The Devil’s love

Chapter 93 - Are You Happy With Me?

Chapter 93 - Are You Happy With Me?

After dinner, the ladies decided to take a walk while the men sat down for their important meeting.

"Who made you the president?" Guiren asked. ​​

"Yeah, who made you president? I don't remember us voting for the president's post?" Yufan asked.

Muchan frowned and asked, "What are you people talking about?"

"Shut up." All the three of them said in unison.

Muchan frowned deeper and asked, "Wait what? How can you all just shut me up like that? At least tell me what it is about."

"You get to talk if you have a wife, so do you have a wife?" Guiren asked. Without waiting for his reply, he added, "No wife no talking. So keep shut and don't disturb us."


Ignoring Muchan, the members of the wife slave world started discussing something important.

"Let the President thing be for now. We are actually here to discuss something very important." Pausing for a while, Yichan added, "It's about brother Bojing."

Guiren raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about brother Bojing?"

Yichan took a deep breath and started pointing out the errors, "He has never taken his wife for shopping."

Placing their hand on their chest, Guiren and Yufan gasped and shouted, "WHAT?"

"He has never hugged her to sleep."


"He never told her that he loves her."

Guiren frowned and pursed his lips. "No wonder Yichan disowned you, you deserve it."

"Yeah, you don't deserve to be a part of this world." Yufan added.

"How can you not take her shopping?" Guiren asked. josei

"How can you not hug her to sleep?" Yufan asked.

"How can you not tell her that you love her?" Muchan asked.

Pointing towards Muchan, Yichan said, "You are that brother Bojing? Didn't I tell you that a singleton like Muchan knows more than you."

"Why is sister-in-law still with a man like you?" Yufan asked.

Guiren sighed and helplessly shook his head, "I feel sorry for her."

Bojing pursed his lips but couldn't say anything. Infact, what could he say when he knew that he was wrong? He never thought all this was important until Yichan mentioned it today. The thought of Suyan not being happy with him made his mood sore.

"Okay, it's not the time to blame him but to show him the right path. We have to guide him and help him out guys." Turning towards brother Bojing, Yichan asked, "Brother Bojing, are you willing to learn or not? Do you want to become the best husband and rejoin the wife's slave world?"

When Bojing nodded his head, Yichan clapped his hands together and excitedly exclaimed, "Don't worry, we will definitely help you out."



"What will you do if he approaches you?" Ning asked.

Nuying vigorously shook her head and frowned, "I have decided to act all way long. If I don't admit anything, he is not going to force me right?"

Meili chuckled and helplessly shook her head, "I still can't believe you actually robbed Muchan."

Nuying puffed her cheeks and shouted, "Hey, I borrowed money from him."

"Isn't borrowing money without telling the owner considered as stealing?" Suyan asked.

"I second that." Hannah said.

Caressing little Lara's cheeks who was soundly sleeping in Hannah's arms, Suyan asked, "Isn't she cold?"

"Yeah, I should go inside. Good night everyone, I'll see you all tomorrow."

After Hannah left, Ning turned towards Suyan and asked, "Sister Suyan you love kids right?"

When Suyan nodded her head, Nuying asked, "Why don't you make one then?"

Suyan smiled and answered, "We haven't planned for a baby yet."

Suyan actually didn't believe in planning for a baby. Aren't babies supposed to happen when they are meant to happen? But no matter how badly she wanted one, Suyan had no idea whether Bojing wanted one or not.


Inside Bojing's room.

It was almost half past eleven when Bojing entered the room.

When Suyan saw him, she quickly closed the book she was reading and quickly got down from the bed.

Bojing frowned and asked, "Why did you get down from the bed? It's quite cold today, so you should stay inside the blanket."

"Your clothes-"

Cutting her off, Bojing said, "I'll take that myself, you can continue reading your book."

When Suyan smiled and sat down on the bed, Bojing started walking towards her.

Pulling the blanket up and after making sure that she was warm, Bojing asked her to stay on the bed before walking towards the washroom.

Pulling the blanket closer, Suyan smiled. Though she found Bojing's behaviour a bit strange, her heart still felt warm and happy. This was the first time he had done so much for her.

After sometime, Bojing came out of the washroom wearing his nightwear. Tossing the towel aside, he started walking towards the bed.

When Suyan saw him she placed the book down and shifted towards the edge of the bed. She knew that Bojing didn't like when someone touched him when he was sleeping so no matter how badly she wanted to hug him to sleep, Suyan always maintained her distance.

Bojing frowned and pursed his lips when he saw her shift further away. Why was she so scared of him? Did she think that he would get mad if she touched him?

"Have you finished reading the book?" Bojing asked.

"You can turn off the lights, I am done for the night." Suyan said before puffing her pillow. Turning to the other side, she pulled the blanket up to her chest and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, Suyan widened her eyes in shock when Bojing wrapped his arms around her waist.

Startled and shocked by his sudden action, Suyan gasped in surprise.

Finding her behaviour strange, Bojing frowned and asked, "What happened?"

When Suyan did not say anything, Bojing asked, "Can't I hug you to sleep?"

Suyan vigorously nodded her head, Bojing pulled her closer and tightened his grip around her waist.



Pausing for a while, Bojing asked, "Are you happy with me?"


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