The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 268 - Your father is waiting

Chapter 268 - Your father is waiting

Chapter 268 - Your father is waiting

Heavy breathes were heard in that small, dark space. The woman in hiding was panting heavily, her body trembling in fear.

Are they still following her?

She can't die here. No, she can't die. She has a family waiting for her, a family who loves her deeply.

The woman clenched the gun's handle tight as she tried her best to calm herself. If she panicked now, she wouldn't be able to think of an escape plan.

"Have you seen her?"

"No. She must be hiding somewhere. All of you spread out! If she escaped, we're all dead!"

The men's voices were loud to the point it was making her ears deaf.

She covered her mouth to stop herself from making any sound no matter how small it was. She didn't want them to find her. She was so scared, scared like a child.

The woman didn't know how long she was hiding inside the cabinet. She was just waiting patiently until she stopped hearing footsteps.

While she was praying inside her for the men to leave, the next thing she heard was multiple gunshots coming from outside the place.

Did someone come to help her?

Not long, everything became quiet. Too quiet that once again, she heard her own breathing.

She was curious about what's happening outside. She wanted to go out and check but... What if the men that were after her were still outside?

She decided to wait for a few more minutes and when she didn't hear a thing, she opened the cabinet door and stepped out.

She was about to walk out of the room when she suddenly saw a man enter.

She quickly pointed her gun at him but when she saw who it was, tears filled her eyes.

Help has come. She was finally saved. She never thought that the man she least expected to come was there. The silver-haired devil.

The stoic look on the man's face softened when he saw the woman. She was trembling like a kitten.

He slowly, carefully, not wanting to scare her, approached her. "You are safe now."

Hearing those words made her body wobble, her legs suddenly lost their strength but before she could fall on her knees, the man was quick to catch her in his arms.

She looked at him with her tearful gaze and cried out loud like a child, "I want to go home! I want to go home!"

"Hush... Don't worry, I'll take you home." The silver-haired man said gently.

The woman was extremely grateful to have his help. She could have a hard time escaping if he wasn't there.

They thought everything was going to be alright it was until the woman saw one of the men who were after her.

The man pointed his gun and shoot towards the silver-haired.

She didn't know why but her body moved on its own, blocking him and receiving the bullet straight to her heart.

The silver-haired man's eyes went wide in surprise when he saw her body fall.

Another gunshot was heard and this time, one of his companions killed the man who shot her.

"Boss!" His companion rushed to him.

The silver-haired man fell on his knees, he reached out and held the woman's lifeless body in his arms.

"No... No... This can't be happening! ****** Wake up! ******!!!"


"Have you seen her?"

"No. She must be hiding somewhere. All of you spread out! If she escaped, we're all dead!"

The men's voices were loud to the point it was making her ears deaf.

Huh? What was happening?

The woman snapped out the moment she heard the voices outside.

She was confused. She was back inside the cabinet.

She was pretty sure that she saved him earlier by taking in the bullet. What just happened?

Everything felt so real.

Not long, she heard the same gunshots again from outside.

The fear she felt was replaced by confusion. Why was she back?

The moment she stopped hearing the gunshots, she went out of the cabinet.

She was still being careful. She waited patiently for the silver-haired man to arrive and just like earlier, he did arrive.

"******!" She rushed to his side and hugged him.

The man's eyes softened when he saw how happy she was when he arrived.

"You're safe now, Xingyan" He gently patted her head. "You're safe now."

"Not yet." She released him from her hug and readied her gun. "Wait here."

She braced herself and went out of the room, she looked at the position where the wounded man was and there he was, reaching out for a gun.

She pointed her gun at him, "Don't move!"

The silver-haired man came out and when he saw that one of the men was still alive, his eyes became cold.


"You men are really like ???kroaches. You won't just easily die do you?" He stepped harder on his hand, making the person on the ground scream.

One of the silver-haired men came. It was the same guy who shot the man dead.

"Take care of him." He ordered as he kicked the gun away from the wounded man's reach.

He turned to the woman whose hands were trembling while holding a gun.

When she saw that everything was taken care of, she sighed in relief.

"Let's go. It's time for me to take you home."

Finally. Finally, she was going to go home.

The friends she made when she was kidnapped, were all killed and she was the only one who lived.


She has been away for too long from her family. She badly wanted to see them, to hear their voices. That house was filled with so much love. It has been so long since she last saw them.

She wanted to go back. She wanted to go back now. Go back to that family that was filled with happiness.

She sniffled, "I want to go home..." josei




Huh? Where's that voice coming from?

"Lu Xingyan!"

Upon hearing her name, her eyes snap open from her long dream and the first person she saw was none other than the same silver-haired man she just dreamt of... Han Xukun!

"Han Xukun?"

"Quick! Get up!" He helped her sat up.

Gunshots were heard outside and she saw Eli guarding the door.

"Your father is waiting, let's go.." The silver-haired man said as he loaded his gun. "Stay behind me, okay?"

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