The Divine Anime System

Chapter 81. Festival part 1

Chapter 81. Festival part 1

"Hey dad!" Rei called out as he had found a poster for a festival that's going to happen with Diane's sacred treasure as the prize.

"What is it?" Meliodas said popping his head out from the kitchen.

"I've found where Diane nee san's sacred treasure had gone. It's in this festival as a prize. You guys can go participate while I go advertise Boars Hat and make food for the festival." Rei said handing over the pamphlet.

"Hou~ This'll be interesting." Meliodas said as he walked towards the rest of the group and showed them the pamphlet.

"Hey kiddo, you're not gonna participate?" Ban asked as he looked over to Rei.

"Na I'll go cook for the festival, it'll be a good chance to advertise and make money for Boars Hat." Rei said as he shook his head.

"What about me? Won't I be too big to participate?" Diane said feeling sad about her size once again.

"Here Diane nee san, I've got a present for you once the other guys are gone." Rei said looking as Diane with a smile.

"Hmm sure." Diane nodded.

"Eli chan are you going to cheer my dad on?" Rei asked looking over to Elizabeth.

"Would it be okay if I help you out with distributing the food?" Elizabeth said slightly shocking Rei as he thought she would want to cheer on Meliodas. He recovered quickly as he nodded.

"Yep no problem, it'll be a huge help." Rei said with a smile.

"Right then, shall I make everyone a big feast while we go there?" Rei said causing the rest of the group's eyes to sparkle.josei

"YES!!" They shouted causing Rei to chuckle.

The journey was short while Rei cooked a feast for the group. They could see Diane's hammer by the side of the arena.


"Damn that hammer still looks as big as ever." Rei commented as he carried a huge bag on his back.

"Right then, dad you guys head to the arena first. Diane nee san you stay behind for a second I'll give you your present now." Rei said as the rest nooded and left for the arena.

Looking around to make sure that no one's looking Rei looked back at Diane.

"Right, Diane nee san you want to be small right?" Rei asked causing Diane to nod her head.

"Before this won't be possible, but because my mana reserve increased since I drank blood I'm able to make this seal. This allows to compress all of your strength into a smaller body. So you'll keep your strength while being around the size of everyone else." Rei causing causing Diane's eyes to widen.

"What's even better is the fact that you can adjust it at any time so you can punch out in small form but surprise the enemy when you suddenly turn big again." Rei said causing Diane's eyes to tear up.

"Thank you Rei chan..." Diane said crying tears of happiness and hugged Rei by her face.

"There there, you guys have looked after me and gave me a family. This is the least that I can do." Rei said.

Diane finally let Rei down after a while as he made the seal for Diane. But before he applied the seal, he didn't forget to get some clothing and a towel to cover her body.

"Diane nee san. When I use this seal, your current clothes should shrink with you but I'll prepare this set of clothing just in case ok?" Rei said while Diane couldn't wait to be the same size as everyone.

Getting Diane's confirmation, Rei applied the seal and watched Diane's body shrink till it was just a bit below his own height.

Diane hesitantly opened her eyes as she looked around and saw that every thing was much bigger than before and that Rei was just a little taller than her. She looked at her arms as she teared up once more from happiness.

"THANK YOU REI CHAN!!!!" Diane shouted as she hugged Rei and cried. Rei smiled as he patted her on the back.

"Come on Diane nee san, you should be able to switch between forms by inserting some mana and if you want only your arms to enlarge then you just insert mana into the seal and direct the mana to your arm and it should do it." Rei said separating from her hug.

"Now let's go. Don't tell the guys about this and keep it as a surprise for them." Rei said with a grin making Diane smile as well.

"Un just give me a moment." Diane said as she when to change her clothes. Rei stood there as he waited patiently for her.

Soon she was out and in casual clothing which she was never able to do before. She smiled before giving it a twirl.

"What do you think Rei chan?" She asked as she smiled at Rei.

"Un, Diane nee san looks beautiful in those clothes." Rei said smiling causing Diane to smile wider than she did.

"Thanks Rei, this is one of the happiest days of my life." She said looking at Rei sincerely.

"As long as you like it." Rei said smiling.

"Now we should go before the guys get worried." Diane said as she walked with a slight skip signalling her happiness.

Rei smiled as he took the bag and followed her. They soon reached the area around the arena as he and Diane went separate ways so that she could surprise the guys.

Approaching the group, Rei waved to get their attention.

"Hey kiddo, where's Diane?" Ban asked as he couldn't see Diane.

"Diane nee san will show up later. Right now you guys should register before it's closed while me, Hawk and Eli chan make a stand for Boars Hat." Rei said pointing at the registration point.

Rei then walked next to Elizabeth and Hawk.

"Right then lets go find a good place shall we?" Rei said as the duo followed him. They soon found a spot not too close to the arena but not too far either. Rei crouched down as he placed both hands on the ground and made a make-shift stall with an out door eating area with some tables and chairs all made from stone.

Opening his bag, Rei placed the sign Boars Hat as he set up all of the equipment. Before he had even started to cook, there was a huge queue waiting outside as they all heard of the legend of the Boars Hat and wanted to try the food.

Elizabeth helped take the orders while Rei cooked them causing the people to be intoxicated from the aroma. But thankfully, the aroma didn't reach the arena so the competitors weren't distracted. The people truly got to experience the feeling to god like food with an eye candy like Elizabeth around. People even paid more money just so that they can get their portions faster. Hawk distributed the drinks causing them to be drunk mid day but the food stopped them from getting violent.

The first round was a battle royal where everyone fought in the arena. Rei could see the group easily passing while Diane would wave smile towards him every time they had eye contact. Elizabeth was confused to who Rei had smiled towards but ignored it as she though he was just happy for the group.

It didn't take long for the quarter finals to start as the first contestant was Diane vs Griamore, a holy knight. Griamore had tried to push Diane out of the ring using his ability as Diane looked backwards.

"Go for it!!" Rei cheered for Diane.

Diane smiled as she brought her arm back and punched out. Her arm enlarged to it's normal size just before contact blasting Griamore away like a rocket. The resulting wind had caused Diane's hat to be blown off as the rest of the group watched with their jaws dropped at Diane currently. Especially King. Rei only smiled as Diane jogged over to Rei.

"Hahaha Rei chan you should have saw their faces." Diane said while she laughed.

"Yeah I did." Rei nodded as the rest of the group arrived.

"Diane?" King asked unable to believe that Diane was like this.

"Hey~ Rei chan made a seal to allow me to switch between both of my sizes at any time I want." Diane said.

"Hey good for you Diane, you got your wish granted by kiddo." Ban said with a smile as he sat down.

"Yep! Rei chan is the best!" Diane said causing King to glare at Rei with jealousy and rivalry. Rei could only shrug. Soon it was King's match against a drunken old man which Rei knew was Cain Barzad, a friend of Meliodas from the kingdom of Danafor before it's destruction.

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