The Devil’s love

Chapter 89 - Slippery

Chapter 89 - Slippery

When Shaofeng frowned and pursed his lips, father Bai scoffed, "Huh what's the use of giving me that look? Give me a grandchild instead of that look."

"Dad stop, how will he give you a grandchild when he is not even married?" Nuying asked. ​​

"Well, there are other ways. I mean-"

"Stop it dad, God you are too much at times." Shaofeng sighed and helplessly shook his head. Though he was already used to his fathers nagging but sometimes he went so overboard that Shaofeng couldn't help but ask him to stop.

"Too much? Have you seen you? You are growing old day by day. If you don't have a kid two years from now, you might not have kids at all."

"Wait what? Why do you think like that? Brother Feng is young and handsome okay? He will definitely find someone when the right time comes." Nuying always defended her big brother when their father started nagging him for not getting married. Infact, it had now turned into a habit.

Slamming the document on the table, Shaofeng gritted his teeth and shouted, "Old? You think I am old? Then what are you?" Shaofeng asked.

"Well, my body may be old but I am young at heart unlike you. Your body and heart, both are old."

"Alright, now stop. You both will make me go crazy one day. I am getting late so I'll deal with both of you after I come back. And dad, stop nagging big brother. He knows what he is doing." Turning towards Shaofeng, Nuying said, "Big bro, I think it's high time you start looking for someone. You can't stay alone for your entire life."



Cutting both of them off, Nuying turned around and left saying, "Don't argue when I am away. I love you both, bye."


Halita resort.

"Babe did you get Lara's bag?" Hannah asked.

Lifting the baby bag up, Han Yufan vigorously nodded his head. "Yes I did honey."

"And what about her diapers?" Hannah asked.

"Diapers are already stuffed everywhere I could."


Caressing his wife's back, Yufan tried to calm her down, "Hey, stop worrying okay? We have everything. What are you freaking out for? Chill honey, we are here to enjoy."

"But what if she needs something and we don't have it?" Hannah was freaking out because it was the first time they were going somewhere with their little daughter.

"We have everything okay? And if there is an emergency, I have backup plans so don't worry. We are here to enjoy and have fun honey so stop worrying. She is going to love her stay here too."

"Hey, Yufan." Guiren shouted before walking towards them along with Meili and Nuying.

"Hey man." After giving his friend a hug, Yufan greeted Meili.

"Hmm she is Nuying, Mei's and Ning's best friend.

Yufan smiled and politely greeted Nuying, "Oh hi, it's a pleasure meeting you." Turning towards Hannah, Yufan placed his hand on her back and added, "This is my wife Hannah and she is our cute little princess, Lara."

"Ahhhh a baby." Nuying excitedly squealed before lightly pinching the little one's cheeks.

"You wanna hold her?" Hannah asked.

When Nuying vigorously nodded her head, Meili widened her eyes in shock. "No way Nu, you can't hold a baby when you are standing. I mean you tend to drop whatever is in your hand so for you, holding a baby is a big no no."

Nuying puffed her cheeks and complained, "Hey, you talk too much Mei. I don't drop everything. It happens when the things I am holding are-are a bit slippery."

"Shut it babe, your hands are slippery." Meili snapped.

Hannah chuckled and said, "Well, why don't we go inside and settle down first then you can hold her to your heart content while you are sitting."

Nuying vigorously nodded her head before sticking her thumb out. "Okay."

"Where are they?" Yufan asked.

"Our Mr Busy doctor has an important surgery so he will come later. Yichan and brother Bo are on the way." Guiren informed.

"Oh sister Suyan is coming too?" Hannah asked.

When Guiren nodded his head, Meili said, "Wow, I haven't met her for a really long time."

"Me too. The last time I saw her was-"

"During Lara's welcome party." Meili said.

Taking his daughter from Hannah, Yufan said, "Alright, let's go inside and wait for them." josei

Hooking her arms around Meili's, Nuying asked, "So who is that doctor friend Guiren is talking about? Is he single? Oh is he cute?"

Meili chuckled and helplessly shook her head, "I thought you had a dating trauma or something like that."

"Hey, I thought and thought and thought about it okay? And I feel that it wasn't right for me to stop after that incident. I mean it isn't like the sex was bad or something. I was just afraid to go back to clubs because I feared bumping into him again. But I think I am safe here. Well, it's not like he will come looking for me. Geeezzz so tell me more about this doctor friend. Is he handsome just like Yichan, your husband and this new guy?" Nuying asked.

Meili vigorously nodded her head and chuckled. "Oh yes he is hot and if you see him in his white coat..oh God he is so-"

"Honey, who are you talking about?" Guiren asked.

Meili widened her eyes in shock and her body turned stiff. Turning towards her husband, Meili gave him a weak smile before pouncing into his embrace. "Oh nothing honey, I was just telling Nuying how hot you looked last night in the white t-shirt."

Wrapping his arms around her, Guiren smiled, "Oh but that shirt was blue in colour."

"Ah is it? Pttffff my bad, I was so mesmerised by your handsome face that I did but notice the colour properly."

When Meili started praising him, Guiren's grin turned wider. "Oh okay, I do have a while one too. I'll wear that next time."

Inching closer, Meili murmured, "You mean tonight?"

Guiren vigorously nodded his head and said, "Yes yes tonight. Wait, I don't have a white t-shirt. Hmm, let me ask Yufan if he has one."

After Guiren left, Nuying chuckled. "What an idiot."

Smacking Nuying's arm, Meili complained, "Hey don't call my husband an idiot. He is the sweetest and cutest okay?"

"Pfffttt yeah and he is dumb too."


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