The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Star, a Futile Dream (3)

The restriction devices on Chang-Sun’s soul were blasted away, completely releasing his Class.

A raging storm enveloped Valhalla.


Woosh, woosh, woosh…!

“This is…?”

“H-how can a Class be this hideous?!”

The blue and red force soldiers fighting against Chang-Sun’s Undead Army felt shivers running down their spines when the air abruptly turned cold. Ghost wails alone were already ominous, but the storm carried all negativities.

Adversity, atrocity, treachery, fear… Every single quality the storm harbored could devastate minds and exhaust souls. The soldiers’ minds filled up with thoughts of how they would die—no, how they would get trampled over, ripped to shreds, and annihilated.


Woosh, woosh, woosh!

[The ‘fiend’s upper body’ is making an appearance!]

The Class storm that circled around Chang-Sun agglomerated in midair, creating a sight that made all the soldiers’ hearts sink.


Chang-Sun’s real form—a Giant—overwhelmed the soldiers so much they felt as if they could actually hear their hearts sinking.

[‘C?lo Fulgente’ has been applied, spreading Atra Fulmen energy in every direction!]


Chang-Sun’s Atra Fulmen sparks flew up and behaved so menacingly it was as if they were going to rip apart the soldiers like beasts with sharp claws.

[The ‘Magical One-Eyed Giant’ widens his one eye in surprise upon witnessing your Class!]

Balor was the eternal enemy of the <Tuatha Dé Danann> and king of the <Fomori[1]>. This one-eyed Giant—no, Giant Celestial brought death upon every enemy he encountered.

“Didn’t I tell you to come down?” Chang-Sun asked.

Balor seemed greatly shocked by the level of Chang-Sun’s Class.

“If you don’t, then I’ll just drag you down from there.”

Chang-Sun didn’t like the fact that Balor’s reactions indicated that he underestimated Chang-Sun. He thought they had to be taught a lesson about why ‘Divine Twilight’ was a fiend.

[Lost letters of your Divine Name have been temporarily restored!]

[The first restored syllable: ‘Di’]

The moment he acquired his first syllable, he felt power rushing through his veins. He had regained his dignity as a Celestial[2].

Chang-Sun didn’t grab his Nameless Spear, the [Yuchang Sword], or any other weapon. Instead, he tightly grabbed the chains loosely hanging around his wrists and fiercely swung it at Balor.

Clink, clink―!


Since the chains’ main purpose was to restrict Chang-Sun’s soul, they had no limit in length. Chang-Sun was also using it in his subconscious realm, resulting in remarkable damage output. Using it like a whip, he ripped the space apart while firing Atra Fulmen bolts in every direction. The sight was the epitome of atrocity.

[The ‘One-Eyed Magic Giant’ is appalled!]

Chang-Sun’s chains were made from Divine Steel, the only metal that could restrict Celestials. This bewildered Balor, whose original plan was to observe Chang-Sun from a hidden space.


On impact, the space that Balor was hiding inside cracked and shattered.


The messages displayed over the space also broke into pieces. As the spatial fragments dropped, Chang-Sun saw Balor, who was sitting on his throne with a frown.

“I told you to come out,” Chang-Sun said.

[Lost letters of your Divine Name have been temporarily restored!]

[The restored syllable: ‘vi’]

‘Divine Twilight’ was the twilight of Celestials[3].

Chang-Sun wasn’t only after Balor. After all, sitting beside Balor were his other targets.


Crack! Crack!

Chang-Sun swung his chain horizontally, shattering more parts of the space. Long cracks formed in the air, and sharp spatial fragments fell to the ground. One after another, Tomte, Perkwunos, and Odin came to view, their expressions dark.

“There you are.” Chang-Sun smiled crookedly.

[Lost letters of your Divine Name have been temporarily restored!]

[The restored syllable: ‘Twi’]

Boom, boom, boom―!

Chang-Sun’s Atra Fulmen sparks between the cracks simultaneously blew up, creating a series of explosions. He activated [Fiery Lighting Bolts] at the same time, firing them toward the four false Celestials’ thrones. The bolts smashed, shattered, and blew up the thrones, ruining the hidden space.

The four false Celestials had no choice but to leap outside. As they did, however, an Atra Fulmen storm raged over Valhalla, and the fiend’s upper body began firing lightning bolts.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!


Woosh, woosh, woosh!

Just like the restored syllable,[4], explosions and smoke enveloped the area.

『Son of a bitch—!』 historical

『How dare you pull such a stunt on me!』

Balor turned in the air and removed his eyepatch, revealing his hidden magical eye.

[The ‘Magical One-Eyed Giant’ has activated his blind eye!]

[The principle of death has been applied to your flaming lightning bolts.]

[All your attacks have been nullified.]

Balor’s magical eye, which he usually hid with an eyepatch, enforced the principle of death on everything in his sight. It could be used not only on living beings but also on phenomena, allowing him to dispel Chang-Sun’s attacks.

Chang-Sun’s [Fiery Lightning Bolts] and [Abrupt? Procell?] attacks were nullified before they could even leave a scratch on Balor. However, Balor experienced rebound every time he used his eye. Whenever he dispelled Chang-Sun’s attacks, he stumbled backward as if someone hit him with a blunt weapon.



Balor eventually ended up on all fours, coughing up blood.


He even vomited and cried out blood for quite some time.

『How in the world…?』

Balor’s lip trembled in disbelief.

Tomte’s situation wasn’t any better.

[The ‘Small Elemental and Magical Spirit’ activated the Skill ‘Rampant Gale’ to protect himself!]

Tomte specialized in wind magic. Just like Balor had his magical eye, Tomte had [Rampant Gale], which was practically his Signature. However…


[The wind wall is shaking!]


[Cracks are spreading on the wind wall!]


[The wind wall has been destroyed!]

Chang-Sun’s [Fiery Lightning Bolts] tore the [Rampant Gale] apart and struck Tomte, who was behind the wall.


Kyaaaah!』 Tomte shrieked like an animal as his severed left arm was sent flying. The Atra Fulmen bolt scorched the area it hit so hard that it still sizzled.

『How is he this strong…?』

Perkwunos and Odin were the only ones Chang-Sun’s [C?lo Fulgente] couldn’t injure.

Perkwunos lived to see the history of the universe. He was classified as an Ancient Celestial and even had the title ‘Primordial Lightning Deity.’ Hence, he could deflect Chang-Sun’s [Fiery Lightning Bolt] with ease.

Perkwunos already expected that Chang-Sun, ‘Divine Twilight,’ would be strong. Hence, he easily anticipated that Chang-Sun would be formidable to a certain extent in his subconscious realm, where he would have no restrictions.

Even so, he still couldn’t believe what just happened. Chang-Sun’s strength surpassed his expectations. Although Balor’s <Society> was small, he was still its leader, and Tomte was a great Celestial. The ‘Divine Twilight’ shouldn’t have been capable of defeating them with ease no matter how many Celestials he had sent plummeting, yet he did just that.

To Perkwunos, that could only mean one thing. ‘His potential got higher!’

Countermeasures for the Zodiacs, the Ten Elders’ plan to make Chang-Sun stronger quickly, the mysterious Outer Celestial named Mephistopheles and his Secret Darkness Techniques… Chang-Sun had made several preparations to not meet the same end as ‘Divine Twilight’ ever since he had plummeted. Once he was done restoring his Divine Class and Name, all those preparation

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