The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777 Difficulties in Acquisition

At the meeting The person sitting next to Tucker could not help but snort coldly. “He really thinks too highly of himself and doesn’t want money? Is he trying to get rich with a single step? He doesn’t know how the world works!” “Yes, I don’t think we should give him the money.

Let’s just see how he can go o n without money. Perhaps in less than a month, they’ll have to declare bankruptcy!” “Tucker, how did you arrange your people to work there? Are you sure that this is the real situation?” Seeing that everyone was going to bicker again, Nicole rubbed her temples. Her tone turned slightly cold. “He’s not done yet, so you guys can discuss it later.”

Everyone looked at each other, pursed their lips, and shut up. Although they were upset, they did not dare to say anything. The people present occupied important positions in the company and had to respect Nicole, so they certainly did not dare to oppose. As for the other shareholders, Nicole made them flustered as soon as she just joined the office. In front of Floyd Stanton, those shareholders were still somewhat respected, but in front of Nicole, they were nothing. They could not help it because Nicole was the Stanton family’s baby.

Tucker cleared his throat, looked at everyone, and continued to speak. “It’s evident that Luke Youngblood intends to get a huge investment but wants to give less report on his operations. He only intends to sell 10% of their shares, so the investor would not have any say in major decisions.” After that, everyone’s expression changed. Nicole wrinkled her eyebrows slightly. 10 % of their shares with no say in decisions.

Luke Youngblood was really confident in his company, huh? “These youngsters who just started their own business see themselves as the next richest person in the world, so they don’t want to give up too much in the beginning. This is expected…” Nicole spoke lightly, glanced at Tucker, then adjourned the meeting. Afterward, she stood up and left.

Everyone still had not yet returned to their senses when Nicole was already gone from the conference room. However, it was rare that they did not continue discussing. They could tell that Nicole was quite angry. Logan went into the office with Nicole, then Tucker followed suit. Nicole poured herself a cup of fruit tea, took a sip, and put it down. She then slowly calmed down. novelbin

Tucker sat across the table. His face was quite tense. X “President, should we still continue this acquisition? The people we sent have all been discovered. If we send more people there, Luke Youngblood will just raise the price since he’ll know how much we want it. Then, we’ll lose the initiative.” 20 BE Of course, Nicole understood this reasoning.

An investor who took the initiative to negotiate too many times would only give the other party more confidence. It would be very unfavorable for negotiation However, the acquisition of Z Technologies was the most beneficial to Stanton Corporation. This was the only way to get Z Technologies in the bag and allow Stanton Corporation’s project to be launched smoothly so as not to attract the public’s criticism. The biggest problem now was how to acquire them. Logan poured a cup of coffee for Tucker, who hurriedly got up to thank him.

Logan patted his shoulder, smiled, and sat on the side. Nicole took a deep breath. “How many partners do they have in total? Do they all have a say?” Tucker replied, “Including Luke Youngblood, there are three of them. They all have a say, but they pretty much ос oo listen to Luke Youngblood. The other two people are more inclined toward technology.

By the way, I heard that Luke Youngblood and his girlfriend are getting married soon.” Nicole nodded. The girlfriend did not participate in the company’s affairs, indicating that she did not play an important role. She looked at the computer screen in front of her and slid her fingers around. She looked at Logan and said, “Make an appointment with Luke Youngblood to have a meal together.” Logan nodded. “Yes, President.”

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