The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 1790

Chapter 1790

Chapter 1790

Chapter 1790 Too Powerful

Nicole’s belly grew bigger by the day. Nicole felt uneasy because she had never been a mother and had no experience in this aspect. Thus, she paid extra attention to every change in her body. so In her last trimester of pregnancy, Nicole became a little temperamental.

Even she herself felt that she was being unreasonable. When Nicole was alone with Clayton, she felt annoyed looking at him, but when he was not in sight, she felt angry. cocoa Due to that, Floyd picked Nicole up and took her back to the Stanton Mansion.

Clayton did not say anything, packed his clothes, and stayed with Nicole. Floyd chattered with the butler all day long, but Nicole somehow felt relieved. Clayton also felt relieved. He would only g o to the office once every few days.

Most o f the time, he would just work from home. The company was left to Kai, so Floyd was mentally prepared to lose money. Floyd had the least expectations for Kai. H e only wanted Kai to keep the company afloat without going bankrupt until Grant and Nicole returned.

Surprisingly, once Kai took over, although the company was in disarray, there was still order in the chaos. SA ooo O ooo Everyone had some opinions on Kai’s crude and simple handling of matters, but during this time, the company was doing well.

Not only did they not lose money, but their shares also rose a few points. Due to that, those opinions were kept to themselves. Julie took a break. Besides going to the office to visit Kai, she would go to the Stanton Mansion to accompany Nicole.

Noon. O Clayton went out. Julie and Nicole were eating dessert at the dining hall. Kai was sleeping upstairs and was drowsy when he was awakened by a call. He was holding his phone, talking to his

assistant, and cursing while walking downstairs.

“Dinner with him?! Is he even sincere? Last time, I drank with him until the early hours of the morning and almost had a stomach ulcer from drinking so much. But he turned around and signed a contract with someone else. Now that the other guy bailed, he dares to come back to me? I’m not the picky one here.

Tell him to get lost!” Kai was so angry that he loosened his collar and coldly snorted. “What? Look at the big picture?! Tell him to get lost! I’m in charge now!” Kai came down and saw Nicole and Julie eating leisurely.

He paused, went over, then wrapped his arms around Julie and kissed her. He then glared at Nicole with resentment. “This mess you made me clean is too much! I’d rather be an actor!” Nicole could not help but smile.

“Third Brother, actors have to listen to the director. You’re certainly more powerful now since the entire company has to listen to you. What kind of trouble did you encounter recently?” Although Nicole was not at the office, she had more or less heard the news. An old geezer of a customer took advantage of Nicole and Grant’s absencet o deliberately try to make things difficult for Kai, who did not know the industry.

At the last step of the contract, the customer ran away and signed a contract with another company. Due to this, Kai was so angry that he cursed the old man for two days. Nicole could not blame Kai for being angry. That old geezer always wanted to take advantage of them in negotiations in the past.

If Nicole and Grant did not see the profit i n this, they would have put up with it. SOCI/ Who knew that there would be such a mishap this time? Who could tolerate it? o The old geezer thought that Kai was an actor and knew nothing about business.

S o, he put on airs and waited for Kaito lower the price. Even if Kai did not lower the price, the old geezer still had another partner waiting for him. o However, the old geezer did not expect the other partner to run away.

The old geezer had no other choice. He had worked with Stanton Corporation for so many years, and they had always been generous with their money. O The old man was not interested in smaller companies, so he turned around and begged Stanton Corporation.

As a result, he could not get another appointment with Kai again. Kai would rather sleep at home than waste time socializing with the old geezer. As soon as Kai heard Nicole’s words, he laughed in exasperation. “Powerful?! I’m like a slave to more than 3,000 people! I work so hard to pay their salaries and get pissed off every day! Have you ever seen a powerful person like me?!”

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