The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619 Start the Timer

Clayton said, “You’ve already talked enough for the both of us, so what else can I say?”

Roland replied, “Tsk… Look at the way you put it. It’ll be boring for me to talk alone!”

Clayton looked at him. “You don’t have a girlfriend, right?”

“Of course not! I’ve given all my youth to you and the company!”

Roland immediately expressed his loyalty

Clayton looked at the time. “I’ll give you three days off. Go get yourself a girlfriend.”

Roland was so happy that he was glowing. “Really?! No, wait… How can I get a girlfriend in three days? Isn’t it too little?”

“Then you can quit your job…”

Roland’s smile instantly faded. “Three days is really quite a lot. Everything’s based on effort anyway. I’ll be able to get a girlfriend. Don’t worry, Mr. Sloan!.

Clayton looked at him with a smile. “Your time off starts now…”

Roland froze, immediately dropped the things in his hands, took his things, and ran out.

“Goodbye, Boss!”

After Roland left the place, he felt that something was off.

Did Clayton just kick him out?

Clayton walked around the empty house. It just felt strange, and he was uncomfortable.

After changing his clothes, Clayton closed the door and went downstairs.

Nicole’s door lock had already registered Clayton’s fingerprints in it, so he made himself at home and opened the door to go in.

The apartment was clean. Although Nicole was not at home, Kai regularly had someone come over to clean it. Thus, it was spotless.

Clayton’s expectant mood gradually sank because he noticed that Nicole was not home.

Nicole took a phone call and went out earlier. Why was she not back yet? Clayton touched his hair and thought of calling her, but he held back.

A girl must have her own space. Nicole also had her own friends, so he should not be too

nervous. novelbin

At that thought, Clayton went to get the robot cleaner and started to clean the place. He could not stay idle, so he took a cloth and started to wipe the table.

Although there was nothing to wipe, keeping himself busy gave him peace of mind.

Clayton then went into the kitchen to reheat the hot water. Hearing the whistle of the kettle and the qurgling sound of the water, Clayton instantly felt that he was transported back to before he went to Southeast Asia.

The last sliver of sunlight faded, and darkness came.

There was a commotion at the door. Clayton turned around and saw Nicole walking in with a big bag of things.

He was just about to go over and give her a hand, but there was someone else behind her.

“Uncle Floyd?”

Surprisingly, Floyd was also here.

There were more people behind him.

Grant, Aida, Kai, and Mr. Anderson came over.

Everyone was a little surprised to see someone in the house.

However, they were not so surprised when they saw that it was Clayton.

Kai saw the apron that Clayton was wearing and laughed out loud.

“OMG, Lil N! Did you actually use Mr. Sloan as your hourly maid? How much does it take to afford his hourly wages?”

Before Kai finished spea aking, Nicole fiercely glared at him and pushed him away. She walked over to Clayton quickly.

“You’ve just been discharged from the hospital. Go and rest.”

Clayton smiled gently. “It’s okay. It’s not tough work anyway...”

Floyd narrowed his eyes and surveyed them. “Mr. Sloan, you seem to have recovered well. I heard Sven say that it’s considered a miracle that you can be discharged from the hospital so


Clayton did not dare to respond to this. He quickly said, “It’s all thanks to your contacts at the hospital, Uncle Floyd. That’s why they found so many experts to save my life. I’ll certainly remember this favor.”

Floyd laughed. His complexion was obviously much better than just now. “You’re welcome. You saved Lil N, so it’s only right that we do this.”

Kai coughed. “Mr. Anderson, hurry up and cook! I’m starving!”

The butler came out from the back carrying something that Nicole missed and smiled as he said, “Okay. Don’t worry. I’ll cook now and show you guys my skills!”

Aida took off her jacket and followed Mr. Anderson into the kitchen. “I’ll join you.”

Grant walked to the living room and turned around. “Lil N’s house is still a little small. I noticed that the new building next door is pretty decent. Moving there is also convenient.”

Kai nodded with great approval.

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