The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Star, The Dream (7)

Chapter 57: Star, The Dream (7)

If Ou Yezi the Divine Blacksmith had gained everlasting fame by leaving behind a rare handful of masterpieces, Taotie the Devil Blacksmith had done the same by forging and mass-producing countless masterpieces. The two blacksmiths were still the most famous fine swordspair of rivals among Celestials.

It was difficult to say whether one blacksmith was better than the other, because they had different goals and had been active in different times and places. Most of the Nine Fine Swords, the symbols of Ou Yezi the Divine Blacksmith, could not even be found; thus, there had been no chance to compare the Fine Swords to Taotie the Devil Blacksmith’s masterpieces.

However, now that Chang-Sun was holding both of their masterpieces in each hand, just such a chance to compare the two had finally arrived. As the [Yuchang Sword], which had finally emerged after drinking its fill of blood, revealed its brilliant light to the world, so too did [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] reveal itself, not wanting to lose to the [Yuchang Sword].


[You have successfully fulfilled part of the hidden conditions required!]

[Taotie’s Seal has begun shining.]

[A lock has been disengaged.]

[‘Tiamat’s Snaggletooth’ has revealed its hidden form!]


On the short blade of [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], Taotie’s seal emanated a deep black light. The misshapen, ghost face that made up the seal squirmed, opening its mouth to reveal its vicious fangs and teeth. The more it revealed its teeth, the longer [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] became.

No longer in the shape of a dagger, [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] had transformed into a curved longsword, truly resembling the fang of the gigantic Tiamat. In contrast to the [Yuchang Sword], which shone a brilliant blue as if the sword were carved from a jewel, [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] gleamed with pitch-black light.

[Tiamat’s Snaggletooth]

This weapon is made from the tooth of the ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’. Her child never stayed at home, so she had no choice but to pull out her tooth and forge it into a weapon.

After receiving Tiamat’s request, Taotie the Devil Blacksmith forged the tooth into a weapon, and it was proud enough of its work to carve Taotie’s Seal into it. The weapon contains strong demonic energy, and as it carries a trace of ‘A Good Season to Hunt’, the weapon can become a powerful fang for its wielder.

· Type: Dagger or Longsword. Relic. josei

· Damage: Unmeasurable.

· Effect: Persistent Bleeding, Evil Devourer. (Other Effects Unknown.)

*Requirements have been partially met. Some of the sword’s hidden abilities can be used.

*Requirements have not been completely met. Other requirements are needed to awaken the sword’s other abilities.

Holding a divine sword in one hand and a demonic sword in another, Chang-Sun infused them with as much of his magic as possible.



The swords were undergoing Double Sword Resonance! As the two masterpieces howled simultaneously, they released tremendous amounts of divine and demonic energy at the same time. The mix of two antithetical energies and the Eon Fire created a tornado that could make people’s teeth chatter in fear.

[The Skill ‘Sword Mastery’ has been applied!]

Due to their differences, divine energy and demonic energy could usually never coexist. However, [Sword Mastery], the Skill that enabled Chang-Sun to handle any weapon that could be categorized as a sword, made their coexistence possible.

[Sword Mastery]

A Skill that is only achievable by a master swordsman who has succeeded in achieving ‘Sword-Body Union’. It can make the swordsman capable of handling any sword in the world as he wills.

“One who walks the path of the sword will face the forest at the end of the path.”

· Skill Level: 1

· Type: Passive.

· Effect: Infinite Sword Ownership. Infinite Sword Use.

[Sword Mastery] was completely different from other ordinary Skills. Unlike active Skills that required magic in order to activate, it was passive; that meant it was always in effect, ignoring all the possible restrictions or curses Chang-Sun could encounter in battle. Thus, the Skill was occasionally considered equivalent to an Authority.

The most important fact was that Chang-Sun absolutely needed to obtain the skill as the first requirement for him to regain his power: [King of Weapons], the Trait that had created ‘Divine Twilight’. If he finished leveling up [Sword Mastery], he could acquire [Sword Forest]. With that Trait, Chang-Sun would not only be able to handle any weapons that could be categorized as swords, but also become their owner, thus obtaining [Infinite Sword Overlord].

The first step to acquiring [Infinite Sword Overlord] was to achieve Double Sword Resonance. The moment Chang-Sun unlocked Ou Yezi the Divine Blacksmith’s legacy treasure and Taotie the Devil Blacksmith’s masterpiece at the same time, he had already begun walking a different path from ordinary Players.

[Achievement Unlocked!]

“The Two Antithetical Swords’ Coexistence.”

Reward: Intelligence +5. Increased level of the Skill ‘Sword Mastery’.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ looks at you in surprise for having awakened her relic!]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ widens his eyes after witnessing a surprising new method to use a Trait!]

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ asks you to use Taotie the Devil Blacksmith’s weapon to execute justice!]

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ is interested in the two masterpieces!]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ blesses you for having acquired a new fang!]

“What…?!” Sang-Won muttered in surprise. He had no idea what was going on, unlike the Celestials, who had constantly paid close attention to Chang-Sun, but he was sure of one thing: The sword Chang-Sun had just awakened contained a substantial amount of energy. It was surely a relic-grade artifact that only an apostle could witness!


Kicking off the wall behind him, Chang-Sun leaped forward, rapidly approaching Lab Director Sang-Won. The director instinctively felt the incoming danger, the [Beast Senses] he had received from his Guardian ‘Calamity Tiger’ warning him to dodge or else he would die. He tried to step back, but Chang-Sun attacked him first.


Chang-Sun used the [Yuchang Sword] in his right hand. The blade that held divine energy unleashed an explosion, releasing a diagonal slash of highly concentrated Eon Fire. Lab Director Sang-Won swung his sword, just barely managing to block Chang-Sun’s attack. However, the Eon Fire pierced his defenses and exploded right in front of him.

“Urggh!” Lab Director Sang-Won groaned. The remnants of his lab coat had burned away completely, and shattered fragments of his armor flew through the air. Although he was not bleeding, severe burn marks in the shape of claws had formed across his body.

Chang-Sun, who had been left in a tight corner by Lab Director Sang-Won’s attack, had scored the first real hit. However, the [Yuchang Sword] howled ferociously, as if it were unsatisfied with the attack’s result.

Ooong, ooong!

At that moment, the [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] in Chang-Sun’s left hand shook fiercely as if it were pompously telling [Yuchang Sword] to watch and learn; it slashed in the opposite direction of the [Yuchang Sword]’s strike, from bottom right to top left.

Boom! Boom!

“…Urgh!” Lab Director Sang-Won groaned as he was pushed back even harder than before.

Was it because Chang-Sun’s second attack used concentrated demonic energy? Or had his stamina instantly been halved by blocking the first strike? The director’s sword was half-broken; there was a hole in the middle as if a dragon had bitten it, causing it to bend precariously.


[Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] shook once again as if it were showing off its power to the [Yuchang Sword], saying it had simply been hiding its great power. The demonic sword created from the ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ and forged by Taotie the Devil Blacksmith flaunted its power as much as possible, proclaiming that it was the greatest sword of its generation and that Ou Yezi the Divine Blacksmith’s legacy treasure was just full of hot air, riding on Ou Yezi’s past reputation.


Naturally, the [Yuchang Sword] did not like the situation. Although it was trying to ignore the childish rampage of [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], retreating at that moment would only hurt its own pride; thus, the [Yuchang Sword] emitted more powerful divine energy, strengthening the Eon Fire.

[The ‘Yuchang Sword’ displays its brilliant blade!]

[The ‘Tiamat’s Snaggletooth’ reveals its vicious fangs!]

Determined to never lose, [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] unleashed a constant stream of demonic energy and flew at Lab Director Sang-Won to drain the life out of him, chasing the man persistently.



Chang-Sun pushed the Jigwi’s Eon Fire to the limit, driving Lab Director Sang-Won into a corner. Screaming at the top of his lungs, the director used all sorts of Skills, but his screams were muffled by the sound of explosions and his Skill Effects were blocked by the Eon Fire’s heat.

[The aura of ‘Tiger Kill’ has expanded!]

[A ‘Tiger Disaster’ is raging!]

[The ‘Tiger Teeth’ are annihilating your enemy!]

[The ‘Tiger Claw’ is overwhelming your enemy!]

[The ‘Windstalking Tiger’ has reached maximum speed!]

In that moment, Chang-Sun became the embodiment of a fierce tiger. With brilliant and cruel claws in each hand, he crushed and overpowered his enemy.



Like interlocking gears, the divine and demonic swords interacted with each other, combining their respective energies. Soon, however, the mixed energies exploded, as if the swords were taunting, or perhaps even challenging, each other. Although the two swords were known for their different characteristics and personalities, they strangely seemed to share the same affinity—blood.

The divine sword [Yuchang Sword] and the demonic sword [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] liked—no, loved blood by their nature, sparing no effort to taste Lab Director Sang-Won’s blood; they sought to drink every last drop to relieve their thirst. Thus, they were the best match for Chang-Sun. If they had merely been elegant and graceful swords, they would not have gotten along with Chang-Sun, but they were different.

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s First Claw’ has been activated!]



Using powerful Zhen Jiao, Chang-Sun crossed the [Yuchang Sword] with [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth]. The two swords filled with Eon Fire and exploded again, creating a raging whirlpool.

Swoosh, swish, swoosh―!

Several claw-shaped gusts of wind struck Lab Director Sang-Won’s upper body forcefully. His weakened sword completely shattered; his armor was completely crushed, its fragments digging into his wounds.

[Despair has spread!]

[Discouragement has deepened!]

[Negative thoughts fill the ‘stage’. The Eon Fire swallows the tremendous grudge, strengthening itself!]

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…!

The gusts of wind that had been raging powerfully through the research complex, which had seemed as if they would soon destroy the facility, suddenly subsided.



The ragged Lab Director Sang-Won, still standing in place, coughed up a large quantity of blood. The burn marks all over his body were so severe, it was clear he had no chance to survive.


Lab Director Sang-Won collapsed onto his knees. Although his eyes were already vacant, it seemed he still had some lingering feelings; he moaned softly, “I don’t… want… to die!”

For a moment, Chang-Sun nonchalantly looked down at the director and pondered whether or not to kill the man on the spot. One swing of his sword would be enough to cut off the director’s head like a guillotine. As he no longer had any stamina or mana, he lacked the strength to think rationally.

However, Lab Director Sang-Won’s final regret forced him to move. It seemed as if he did not even know he would die soon; the only thought remaining in his mind was that he had to do something.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t found anything else aside from the Ghost Soldiers,’ Chang-Sun realized.

While the central research wing was left in chaos by the raging firestorm, Chang-Sun had scoured the entire area, but he had not found anything remotely as significant as the Ghost Soldier depository. Thus, Chang-Sun speculated that Lab Director Sang-Won’s final regret was somehow related to Executive Director Oh.

[Retrieved the ‘Yuchang Sword’.]

[Sealed ‘Tiamat’s Snaggletooth’ again.]

Chang-Sun withdrew all his mana. The two swords that had been trembling as if they were competing returned to their original forms: The [Yuchang Sword] flowed back into Chang-Sun’s right hand, while [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] turned into a dagger that Chang-Sun slung behind his back.

“I… have to… get it… by any means…!” Lab Director Sang-Won slowly crawled forward on his knees, seemingly looking for something somewhere.

Chang-Sun quietly followed him to find out what was more important than the Ghost Soldiers.

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