The Discarded, Half-Eaten Apple Core New Life

Additional Supply Depots Required.

Additional Supply Depots Required.

I gained 85 levels in two weeks while making a Mana stone factory. All crew, brace for impact.

Boom. Holy Cow, sweet Gray Alien. And I still had 95 more levels to grind before coming back to 180 and then opening the doors to the beyond. I was going to be as powerful as God. Oh, wait, I was a God. Sorry for blaspheming, YHVH, my buddy. The Norse might have pulled the wool over this world, but I was there, fighting the good fight. Yeah. Gods had ranks, and I was pretty sure I was at the bottom of the totem pole, despite RĂ³ta's exultations.

I would be so pissed if I had picked any of the other two choices. It was so overwhelming I had no idea if I should put my points in Willpower or not. What did it mean to have another two and a half thousand points of Willpower? And I was supposed to be almost a hundred times smarter and wiser than an average magical apple.

Which I kind of was, by the way.

Historically, most magical apples were dumb. Hercules' golden apple? Dumb. Snow White's apple? Dumb and toxic. Touhou's Bad Apple? [1] Not quite dumb, but depressive as fuck. I loved the song, then I read the English translation. I still love it but boy, it comes from the depths of despair. American Pie? It's an apple pie, so it counts. Johnny Appleseed and Steve Jobs get a free pass. They weren't dumb but I was talking about magical apples.

Troy was burned to the ground because of an apple. In the Garden of Eden, everyone knows how that ended up. Got Atalanta from Athens in wedlock and knocked up. Oh, boy. I went on quite the tangent. Bottom line, my baseline was so horrible. If it weren't for my human soul and Dungeon half, I would be... probably in the belly of a giant rant, and then turned into poop.

Okay, Perks! Gimme, gimme. And cut that "you learned shit" shit. Just give me the Cliff Notes!

Protean Dungeon (Legendary, Dungeon)josei



Holy... 19 Traits? And most of them are stuff most Dungeons should get. But the traps... And the double Volume... I can grant wishes now? Change species, polymorph, teleportation... change age? Holy... Compress space by 90%? Meaning I could shrink Speranza to occupy a thousandth of the volume it is currently using? What about time? Slow it to a fourth or triple its speed. I tested it... and it stacks with the time change from Demiplane control.

I checked the list again. Enchant items? Make bosses? Core Guardian? Now we were talking. Dungeon stuff. The 40% efficiency went into Willpower. With the amount of Willpower these traps demand, it is only fair to boost it.

Techno-Wizard (Epic, Crafter)

Wait, I think I know that last one. Isn't it from... Also, Go-go gadget, schmuck ratchet.

Fabricator-General (Epic, Crafter)



[1] The Author deeply regrets not making that one a choice for evolution. Maybe in the rewrite.

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