The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002

Read Chapter 1002 of The Divorced Billionaire Heiress-By I Wanna Eat Meat

Nicole picked up a new fork and took a bite. “This cake is low-fat and low-sugar. It’s served in limited quantities and perfect for a late-night snack!“ Clayton smiled. Although it was not that hard to eat, he had psychological trauma with desserts, so he did not take a second bite.

Nicole did not force him either and soon finished the cake with Lil Michael. Lil Michael obediently went to bed.

Clayton sent her out the door, and Nicole said goodbye and left. Suddenly, she forgot that she left her phone behind and turned around to get it. However, as soon as she went in, she saw Clayton covering his chest and vomiting.

Nicole’s face changed as she instantly thought of the dessert earlier. However, before she could go over, Clayton noticed her. He looked at the phone in her hand and immediately understood. He smiled and picked up a paper towel. His eyes were still abnormally bloodshot.

“Did I scare you?“

Nicole pursed her lips. Her chest felt like it had been hit by a fist, sinking uncomfortably. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you really couldn’t eat dessert.“ She had deliberately made him eat it earlier. ‘It’s all my fault!’ Clayton was stunned. He smiled and was just about to walk over and explain when he suddenly noticed his state of cleanliness.

“Give me a moment. I’ll go wash my face.“ He took half a minute to clean up and came out before wiping his face. When Clayton saw Nicole’s guilt-ridden expression, his smile faded slightly. “It didn’t have

anything to do with you.“

Nicole lowered her head. Her eyes were slightly red. She clearly did not believe him. How could it not have anything to do with her?

“I ‘m not allergic and I can eat desserts. It’s just that I have a bit of trauma with cake.“

His voice was low, but he said it in a relaxed tone. Nicole looked up in surprise. Clayton ‘s eyes were dark and deep, but his voice was warm like the silent flow of water in the night. “My mother had a mental illness. When I was young, she would take the cake she made and stuff it into my mouth, so what happened earlier was just a psychological rejection caused by remembering what happened in the past.“

Nicole froze for a moment. Her body was slightly stiff. How could she not have thought that this was the reason?

Isaac said that Clayton killed his mother. Was there a reason for this? Nicole did not want to know at all, but when she looked at Clayton, she could not help but feel curious. How tired must he be to be able to always give others a warm and gentle feeling?

However, the closer she got to him, she realized that there was a mysterious power in him. He was gentle and silent, yet he concealed certain secrets.

Nicole’s complex expression fell into Clayton ‘s eyes. He felt guilty for letting her see him like that earlier. He hated how he was unable to endure it just a little longer. The man’s fist tightened and finally loosened feebly. He smiled with a somewhat pale face.

“Are you scared? My family affairs aren’t very pleasant, so I haven’t been able to tell you much. I won’t bring it up in the future…“ Nicole was a little princess coddled by her family. In her heart, her family was the foundation for her

complete world. How would she understand someone like him, who crawled out of a dysfunctional family?

Just thinking about all the complexities of the Sloan family gave him a headache. He was afraid that Nicole would grow further away if she knew about them. However, the next second, Nicole suddenly swooped over, hugged his waist, and patted his shoulder.

She softened her voice. “Clayton, you should ‘ve told me earlier. That way, I could’ve avoided reminding you of those unpleasant memories.”

Clayton ‘s body trembled violently. A dark and complex look flashed in his eyes as if the wall he had fortified for so long had been easily breached. Nicole knew that his relationship with his mother was not good, but instead of questioning him, she comforted him.

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