The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapters 1011

However, before Floyd could ask, Isaac Sloan took the initiative to speak. “Chairman Stanton, I came here presumptuously because Mr. Ferguson asked me to. He wants me to tell you the secret of the Sloan family.“ Floyd raised his brows and looked at Eric.

Eric coughed. “Chairman Stanton, I know that Clayton and Nicole have been very close recently. I’m indeed doing this out of selfishness, but it’s also because I’m afraid that she’ll get hurt, so there are some things that I can’t tell her directly…“ Floyd nodded with understanding. Then, he looked at Isaac. “I appreciate your kindness, but if it has to do with the secrets of the Sloan family, wouldn’t it be bad for an outsider like me to know about it?“

The last time Isaac came to Stanton Mansion, he spoke in half-truths and half-lies. Was that not considered a secret?

Floyd no longer wanted to know what he was up to.

After all, according to Nicole’s description, Isaac looked civilized and harmless on the surface, but behind the scenes, he was treacherous and cunning. Isaac looked sincere. “I know you’re worried about me making up lies to deceive you, but the cooperation I proposed before has already been rejected by Ms.

Stanton, and I have accepted that conclusion. Since there’s no interest driving me anymore, I’m saying this only to give Ms. Stanton and you a warning. It’s up to you to believe me or not.“ Floyd frowned, and then his face relaxed in a smile.“ Then I’ll have to thank you, Mr. Sloan.“ Isaac looked at Eric, nodded, and cleared his throat before speaking.

“The truth is, Clayton ‘s mother was a Medianian who went to Liberty for work. She was good- looking, but she had no money. When a woman like that goes abroad, they can only go to nightclubs if they want to earn quick money. Thus, she met my eldest brother and became his mistress. Later, she gave birth to Clayton, but my brother did not have the intention to divorce his wife, so that woman began to use Clayton to blackmail him in a fit of anger.

That was how my brother was forced to bring Clayton back to the Sloan family.“ Isaac sneered when he said this and was extremely disdainful.

Floyd noticed it, but he curled his lips expressionlessly. Children born in legitimacy naturally looked down upon illegitimate children outside. The ranks in gentry families were very clearly defined.

Isaac continued, “However, this woman didn’t settle down. She drove a car and crashed into my sister-in- law, which killed her. It was like she went mad. However, because she gave birth to Clayton, my brother was soft -hearted and locked her up in the house. Then, when Clayton went to see her, he unexpectedly pushed her out of the window upstairs and killed his own mother. At that time, all the maids who were present witnessed this.“

Floyd frowned. His expression was clearly doubtful. How would that kind and gentle Clayton Sloan do such a thing?

Isaac chuckled and explained. “Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to be called an illegitimate child? His mother’s existence is a stain on him.

The Sloan family helped to take care of it, but not long after, his younger brother died in a car accident. Of course, as a strong contender for the inheritance, it’s difficult to say whether it was an accident or not.

Clayton then insisted on marrying his younger brother’s woman and had a disagreement with my eldest brother, so he pushed my eldest brother down the stairs, causing lifelong paralysis.“

Isaac smiled at Floyd’s expression. “Don’t be fooled by his superficial appearance. This nephew of mine hides his character extremely deeply. He can wear that mask for a lifetime. He already took the lives of so many people.

Don’t let him tarnish the purity of Ms. Stanton…“ Isaac finished speaking and stood up. “It’s getting late, so I won’t disturb Stanton Corporation’s pleasant day. Goodbye.“ Isaac smiled and left.

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