The Divine Anime System

Chapter 69. The most dangerous sin

Chapter 69. The most dangerous sin

Soon Meliodas and Merlin could be seen with a man behind them. That man was Escanor, he had orange hair and a thin body shape.

"Captain!" The group said as they approached.

"Pa!" Rei said as he waved at Meliodas.

"Rei hahaha." Meliodas said as he took Rei from Ban's arms.

"Miss me?" Meliodas asked with a smile as he held Rei up.

"Un." Rei nodded as he let Meliodas lift him.

"Captain you have a child?" Escanor asked seeing Rei call Meliodas Pa.

"Not biologically at least." Meliodas replied.

"I see.." Escanor said while he looked at Rei.

"Rei chan, surely you didn't forget me right?" Merlin smiled as she picked up Rei.

Rei shook his head.

"We're you bored not looking at my book of seals?" Merlin asked as she knew how much Rei liked reading that book.

"No, Ban with me, run in foest" Rei said with some difficulty.

Merlin stopped for a second.

"Rei chan, was Ban running at a very fast speed?" She asked with a smile.

"Un foest became blur." Rei said truthfully to which Ban started to sweat. He was about to turn and run when he found out that he couldn't move his body.

"Ban we're going to have a talk ok?" Merlin said with a terrifying smile.

"Yes ma'am." Ban said with sweat running down his face.


Rei giggled slightly seeing the shenanigans between Merlin and Ban.

Merlin looked down with a wide smile as it would be rare of Rei to smiled like this.

"Ban seeing that Rei chan is happy I'll let you off." Merlin said as she unfroze Ban.

'Rei, thank you. I owe you one.' Ban thought as he enjoyed the sweet sweet mobility he has in his body.

"Now then with Escanor here we have all of the 7 sin's gathered. Our group will be under the direct order's of the king. Escanor is pride, King is sloth, Diane is envy, Merlin is gluttony, Ban is greed, Gowther who isn't here just yet is lust and finally we have me who is wrath." Meliodas said.

"We will be doing missions next week so take this time to familiarise yourselves with each other ok?" He continued as he approached Merlin who's holding Rei.

"Now then, who's going to be looking after Rei?" Merlin asked as she passed Rei to Meliodas.

"Hmmm, Captain. Why not bring the little guy with us? Or we wait until the little guy is four and we train him." Ban suggested.

"Hmm I don't want Rei to come with us as it could be dangerous." Meliodas said rejecting the idea.

"Why not let him stay with the King for now until he becomes four?" Diane suggested.

"I suppose that'll work." Meliodas said looking at Rei.

"Is that ok?" He asked wanting to see Rei's opinion.

"Borin." Rei said as it would be boring doing nothing all day.

"How about I give you access to my lab? You can read all the books in the lab." Merlin said causing Rei to beam widely.

"Un!" He said enthusiastically as Merlin has a wide collection with will easily last him 2 whole years as he is currently 2 years old physically.

"Then it's sorted, Rei will stay with the King for two years before we start to train him." Meliodas said confirming the plan.

The rest of the group agreed as they started to return to their resting place since it was already dark when Meliodas and Merlin returned with Escanor. When they were alone, Meliodas looked Rei into the eyes and said.

"Elizabeth is off limits ok? She is a no touch." Meliodas said which caused Rei to sweat drop.josei

'Dad...You just treated your son like a rival in love.' Rei though while he nodded.

"Good. I'll teach you some swordsmanship when you're older." Meliodas said which Rei became excited at since with was also Meliodas who taught Gilthunder how to use the sword.

Meliodas reached his room as he put Rei on the bed while he slept as well.

'Two more years...two more years until the vampire invasion in Edinburgh.' Rei though while he also drifted off to sleep.

The next few months for Rei was simple. He didn't talk to anyone unless the 7 sins came back. He never left the lab unless the 7 sins came back and finally, when he needed food he would just get some bread as it would last him long enough since he didn't need too much food. Or rather, Rei used food as a substitute for blood to reduce his cravings a little. He wanted to wait until he reached Edinburgh to drink some blood.

Today was the same as all ways, wake up, eat and go to the labs. But what awaited him there was Elizabeth with her teddy bear.

"Rei chan happy birthday!" She greeted with a smile.

"Eli chan why are you here this early?" Rei asked. He and Elizabeth had become great friends over these months as she was the only one who actively talked to him.

"Well I just wanted to say happy birthday to you." Elizabeth said while she looked down to her feet.


"Thank you Eli chan, but what about your dad? Won't he be worried?" Rei asked.

"Nope, he said I'm safe with you since if any thing happens to me Meliodas with 'torture' you I think dad said." Elizabeth said tilting her head.

'Bartra Liones(King of Liones) what the fuck are you saying to Elizabeth.' Rei thought with a sweat drop.

"Well you want to play here like always?" Rei asked as he walked over to the table and sat down on the chair while he opened the book of seals that Merlin had gifted him.

"Un, Say Rei chan. When do you think Sir Meliodas will be back?" Elizabeth asked as he also sat down on a chair and looked at Rei reading the book.

"I think dad and the guys will be back later today since they left last month for the current mission." Rei replied not taking his eyes off the book.

"Rei chan, you know what the knights and the maids call you?" Elizabeth asked Rei while she started to play with her teddy bear.

"I don't care what they call me but enlighten me." Rei said looking up.

"Hen hen~ Then listen well!" Elizabeth said with a wide smile and stood on the table.

"They call you the Origin, or the child of sins. They said it was because you have the traits of all of the member's of the 7 deadly sins and is the child of Sir Meliodas, the dragon sin of wrath." Elizabeth said.

"And? Couldn't they have given me a better name." Rei said before he looked back into the book.

"Hmph, baka Rei. Be patient, I'm telling you the last title now ok?" Elizabeth said with a huff.

Rei's mind shook when he heard Elizabeth say Baka Rei.

'Again...that feeling.....It seems like this is also something that Eve used to say a lot....' Rei thought as he sighed and closed the book.

"Fine Eli chan. Please tell me my last title."

"That's more like it. Well your last title is 'The most dangerous sin'. They said it was because you have an ability called Gluttony that can eat all forms of energy and use it against the person." Elizabeth said as she looked at Rei with glowing eyes.

"Can you show me?" She asked wanting to see the ability in action.

"Even if I wanted to I can't. I need to have a type of energy in front of me to eat it." Rei said as he opened up his book once more.

"That's easy then. Let's go find Gil chan." Elizabeth said as she dragged Rei by the arm.


Rei sighed as he followed Elizabeth. Soon they could see Gilthunder training with his dad.

"Gil chan!!" Elizabeth called out loudly gaining their attention.

"Hey Gil, Uncle Zaratras." Rei greeted.

"Hey Rei what brings you here?" Zaratras asked as it wasn't usual for Rei to leave Merlin's tower.

"Eli chan wanted me to demonstrate my ability so she dragged me here for Gil to fire some thunder at me." Rei replied with a shrug.

"Is that so? Son want to help out?" Zaratras asked Gilthunder.

"Are you sure? It might hurt Rei." Gil said slightly worried.

"Don't worry about it." Rei said as he handed his book to Zaratras and walked to an open space. Elizabeth watched from the sides with glowing eyes.

"If you say so Rei, Thunder!!" Gilthunder said as lighting shot towards Rei.

Opening his mouth, Rei began eating the thunder. Elizabeth watched as the thunder could be seen being gathered into Rei's mouth.

"Amazing...." She said while Rei finished eating.

"Thunder gods roar..." Rei whispered and he looked up and released the roar attack. A giant flash of lighting could be seen shooting upwards.

"Phew...Is that enough Eli chan?" Rei asked as he looked over to her.

"AMAZING!!!" Elizabeth shouted as she ran over to him and jumped onto his back.

Zaratras watched with a smile as the three kids talked to each other.

'Rei, you'll play a huge part in helping Meliodas in the future...' Zaratras thought as he knew what would happen in the future.

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