The Divine Anime System

Chapter 16. Puberty???

Chapter 16. Puberty???

"Fuuuuuu~" Rei breathed out as he stood up in his room. After the conversation he had with Eve had slightly understood what he should do. While he shouldn't completely forget the bad side, it doesn't he should let it control him. He just needed to do what he did before but have more control. He couldn't go losing his shit so much. Yesterday was... defiantly embarrassing.... He, a reincarnater broke down like a little kid. While it embarrassed him he also didn't mind, after all he and Eve opened up to each other. He had some ideas on giving Eve a body so that they could be together but right now a step at a time.

Quickly arriving on campus he could see the press gather for the ceremony.

"Show time" he though while he spread out his observation haki to find all might.

"Oi Baka Usagi! you ready?" Rei called out when he saw all might in the lounge.

"Ahhh Rei shounen, yes I am. Everyone should be ready in the hall. Lets go shall we?" All Might ask with a smile.


Multiple conversations could be heard while Principle Nezu walked to the stage.

"Settle down everyone!" He shouted as Rei made his way up to the stage. Leaving the mic for him Principle Nezu sat down with the other teachers and watched Rei.

"So you probably know me, some don't but I don't care. What I am here to say is that I have required each and every one of you to be here while I say this to the school and the world out there. Yeah you can say I using you press as a tool. But so what? Bite me. And so I say. I Rei, from class 1A, gender:MALE! Will now tell yall this. I don't give a shit on what you think hero should be but I believe in my self, I'm not going to let some shitty villains cause deaths while they just get imprisoned. No they deserve much more... and so, any villains I'll met well... I don't have mercy for society trash." He said while his unleashed a bit of his conqueror haki on everyone so that they felt pressure. He had his Unlimited Blade Works craft 2 rows of blades behind him making him look more intimidating with addition to Kyoki in his right hand while he let it spread out waves of blood lust. Causing some fear in the crowd. Satisfied with the effect he stepped away from the stage.

All Might excused himself while the conference/ceremony went on.

"Baka Usagi, what you need?" Rei said while he leaned on the railing.

"Not much, Rei shounen I just want to ask is everything ok?" All Might asked while he also leaned on the railing next to Rei.

"Yeah i'm fine, just had to sort out my mind a little. I just need some control over myself."

"Ahhh So thats what it is. I think I get it now Rei shounen."

"Wait you do?!?!" Rei asked in suprise. He couldn't imagine how All Might could know about his small internal identity crisis he had.

"Yes Rei shounen. I believe it's puberty. Bit of a late bloomer i'll say but don't worry Rei shounen. It's normal for a teenager and their emotions to be a bit out of wack at this time."

".............." Rei stood there flabbergasted.

"Wait Eve does that mean it wasn't the identity crisis I had? It was just my hormone working?"

{.......I think....}

"THE FUCK!?!?!" Rei shouted in his mind and in real-life.

"Mah mah Rei shounen, I can teach you all about it!" All Might said whist giving a thumbs up.

"For fucks sakes baka usagi, I know what puberty mean it's just....I didn't think thats what I was going through." Rei said with a weird look.

"Well, for these things a 3rd person stand point finds things out more no?" All Might smiled while still looking at Rei.

"Huh... well I mean I think? So I guess I should just try tone it down abit?" Rei asked with uncertainty.

"Well it's certainly a good start Rei shounen!" All Might Encouraged.

"I'll also say this now, you should also think of a hero costume soon. The quicker you do the longer time they have to make it."

"Thanks but I got this. I already have a costume ready. I don't really need anything fancy. After all.. isn't my Blade Works cool as it is already?" Rei said with a wide smile.

"There we go see, arn't you happier getting it off your chest?" All Might said with his tradition (n_n) face.

"Pft what's with that face All Might?" Rei laughed.

"Well it made you laugh no?" All Might said smiling.

"Yeah it did sugoi usagi.(cool rabbit)"

"Haha well I still got paper work to do so i'll be going. Take care Rei shounen. And remember talk to me if you need help on puberty!" All Might said whilst he walked away.

"The fuck baka usagi!" Rei shouted. He could hear All Might laugh in the distance.

"He really is amazing isn't he Eve."

{Yeah he is.}

"Right then. Let go back to class." Rei stretched and jumped off the railing towards the building class 1A was at.

Later that day Rei could see the conference on TV and news paper. He could see how pro-heroes berated him saying he's immature and arrogant. While some of the Civilians though the opposite, they supported his thought as villains have killed too many people but they just get jailed, which they could just break out and kill more.

But Rei didn't care he had more pressing matters. He wanted to train himself up a bit more before the villains attack at the U.S.J.

"Ne Aizawa sensei." Rei asked.

"hmm? Yeah what is it."

"Can I take a few days off from lessons? I need to deal with some problems that's just come up."

"Yeah sure what ever just make sure that you have a costume for the hero training in a weeks time." Eraser Head said not caring since All Might has told him the Rei might want to clear his head for a while.

"Ehh. You agreed?" Rei said surprised.

"What? unless you don't want me too-"

"Nai nai nai~ Hahaha see you!" Rei said quickly while he left.

"hn this kid.." Eraser Head showed a small smile that was gone almost immediately, returning his face back to the lazy one he had most of the time.

Having gotten conformation Rei sought out Midoria to tell him that he needed to do something for a week. After making sure everything was done he went home and entered his mind scape. Ready to start training.

"Hey Eve am I able to create any enemies in my mindscape?"

{Err If it's just weaker enemies like the small robots in the exam I think you can make 30 to 40 of them. Time is also 4hours here one hour out there now, so you have plenty of time to train. You just need to imagine what the enemy looks like and i'll do the rest.} josei

"Hmmm, lets go with fighting a large group attacking at once. Eve will you be able to handle making one for every I destroy so it doesn't run out?"

{Hai hai~ no problem for me I can handle it!}

"Thanks Eve let's get started." Rei said whilst he summoned Kyoki and Tengoku. He was also planning to master the Twin Dragons manual in the week or a month in the mindscape that he was given as much as he could.

40 Robots surrounded him as started to utilise his observation haki and armament haki to the extreme. He made sure he didn't use anything else since he had wanted to improve his blade work with his dual swords and intergrate haki better into fighting too.

So for the next month he spent most of his time fighting the unending waves of robots. with the occasional break to eat, shower, and rest. Each session becoming harder as he made more and more of them, each better than the last. At the last week he had in his mind scape. The robots were already very humanoid like with amazing agility, flexibilty and fast reflexes.

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