The Devil’s love

Chapter 98 - Fifty Guns And Hundred And Five Bullets

Chapter 98 - Fifty Guns And Hundred And Five Bullets

Embarrassed, shy, angry and frustrated, there was nothing that Nuying wasn't feeling. Only if she could run away, move to some other planet and never show her face to anyone of them.

How could she lose control and just give in to his advances? ​​

Glaring at the man standing right beside her, Nuying gritted her teeth. It was all his fault. She wouldn't have been so embarrassed if not for him and his shameless acts. Now wouldn't everyone from Muchan's side know that she was the twinkie who robbed him? How was she supposed to face everyone after revealing her Twinkie identity?

"Do you both even realise where you both are?" Guiren asked.

Pointing towards Muchan, Nuyinb shouted, "It's all his fault. I was here to have breakfast and I was quietly waiting for you all but he forced his tongue inside my mouth."

Meili closed her eyes and groaned. "At least filter your words Nu."

Muchan widened his eyes shock and gritted his teeth. "You are a smooth liar aren't you? Well, I wouldn't have forced my tongue into your mouth if you wouldn't have seduced me with all those lewd signs." josei

"What lewd signs?" Nuying asked.

"All that lip biting and running your fingers through my hair. Didn't you do that because you wanted me to kiss you? You seduced me first and now you are trying to blame me for everything." Muchan shouted.

"You-how the hell is that a sign? It's all your fault." Pushing the blame on Muchan, Nuying frowned deeper.

"Okay now I don't care who pushed their tongue inside whose mouth okay? All I know is that my wife hasn't eaten her breakfast yet and she is super hungry. And if you both don't stop arguing, I'll ask someone to throw you both out." Yichan shouted.

"Exactly, I agree with Yichan." Guiren added.

Ning frowned and glared at Yichan. "Hey, you gave you the permission to throw Nuying out?"

Turning towards Guiren, Yichan frowned, "Hey, who gave you the permission to throw Nuying out? How can we throw Nuying out? Are you nuts?"

Guiren: +_+

Without waiting for Guiren's reply, Yichan turned towards his wife and tried to coax her. "No No honey, no one is throwing Nuying out so relax and don't get angry."

"Alright, I think we should eat. Hannah also cannot stay hungry for long." Turning towards Muchan and Nuying, Yufan added, "Next time make sure my daughter isn't around when you two decided to force your tongues into each other's mouth."

Glaring at each other, Muchan and Nuying gritted their teeth before taking a seat far away from each other.

"So where are we going after breakfast?" Yufan asked.

Placing some food on Nings plate, Yichan informed, "I heard there is a really nice temple nearby but we gotta walk our way there."

"Hmm, I heard about that place too. The locals of that place say that if we make a wish and tie a thread around a particular pillar of that temple, then the wish comes true." Guiren added.

"Oh really? Is it true though?" Hannah asked.

Guiren shrugged his shoulders and added, "Well, can't say, may be yes or may be no."

"Still, there is no harm trying right?" Meili asked.

Ning smiled and nodded her head. "Absolutely, we can go there and give it a shot."

"But how far is that place?" Nuying asked.

"Hmm, I am not exactly sure about that. But I guess it's not that far. Okay let me check." Taking out his phone, Yichan started checking the distance between the resort and the temple. "Well, it says that we can go halfway there through a car and then we have to walk around 10 kilometres from there."

Ning widened her eyes in shock and gasped, "What? Ten kilometres? Isn't that too much."

"Yeah, my feet will break." Meili complained.

Wrapping his arms around Nings shoulder, Yichan smiled. "What are you worried about honey? If you get tried, I am there to carry you around."

"You will?" Ning asked. When Yichan nodded his head, she hugged his neck and gave him a peck on his cheeks. "You are awesome."

"But what about Lara?" Nuying asked.

"I have called her nanny over. She should be here any minute."

When Hanna frowned, Yufan sighed. "Babe she is going to be okay. Just relax and enjoy your short vacation."

Hannah was very reluctant to leave her little sweetheart alone. When Yufan suggested calling Lara's nanny over, Hannah didn't like the idea at first but when Yufan assured her that nothing would happen, she gave in.


Country H.

"Why is your phone off? Boss has been calling you since morning. He asked me to check you out." Pulling the blanket off him, Jason shook Linhou's shoulder who was soundly sleeping.

"Fifty guns and hundred and five bullets." Linhou murmured.

Jason frowned and kicked Linhou out of the bed. "Are you dreaming about guns again? You gotta be kidding me Linhou, it's already past 12. Get your lazy ass up and start working. Boss wants to go look for Wen Moshen and ask him why hasn't he signed the transfer papers yet."

Rubbing his eyes, Linhou slowly opened them and frowned. "My fifty guns and hundred and fifty bullets." Glaring at Jason, Linhoiu gritted his teeth. "You-get me my guns and bullets."

"What? Do you even realise that you were dreaming? There are no guns, forget about bullets." Jason yelled.

When Linhou massaged his forehead, Jason frowned and asked, "Why is your phone off? And why the fuck is your underwear hanging in the window?"

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Linhou groaned, "To many questions. First, I don't know where my phone is. Second, my underwear and my room, so I can keep my underwear wherever I want to. And stop being a creep and stop staring at my underwear."

Snapping his finger, Jason said, "Get out of the bed and start working. I have to track a number down so I cannot follow you nor do I have the time to remind you about your duties okay? So just leave."


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