically. Talented things just pop up from within."

Ning was about to say something when Yichan stopped in front of their room.

"Open it."

Turning the door knob, Ning opened the door.


Inside the master bedroom.

"Do you like it?" Yichan asked.

Looking around, Ning pouted her lips. Though the room had beautiful decor, it was too bland and colourless.

The grey colour of the walls and white colour of the ceiling was making everything look dull and boring. And to top that up, the bed sheet, the curtains, the pillows cases were either white or dark brown or grey in colour. Except for the walk-in closet which was looking pretty decent with leafy design around it which by the way was also black.

Looking at her husband, Ning started taking off his tie and asked, "Yi, are you colour blind?"

Yichan vigorously shook his head and answered, "No."

"Hmm, then you know that colours like blue, orange, red, yellow, pink, purple, and green also exist right?" Ning asked.

When Yichan nodded his head, Ning tapped his cheeks and smiled. "Good, a little relieved. So will anything happen if you use those colours to decorate your room?"

When Yichan shook his head vigorously, Ning raised her eyebrows and gave him a meaningful look.

"You don't like the room? You want us to change houses? I have other places where-"

Cutting him off, Ning vigorously shook her head. "No Yi, we don't have to change places. We need to do something about our room."

"Okay, but what? Everything seems fine." Looking around, Yichan tried to figure out what was wrong but all he could was perfection. From the curtains, the sheets to the doormat near the washroom, everything was perfect. josei

Ning fronwed and vigorously shook her head. "No Yi, nothing is fine. The room is so grey and white. I feel like I am inside a black and white movie."

"You want to change the colour of the room? Sure why not? You can whatever you want." This was also Nings room now and if his dear wife wanted to change something, who was he to say NO?

"Not only the colour but a few other things too. Like the curtains, sheets, that stupid door mat and pillow cases too."

Yichan nodded his head and readily agreed. "Okay okay I'll ask aunt Lin to-"

"Why aunt Lin? Why would you trouble aunt Lin with this? Is this our room or aunt Lin's?" Ning asked.

"Our room."

Ning nodded her head and satisfaction and added, "Hmm, so we will go tomorrow and buy everything that we need."

Tossing his tie on the couch, Ning said, "Put me down."

Carefully placing her down, Yichan wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "So where were we?"

Brushing his lips against hers, Yichan sucked her lowered lip quite sometime before nibbling it.

Clutching onto his shirt, Ning closed her eyes when Yichan deepened the kiss.

Taking her hands upwards, she wrapped it around his neck and interlaced her fingers with his silky hair.

Taking his hands upwards, Yichan grabbed her breast and gave it a light squeeze, making her gasp in pleasure.

Ning moaned when his wet tongue hers. With their tongues dancing together and Yichan's hand wandering all over her body, Ning was feeling hotter and hotter with each passing second.

Letting her lips go, Yichan started trailing kisses down her neck.

Ning moaned and arched her neck to the other side when Yichan started nibbling her skin.

Swirling his tongue around the mark, Yichan scooped her into his arms and started walking towards bed.

Placing her down, Yichan kissed her shoulder before unzipping her dress.

Pressing their lips together, Yichan pulled the dress down the shoulders while Ning started unbuttoning his shirt.

Moving downwards, Yichan kissed her cleavage and was about to take off her bra when Ning widened her eyes in shock.

Placing her hands on his shoulder, Ning slowly pushed him away.

Looking at her, Yichan fronwed, "What happened?"

Biting her lower lip, Ning pulled her dress up. "I-I want to use the washroom."

Getting up, Yichan nodded his head. "Ya sure."

Without wasting any time, Ning rushed towards the washroom.

After Ning left, Yichan groaned in frustration. "Damn Yichan you ruined it again." Assuming that Ning ran away because she was not ready to take things further and how he had actually scared her to the point where she had to lock herself in the washroom, Yichan cursed himself. He should've waited for a day or two before taking things further.


After ten minutes.

Pacing back and forth outside the washroom, Yichan was feeling nervous and impatient. It had been more than ten minutes but Ning was still inside the washroom.

Thinking that he has scared her really bad, Yichan smacked his own forehead. He wanted to apologise to her for acting like a pervert but she had locked herself inside the washroom and he had no idea what to do.

Just then, Ning came out of the washroom.

Yichan quickly approached her and asked, "Are you okay? Babe I am really very-"

Cutting him off, Ning scratched her forehead and said, "Yi, I actually forgot that it's almost time for my periods so-"

"Oh so this is the reason why you locked yourself inside?" Yichan asked.

When Ning nodded her head, Yichan breathed a sigh of relief and placed his hand on his chest. "Oh thank God. I thought that-anyway. I am glad it's not what I am thinking."

"You are not upset right?" Ning asked. She had been racking her brain thinking how she would reveal the news of her Aunt Flo visiting her at such a crucial moment to him. Both of them were clearing cravings for each other but now they had to postpone their wedding night for another 7 days. Ning was actually feeling very disappointed and frustrated.

Running his fingers through her hair, Yichan sighed, "Are you mad? Why would I be upset? It's not your fault. It's natural and happens every month right? What are you so worried about? Come here, silly." Pulling her into his embrace, Yichan helplessly shook his head. Did she spend ten minutes inside the washroom thinking that he would feel upset or angry?



Looking at him, Ning asked, "Can you get tampons for me?"

Yichan nodded his head and said, "Ya sure."

"And I don't have extra undergarments. I did not get any time to pack my things." Ning explained.

"Don't worry, I'll get everything." Kissing her forehead, Yichan fixed his shirt, grabbed his car keys and left.


Inside the Supermarket.

Walking around, Yichan was carefully looking at each and every shelf of the diaper section, trying every hard time to figure out where the tampons were and what they looked like.

Just then a female employee approached him and asked, "How may I help you sir? Do you need diapers for your little one?"

Without waiting for his reply, the employee took out a big pack of baby pant size diapers and explained, "This is the best selling diapers in our story. It's flexible, long lasting and durable. How old is your baby?"

Tucking his hands inside his pocket, Yichan answered, "Twenty-seven years old."

Female Employee: o_o

Thinking that she might have heard wrong, the female employee cleared her throat and asked, "Pardon me sir but what did you say?"

"I said she is twenty-seven years old." Yichan repeated himself loud and clear.

"Oh then I think you will need adult diapers." The employee said before looking around. Taking out a pack of adult diapers, the employee explained, "This is the best one we have."

Taking the pack from her hand, Yichan examined it and asked, "Do all women use this during their periods?"

Female employee: o_o

"Sir, are you looking for sanitary napkins?" The female employee asked.

"Is that what women use during periods?" Yichan asked.


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