The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 366 - A Poem

Chapter 366 - A Poem

Chapter 366 A Poem

The imperial army of Western Qin and masters from all parties arrived at the siege continually.

Despite the fact that anyone who entered the illusion and massacre arrays in the outer field of the Starlight Array would be smashed to pieces, this tactical deployment could not withstand the attacks by so many masters. 18 levels of the array were broken one by one as warriors were killed. The superior crown prince did not care about their lives. Driven by the imperial army, the disciples of these sects could do nothing but rush into the array until being torn apart...

As for the Emperor’s Knife, after he failed to break through the starlight array by means of the extreme Taoist style, he sat at the head of the whale ship, closed his eyes to regain his energy, and turned into the old weak stick.

Shouts permeated the air.

For the Yue Mountain Faction, the situation became dangerous again.

“It is necessary to repair the array,” Li Mu said in front of the main hall. “I think that the starlight array is sophisticated. Although it is broken in many parts, it is the imperfectly motivated array of the kernel star that caused the kernel energy in the air and its real power to not be fully exerted. If Leader Xu doesn’t mind my repairing the core of the formation, the Yue Mountain Faction will stand in an invincible position. Even a few more attackers as powerful as Emperor Knife can not break the formation.”

He said so because an outsider usually was not allowed to get close to and repair a formation that was placed around the secret area of a sect.

Because this would mean that an outsider would dominate the destiny of the sect.

“Of course I don’t mind. If Grand Master Li can repair it, we will be very grateful for you,” Leader Xu responded immediately.

For thousands of years, the Yue Mountain Faction had been wanting, yet unable, to repair the All-side Starlight Deployment, but now they got the chance because Li Mu had that ability. Besides, it meant saving their lives, so they didn’t think so much.

After a while, Qiu Yin, Xu Sheng, and others kept instructing the army at the gate of the main hall.

Xu Yue, the person in charge, personally led Li Mu to the core star of that array. josei

The All-side Starlight Deployment was similar to the Earth Evil Polaris Formation placed in Taibai County by Li Mu in effect, both of which were made through the arrangement of the stars, despite a general and comprehensive approach adopted in the former one. Nevertheless, now that it belonged to the array, there had to be a center in it. The center of the starlight array was the kernel star.

This core was in the center of the main peak of the Yue Mountain Faction.

In the depths of the main hall, a black bottomless cave was vaguely visible.

Xu Yue, with Li Mu, flew in.

After going down to a depth of thousands of meters, they entered into a huge space inside the mountain.

As a flash of light on Li Mu’s fingertip illuminated the whole space, they noticed an altar-like object carved in black on the ground.

They landed on the altar.

“Here is where the core stays. Our founding father left the message that this nine-layered, stone-made altar was the key to manipulating the formation. Unfortunately, 800 years ago our last elder who mastered the mystery of the formation died after he went crazy in cultivation, so that skill was not passed down. For thousands of years, this altar has automatically operated to dominate the array...” As Xu Yue spoke, he sighed endlessly.

Li Mu nodded and observed carefully.

The altar was made in nine layers, with a round one at the bottom and a square shape in turn, which conformed to the Chinese saying of round sky and square earth. Li Mu noticed that on each layer of circular altar was the main star engraved defined in this world, while each square one had mountains and rivers, representing the Divine Land.

But this altar was just the core.

When looking up, he found that there were densely carved stars on the walls and a kind of mysterious force was vaguely flowing between these flashing stars, which made him mistakenly feel as if he were staying in the splendid and magnificent cosmic space and that he was as small as dust.

“This... this is not the star pattern formation of this world.”

Li Mu looked calm.

When he temporarily repaired the All-side Starlight Deployment, he was enlightened to some extent.

Now, Li Mu could be sure that that was the Taoist formation of the universe, far superior to any martial arts civilization in the Divine Land.

How stunning this scene was.

“The person who arranged this formation was really... a legend,” Li Mu said.


He had learned his skills in Taoist array from the old faker and his own experience. He might be quite powerful in this world, but could only be ranked as average in the universe. At first glance, he recognized that this was placed here by a real legend, whose strength was ignored by the Yue Mountain Faction. It was even difficult for the Nine Superbs to break through when its potential was fully unleashed.

“Master Li, how about it? Can it be repaired?” Xu Yue said nervously.

Li Mu nodded and said, “Yes, but it will take a little bit longer. It can be repaired within three days.”

Xu Yue replied, “Great, as for what you need, we will get it all soon.”

Li Mu required a few things, mainly the finest jade, and he said, “These are enough... Please call me by another name. I killed a prince and crown prince, so I’m afraid I will soon quit this position.”

Xu Yue laughed and said, “Haha. In that case, I will call you brother.”

He wanted to make friends with Li Mu.

After all, the Yue Mountain Faction was powerful in the Western Qin dynasty, so they got them ready soon.

Xu Yue left with the others, so Li Mu alone modified the formation here.

Then, Li Mu took a deep breath and began to observe it carefully again.

This All-side Starlight Deployment was carefully made by a real Great Master. With various protection measures set around it, it was still in effect. The only reason why it was getting weaker was that with the passage of time, the arrangement of the stars had changed. In a thousand years, things had changed, resulting in the deviation of the positions.

However, a thousand years might be very long for human beings, but very short for stars, so this change was just trivial.

What Li Mu had to do was change some of the star patterns on the surrounding mountain walls slightly.

He removed the changed stars with the best jade, and then re-engraved the new stars on the stone walls with the brush pencil made with spirit jade.

The star map could be affected by a little change.

Hence, Li Mu had to be careful when he activated his surging mental strength.

Time flew by.

Two days passed.

The star map had been modified.

Li Mu then returned to the nine-level black altar.

This altar, which was actually centered on a column, could be rotated to change the coping relationship between the circular starry sky and the square layer, which was the clue left to the Yue Mountain Faction by that master. It was like the manual gear of a car. Unfortunately, the elder who kept that secret suddenly died.

Li Mu turned the stone layer, calibrated it, and adjusted it slowly.

It was more tedious than adjusting a watch.

It took another half a day to complete the project.

Li Mu exhaled a breath.

Now, he was quite familiar with this array.

Equally, Li Mu made huge progress in the Taoist array when repairing this, who was like a medical doctor that had been studying for 10 years and could finally engage in a complex and successful clinical surgery.

“Now I just need to go back to the main hall to activate the array center. This weak formation can restore its glory of thousands of years ago.”

Li Mu smiled.

It was because the Yue Mountain Faction had this formation that it was invincible, no weaker than Taibai County.

He sat on the altar, operated the Xiantian Skill, and began to recover his natural qi to heal himself.

In the battle against Yingshan Snow-eagle, some massacre force had filled his body, which could not be eliminated before. By means of the power of this formation, that strange force could be excluded and the internal injuries healed. Anyway, the array could still last a long time.

In an instant, another hour passed.

Li Mu spewed out a mouthful of blood and stood up comfortably with a smile.

The wounds and the heterogeneous massacre force in his body had been removed.

The healing effect of the Xiantian Skill was really incredible.

Li Mu packed his things, ready to leave.

But when he turned around, he suddenly noticed that as a faint gleam of starlight flickered on the ninth round layer, and a line of words appeared where he was sure there was nothing before.

This line was—

“The way ahead is long, but I will keep searching.”

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