The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

69 An Inconvenient Flame

Gemma’s feet naturally halted and a soft gasp of exclamation left her small parted lips due to the intense darkness of the room, it was pitch black and not even the windows could be seen.

Fortunately for her, being a demon made it easier for her eyes to adjust to the blinding darkness, it was part of their demonic powers and once her eyes got comfortable, the room would look vivid in the dark.

Tiptoeing farther into the chamber, the door unexpectedly closed behind her, causing the hairs on her back to stand at attention and she quickly turned around to see who had closed the door, but there was no one there.

Maybe it’s the wind? She thought to herself and shook the nervousness of her system.

She quickly glanced around with her hands on her waist. Now where is his highness?


After properly adding some ointment and carefully bandaging her injured wrist, Anna finally decided to read a book that was boringly laid on the book shelf opposite her chambers, silently begging to be read or even touched. The wooden shelf had several books resting on it but due to the uncompromised situations surrounding her lately, it made it quite difficult for her to read any of them but tonight, she was gonna read herself to sleep.

Agreeing with herself, the confused Anna randomly picked a book with a purple cover from the shelf, she picked another book with a blue cover and glanced at both books with her eyes forming a ruminating slit.

She silently debated on which book she should go with for tonight before returning the one with a blue cover back on the shelf. Keeping the purple covered book close to her chest.


“I’ll go with this one.” She walked back to her dressing table and sat on it.

“Okay.... Let’s start with this first.” Taking a deep breath, she opened the book to page one. The title of the book; ‘AN INCONVENIENT FLAME’ sounded very riveting to her ears, she had read the synopsis at the back and it looked pretty catchy to read.

She was in the mood to leave reality, even if it’s for the night and hopefully this book would be able to take her on that stress free journey. Pushing aside every other thought that concerned Roshan or Euphrasia and even Viscarrian, Anna relaxed on the chair and began her journey to an entirely different world.

The story was about a brave female warrior who was terminally ill. Sadly, there was no cure for such illness so her life was numbered. Although their illness might be different, they both seemed to share the same cruel fate.

Shaking off the anxiety slowly building up inside of her, Anna continued further. Since she was terminally ill, the warrior decided to go on a quest to search for her main purpose in life, other than defending her empire from the brutal enemies. On her quest to true discovery, an unfortunate accident took place, leaving her trapped in a cave only to be saved by a handsome dark Knight, who happened to be an enemy of the other empire her people were currently battling with.

“A forbidden love story.”

Anna’s hooked gaze remained buried in the book and she’d squint or widen her eyes at anything surprising to the extent she ended up reading half the page of the book.

Her cheeks unwillingly flushed into a bright cherry red after reaching an intimate scene between the warrior and the dark Knight. Her big eyes went round and she shut the book out of impulse. Her heart thudded against her chest and she felt her whole system scorching with an unexplainable heat.

“N_No, I can’t read this, it’s too detailed.” She cautioned herself, but then she wanted to end the book. She wanted to know if the lady survived her illness and ended up living happily ever after with the Dark Knight, so she decided to skip the steamy scenes, but not all of them as curiosity always got the better of her at the end.

The moment she was done reading, her heart was pounding and her body felt hot, the book was amazing! No doubt. But it left her with unanswered questions and she blamed the author for not explaining if her illness was cured or not. Although the two couples ended up happy, the main character’s predicament wasn’t cured in the story.

“Did she die?” Anna really wished she could find an extra chapter that explained it to her, but sadly, the story had ended. Guess it’s left for her own imagination to complete the story.

She closed the book with a half satisfied expression crossing her face when a thought suddenly hit her and her eyes alarmingly widened. If Roshan catches her reading an erotica, she’ll never hear the end of it for sure.

She hid the book under the rest of the normal books resting on her dressing table and her heart finally calmed.

Sighing to herself, her eyes were already tired and ached from the reading, this was what she wanted. To read herself to sleep and she got just that. Resting her head on the table, she fell asleep within a second as her eyes dropped to a close.

Not too long after she had slept, Roshan appeared in her chambers, only to find the annoying woman asleep on the chair and he nonchalantly rolled his eyes while folding his arms.

“She’s sleeping.” For some reason he felt disappointed, he actually expected his maid to check on him but instead, he got the smaller version of her lurking in his chambers.

He reached for her dressing table after taking a few strides, she was fast asleep and he noticed her wrist was neatly bandaged, the injury his uncle had mercilessly inflicted on her.

He placed his palm on top of her wrist, a golden light flashed in his irises, as well as his palm and once it stopped, Roshan loosened the bandage and her wound was healed.

He carried her from the chair and laid her on the bed so she could sleep properly. Anna could feel her body being effortlessly dropped on the comfy bed but she was too sleepy to bother about who was in her chambers or who carried her from the chair she was sitting.

That was until she felt the weight of the bed press down, as though someone just got on top of the bed with her. She ignored it at first but when she felt the straps of her night dress untying themselves, her eyes quickly snapped open as her brain finally worked. She looked up to see who was undressing her, only to meet the intense stare of someone she never imagined to find in her room, at such a late hour.

“Roshan?” Shock and bewilderment flashed in her eyes, she stared into his Hazel-green eyes but they glinted darkly against the dim-lit room, he didn’t stop untying her straps until she placed her hands on his.

“What are you doing?” She asked in disbelief after seeing he wasn’t stopping, her heart thumped loudly against her ribcage but the being who was on top of her just smiled seductively and tugged her hands off.

“I’m hot.” He uttered before loosening the straps of her night dress but Anna didn’t give him the chance to flip them open. A sudden look of hunger flashed in his eyes and Anna wasn’t oblivious to it.

It sent a quick tremor rolling down her spine and she felt cold. josei


“You’re my maid.” He uttered in a deep dark voice before leaning to whisper in her ear.

“That automatically makes you mine.” His hot breath tickled her earlobe, causing her to shiver relentlessly and it took her some minutes to recall what he just said.

His what??

The side where he bit her, Anna could feel his soft lips drop a kiss on that area, channeling a new unfamiliar sensation through her body and she impulsively tilted her head up, giving him more access and those sensual lips teasingly traced the nape of her neck and her collarbone, only to stop at the swell of her breast and her eyes closed as the sensation ran through her burning system like ants on fire.

His body wasn’t even touching hers in the slightest of ways, he kept a torturing distance between their bodies but the heat escaping from him could be felt, or was the heat coming from her??

It couldn’t be, no!

“S_stop.” She forced herself to speak, her first instinctive measure was to push him away but shockingly, she didn’t have the strength to. Roshan wickedly continued with his act as he kissed the swell of her breast and as though that wasn’t enough, Anna felt his adventurous hands crawl against her night dress, only to grip her thighs and a gasp left her lips.


He lifted his head to look at her, “You chose me, remember?” A predatory smile crossed his lips, enhancing his features, his hair fell over his face and he was all naked before her. “It’s time to face the repercussions of your choice!”

His eyes dangerously glowed a deep red and his fangs appeared as well. Anna’s eyes widened and before she could do anything, he bit her at the exact same spot he bit her before and that’s when her eyes snapped open.


She sprang on her bed with a desperate cry, sitting upright and her hands involuntarily reached for the nape of her neck, but surprisingly, she wasn’t bitten, nor did she feel the sharp pain she was anxiously expecting.

“W_what?” She looked around her room, but there was no one present, she was fully clothed and Roshan was nowhere in her room.

Her body shivered with fear, anticipation and they hummed to life as she was left aroused.

“Was it a dream?”

Her face went red in embarrassment and she smacked the back of her head.

How can she be having scandalous thoughts about this man?? Even when she was with Adrian, she’s never thought of him in this inappropriate manner before and now, the person she was supposed to despise with every fiber inside of her, was making her skin go hot.

She glanced at her wrist and her heart jumped to her throat after seeing her wrist was healed.

Her wrist was healed???

That means.... Roshan was evidently here??

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