The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486

Read Chapter 1486 of The Divorced Billionaire Heiress-By I Wanna Eat Meat

Yvette’ s initiative made Lance lose some control over his restraint and coolness earlier. Her arms clung to his shoulders, soft and boneless but with a fatal attraction. The initiative was completely taken away from her. However, the next second, he immediately understood what “sweetness” tasted like. Indeed, it was sweet. It was sweeter than any cigarette he tasted before. The sweetness penetrated his bones. He forgot the taste of the cigarette earlier and only remembered the “sweetness” in front of him. It was a taste that made him go out of control. When he clamped down on her waist to gain dominance, she bit him hard on the lips. He had to stop. She leaned on his shoulders and panted. Her breath was burning. He did not push further either. Like her, he tried hard to restrain himself so as not to scare her. “Lance.”

“Hmm?” His voice was deep as the night, yet it carried a burning temperature. Yvette’s voice was languid. “Was it sweet?”

The corners of Lance’s lips curved up subconsciously. His eyes were sunken. “It’s sweet.”

Very sweet. Yvette also flashed a smile, and the two of them embraced each other tightly. The next second, the light in the corridor suddenly brightened, and the sound of high-heel shoes gradually approached. The person stopped a few feet away from them. Nicole’s slightly drunken voice was a little exasperated. “Yvette? Mr. Sheldon? Is that you?” Yvette raised her hand to support herself on his chest, trying to stand up straight. However, the alcohol rushed to her head. She could not control herself at all. Hearing the familiar voice, Yvette turned around but felt that she could not stand up.

Fortunately, a pair of large hands held her waist and supported her body. Yvette answered.

Lance did not pretend to be dead either. “It’s me, Ms. Stanton.”

As soon as Nicole met his eyes, she saw how dark his eyes were. The two of them were very close without a hint of strangeness. This discovery was a bit of a surprise. Nicole forced a smile. “It’s almost time to leave. Are you bringing her back? Or should I find someone to send her home?” Lance supported Yvette’ s shoulder with one hand and spoke in a steady tone. “I’ll send her back. Thank you, Ms. Stanton.” Nicole raised her brows, nodded, turned around, and left, waving her hand in the process. “Wishing you both a happy new marriage!” Lance smiled. He looked down at Yvette, who had started to close her eyes and fall asleep, and suddenly felt that this night was wonderful.

When Nicole returned to the room, Julie could not handle Ian’s hysterical singing anymore.

Clayton called countless times before Nicole had the time to call him back. “Done playing?” His voice carried a hint of helplessness and fatigue. Nicole pursed her lips. “Yeah. Are you sleeping?” Clayton was silent for a second.“ I’m downstairs at the club.” Nicole immediately sobered up. “I’ll head down now.” Then, Nicole took her, Julie, and Ian ‘s belongings and dragged them out. Nicole originally did not want to care about Ian, but she was afraid that Second Young Master Carter would get into trouble if no one was looking out for him, which would cause trouble for his family, so she could only take him away too. It took a total of ten minutes of dragging and pulling.

When Clayton saw the three of them coming down together, he was shocked for a moment and got out of the car to help her. After finally getting all of them in the car, Nicole sat on the passenger side and heaved a sigh of relief. “Let’s send them back first.” Clayton glanced behind. “Aren’t we short one person?” “Yvette was taken away by Mr. Sheldon.” Clayton nodded and started the car. Under the night lights, there was a bit of tiredness in Clayton’s eyes, but he still tried hard to hold on.

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