The Divine Anime System

Chapter 55. Saber

Chapter 55. Saber

Rei and Eve sat on top of the near by building watching Rin trying to save Emiya. Using her pendant, which is what will eventually be used as the link to summon the future version of Emiya. Counter guardian Emiya now known as Archer. 

"So this is where it would technically start in a different timeline." Eve said as she knew this have to have happened in a different timeline without Archer since he wasn't 'created' yet.

"Yep and now Archer hope to use this chance to kill Emiya and create a large enough paradox to free himself from the throne of heroes. unfortunately, he doesn't know that there are multiple time lines and that his soul is already bound to the throne of heroes no matter how much he may hate it." Rei said feeling sorry for his mentor of 10 years of his life.

The moonlight shadowed their bodies as silhouettes with slightly glowing red eyes could be seen if one looked over at the duo. 

Rei could see how Emiya with his last breath looked over towards their location.

"Hou?! He could actually look towards us. I'm sure that I set up a space where every one would ignore this area but it seems like Emiya bypassed it." Rei said with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Yeah, like we said earlier. There are always exceptions to every thing no matter how small. Just means we've got much to learn about laws don't we?" Eve said looking at Emiya with some slight curiosity now. Before, she was curious about him as an anime character, someone who's power Rei wanted first. But now, she was curious of him since he could pass Rei's barrier.

Snapping his fingers, Rei dispersed the barrier as he teleported next to Rin.

"Rin, I'll return slightly later ok? Me and Eve need to check something out." Rei said looking at Rin.

"Sure, just don't be too late." Rin said trying to save Emiya.

Rei nodded before he teleport back to Eve and set up the space once more.

They watched as Rin left, leaving the now alive Emiya on the floor. Breathing heavily, Emiya dragged his body up feeling his chest where he was stabbed. Standing up, Emiya had grabbed the pendant the Rin had left before looking towards Rei and Eve once more. 

Emiya's eyes widened seeing two pairs of glowing eyes. Blinking quickly, he looked once more to see it gone. Dismissing it as a hallucination, Emiya quickly left the premises. 

"This is no longer just an exception. Once maybe, twice? Must be something else I'm missing." Rei said frowning as to why Emiya could see them.

"Well, maybe it's the fact that Emiya's body has Avalon in it and it created a resonance with my Avalon? After all, didn't Gáe Bolg do the same when it sensed your True Gáe Bolg?" Eve suggested her hypothesis. 

"Maybe...." Rei said teleporting them once more. 

Landing near the Emiya resistance, Rei and Eve made their way to the shed. 

"So this is the seal used to summon servants. Interesting...." Rei said studying the seal due to his concept of seals.

"The seal first scan's the user, then searches to the best matches within the throne of heroes data base if you would say. Imprint their souls into a puppet and summons it here. So even if you killed the puppet, the main copy is still in the throne of heroes so they can make as many copies as they want." Rei said looking at each of the seals carefully. 

"Do you think you'll be able to lock onto the throne of heroes with this?" Eve asked as she knew Rei wanted to give something back to his sensei, and that something is freeing his soul from the throne of heroes.

"Not from this no. My understanding isn't deep enough yet. But I should be able to follow sensei when the war ends and he returned to the throne of heroes." Rei said shaking his head. josei

Soon they heard the sound of glass breaking. 

"Seems like it's time to summon Saber." Rei said teleporting them on top of the main building looking towards Emiya run to the shed.

Soon they saw a light explode out from the shed as they knew Saber has just been summoned.

Saber and Lancer could then be seen in the open area about to fight. 

Staring down on each other for a moment, Saber shot towards Lancer as she swung her sword with monstrous speed and efficiency quickly forcing Lancer to retreat. Stepping down hard, Lancer ran in a zig zag motion towards Saber thrusting his spear forward. Tilting to the side, Saber evaded easily and used her sword to hit the spear upwards. 

Lancer clenched his teeth as he exerted himself to quickly block attack after attack with much difficulty. Saber's sword grinded on Lancer's spear as Lancer pushed the spear downwards and vaulted over her.

"Coward! What's the meaning of this?! Concealing your weapon!?" Lancer called out annoyed at this fact.

Saber not willing to talk, attacked Lancer once more causing him to retreat. 

"What is the matter, Lancer? If you simply stand there, you will give spearmen a bad name. If you will not come to me, then I shall go to you." 

Saber said about to attack.

*Clap Clap Clap Clap

Rei clapped his hands causing them to look towards him.

"Now then, I think this is enough don't you think Lancer san? Or would you like another fight?" Rei said looking at Lancer.


"My lord is a coward you see. He wanted me to take out the witness, but now that your here he's ordering me home." Lancer said as he walked away.

"Hold it!" Saber said about to run towards him. 

Eve quickly went in front of Saber as she pinched her sword.

"Saber chan, calm down a little kay?" Eve said with a smile.

"You!" Saber said looking at Eve as she could feel her scabbard Avalon in her body.

Lancer flashed away in the time that Saber was distracted.

"You have let the enemy escape, state your name!" Saber said looking at Eve and Rei.

"I'm Eve and he's Rei, we can be called half servant since we were summoned but haven't become a spirit in the throne of heroes." Eve explained as she let go of Saber's sword. 

"Now explain why I can feel the presence of Avalon in you." Saber asked once again.

"Hm I don't like the tone your using to command Eve." Rei said narrowing his eyes dangerously.

Saber faltered slightly as she felt dense amounts of power in his body.

"Mah mah Rei, it's fine. She would be confused after all." Eve said not bothering about the tone Saber used.

"Anyways, Rei had used Avalon as a base to create my body. But don't worry this isn't your Avalon but rather a duplicate made by Rei." Eve said walking back to Rei.

"Impossible!" Saber shot down the idea of someone else copying a noble phantasm.

"Not impossible, here look. Trace on...." Rei said as he traced another copy of Avalon.

"See? And here just because your hiding your sword doesn't mean I haven't seen it before. Trace on..." Rei said once more a golden lights erupted from his hand. Saber's Excalibur in her hands trembled signalling the existence of another true Excalibur.

"Come, True Excalibur!" Rei said as Excalibur appeared in his hands.

"See?" Rei said proving his point as dismissed the two noble phantasms away. 

"Rei why are you here and who are you!" Emiya asked unable to take it anymore.

"I'm here because it was interesting and I'm a half servant." Rei said as he looked over to where Archer and Rin would arrive.

"Now then, I believe I should go, see ya." Rei said.

"See ya." Eve said as Rei took Eve and jumped towards where Archer would be.

Saber quickly explained some details to Emiya before she too jumped towards where Archer would be.

Seeing Archer, Saber quickly deemed him a threat before attacking him. Archer seeing Saber, flinched as he knew who she was. Quickly parrying her attacks, Archer retreated back to Rin protecting her. Saber was about to attack once more when Emiya accidentally used a command seal.

"Stop Saber!" Emiya shouted when a pulse of red appeared from the back of his hand. 

Saber flinched as she stopped, looking back with some difficulty, Saber looked annoyed at Emiya.

"Are you mad Shirou(Emiya)! I could have defeated them handily, yet you ordered me to stop!" Saber said.

"Hold it Saber, I have no idea what's going on. I'm your master right? So shouldn't you fill me in?" Emiya said.

"You would demand such a thing when the enemy is before us?!" Saber said.

"Saber chan, Emiya there is right you know. Going in without knowing will get him killed easier." Eve said drawing their attention towards her.

"Eve you're here too?" Rin said looking at Eve.

"Yep me and Rei were checking out Saber chan over here." Eve said pointing at Saber. 

"Hm, I see..." Rin said before looking towards Emiya.

"For starters, good evening Emiya kun." Rin said towards the shocked Emiya seeing three of the people he knew familiar with the concept of servants.

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