The Discarded, Half-Eaten Apple Core New Life

The Little Artillery that Could!

The Little Artillery that Could!

It was time to stop my many projects for a while and go fight.

I had a high-speed rail system installed just to transport Blackjack Six to the cannon FOB. I needed to cut down on the communications lag. I don't think Dungeons were intended to extend for dozens of miles like I did.

Standing on an observation tower (this time with my mechanical feet, thank you very much for asking), I surveyed the horde. The first and faster stragglers sensed the Mana infused in my Dungeon walls and rushed straight at the FOB.

"Point defense weapons, standby."

The wall was decked in SPLINTER launchers and the top of the walls had three rows of ballistae and crossbows, packed as tight as they could be and still remain operational. My mental speech was completely needless. These weapons were extensions of my Dungeon. The monsters entered crossbow range.

"Aim and snipe."

The crossbows shot only when they had a "lock" on an enemy Infernale. The faster monsters, mostly Spinehounds and Newton's Boars, crumpled and died as they were struck by the aimed shots. That lasted for a minute as the first wave of the horde detached from the main group and rushed at the FOB.

"Pao Che mangonels!"

From behind the walls, small Chinese trebuchets that could be used from the back of a cart shot clusters of grapeshot bombs in the air. Then landed and exploded, breaking the horde forerunners' momentum and their bones too.


The Korean rocket arrow war machine was an ancient one and lacked precision but it could put hundreds of arrows in the air in just a few seconds. The rockets whistled as they propelled the arrows in the horde's general direction. Meanwhile, the crossbows started swiveling and shooting as fast as Dungeon Automation could reload them. The same was true for the mangonels and the hwachas.

With the point defenses taking care of the faster monsters, waves upon waves of the horde became aware of the FOB's existence. I couldn't see the ground a mile away from my walls. I had mile upon mile of monsters before the Jabberwock, twenty miles away from the FOB.

"Artillery, fire a volley from a tenth of the weapons."

Three rows of cannons fired with a five-second interval between rows. The kickback was within the expected parameters and I quickly absorbed the smoke from the blasts. Two, three, and four miles away, the shells struck the ground and exploded into ribbons of flames and debris.

"Fire!" Rows one, eleven, and twenty-one (my cannon rows were zero-indexed) fired. Five, six, seven miles of range.

Before another three gashes made out of fire and gore were ripped open in the horde, I issued the command again. "Fire!" Rows two modulo ten fired. Then the next. I picked up the pace. Every three seconds, three rows of cannons fired. By the time the ninth row had fired, the zeroth row was rearmed. The cannons shifted a bit because of the recoil but I fired anyway. The projectiles suffered some scatter. But it didn't matter. Anywhere they landed was guaranteed to be packed with monsters.

The other weapons kept shooting. While the cannons were winnowing the horde far away, those two miles closer to the FOB were a problem for my point-defense weapons.

Replicating ammunition for all these weapons burned through my Substance reserves. I had caches of matter everywhere in my Domain, though. The cacophony of three thousand cannons going off every three seconds drowned the noise from the close-range siege weapons. Things were so crowded the mangonel bombs knocked a few arrows out of the air.

"Initiate Operation Angry Birds!" I commanded. Small repeating hand crossbows, easy to aim and quick to reload, the same model used by Marshall's outriders started picking out the flying Infernali from the skies before they could mess with my weapons. One cannon shell struck a relatively big bird and exploded, several hundred feet from the FOB wall, killing dozens of fliers at once. I absorbed the smoke, debris, and corpses before they hit the ground. Every corpse inside my Domain range was absorbed in the earliest opportunity.

But no matter how many thousands I killed, I couldn't see a gap in the horde. On one hand, they had too many monsters. On the other hand, visibility was down to zero because of all the smoke and dust I was kicking up.

I sat on a chair by my command desk and had Blackjack assume pose number nine. Elbows on the desk, fingers crossed, covering the mouth right under the nose. The weapons kept firing.

Monsters approached enough to enter the SPLINTER dart launcher's range. Volleys of three darts flew at each one of them. Rolling explosions dug trenches miles wide and changed the landscape as the repeated volleys from the cannons struck the same general distance over and over.

I kept them firing at the same spot. The Infernali knew not the concept of morale and having these furrows and baby crevices dug meant they needed to waste time climbing down and then up, time in which they were in the perfect spot to be mashed into monster pulp. I also noticed the cannon shell explosions seemed to be growing bigger and bigger with every subsequent volley. Maybe it was because the debris was getting softer by the blasts or because I had already earned some weird Perk.

Marshall wept when I told him what I was going to do with the horde. I think it was both because of the Exp and the magic stones that were being destroyed along with the corpses. But going down there to harvest magic stones was suicide even for him.

The SPLINTER launchers became empty, reloaded, and fired again. The cannons sang their war song. A wall of black smoke clouded the skies ahead of me. They were soon reaching the sky where they became clouds. I couldn't see Jabberwock anymore. Which was kind of a relief.

Monsters overwhelmed the dart launchers. "Moat, open!" I commanded just to sound cool. A section of the ground opened up, forty feet wide, revealing a moat two hundred feet deep, walls covered in SHREDDER panels, the ground littered with spears forty feet long and packed close enough for some Xianxia protagonists to stroll over at their own leisure. You know who I'm talking about (most of them, of course).

The monsters lucky enough to not have enough momentum to become hung on the hooked prongs on the walls sank deeply into the spears. I quickly absorbed those corpses to keep them from clogging, a lesson I learned well. I let the magic stones fall to the bottom where a layer of tall grass hid some pokemon... no, I mean cushioned their fall and stopped the crystallized Mana from breaking.

"War, war never changes..." I mused.



This went on for hours. The System built pressure inside my head (what head, I ask, Mr. Ichabod?), begging me to see the notifications. I did.

Damn nice Perks. What if this was my main Class? Wait, what happens to that one Perk when I grow older than eighteen?

I remembered the advice Marshall gave me before I came here, regarding leveling up too fast. I hastily opened my Sub-Class menu and picked the first acceptable Class I could find. I also set the System to not display the Perk messages. I could browse them later.

I had a lull in the wall of messages as the System calculated the Exp for the next 40 levels. I suspect that after the level 300 guy, the admins updated the way levels were granted to stop that kind of abuse. I was level 120 now and had another Sub-Class slot in 5 levels.

What the hell? I think most monsters stopped giving Exp now that I was level 120. I needed 120,000 Exp to level my new Sub-Class and 84,000 of these came from Mass Murderer.

And the weapons were still firing, and monsters were still dying by the thousands.

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