The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 2200

Chapter 2200

Chapter 2200

Chapter 2200 Impartial

"President, what do you want for lunch? Shall I order takeout for you? Or do you want to go to the staff cafeteria?" Nicole paused to think about it.Her story was quite widespread online for a while, so a lot of people knew about it.She did not want to face everyone’s prying eyes and sympathetic gazes, but she was uncomfortable eating alone.

While she was hesitating, Julie sent Nicole a message with a restaurant location.

"Come here and have lunch with me!" Nicole smiled and put away her phone.

"No need.I have an appointment." Logan nodded.


He also breathed a sigh of relief.

Nicole used to spend more time alone, but after Clayton was gone, Nicole did not like being alone anymore whether she was at home, in the office, or at the Stanton Mansion.

Sometimes, Nicole would vaguely see Clayton in the office lobby, walking toward her with a gentle smile to pick her up from work, to eat with her, or to send her clothes and documents.He left his trace in every detail of her life.

Before she knew it, Clayton had already occupied a very important place in her heart.

Now that he was taken away from her life, Nicole felt a sharp pain like a piece of her heart was cut out.

The sorrow she felt was indescribable.

Nicole could understand why everyone wanted to persuade her to move forward, but how could she? She was used to his presence in her life, so how could she adapt now that he disappeared? Time would erase his existence and numb her pain, but that was more cruel, right? Why should she forget such a good person? Nicole silently left with her phone in hand.

Due to Nicole’s poor mental health lately, Floyd asked Luca to be her driver.

Thus, Luca would drive her to wherever she wanted to go.

Nicole did not care and allowed them to make arrangements for her.

Julie waved at Nicole in the restaurant.

Nicole walked over and saw the three sets of tableware on the table.

"Is someone else joining us?"

Julie paused before she replied, "Before this restaurant was open, Yvette kept saying that she wanted to try it, so I laid out a set of tableware for her."

Nicole was silent for a few seconds.She sat there and said, "So many people around me have died...But we’re still so young..."

Julie pursed her lips and looked at Nicole’s desolate face.иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмShe felt heartbroken for Nicole.

"Nicole, I know you’re depressed.When you're at home, you pretend that nothing is wrong because Dad and the whole family are around, and you don’t want them to worry.But who will be able to act as if nothing happened?"

Nicole blinked and looked at her.

"Jules, I don’t know what to do."

"When you don’t know what to do, just wander around aimlessly.Nicole, we need to live our lives to the fullest.When Yvette died, I couldn't figure out why a bubbly person like her was taken away from us so quickly.But just look at Lance.He’s fine now.He would send greetings on behalf of Yvette during the festive season and mail their gifts.No one has forgotten about Yvette, and we won’t wallow in sadness forever."

When Julie spoke, her eyes were very red as she tried her best to hold back her tears.

Nicole choked up for a moment.Her eyes also turned red.

Julie smiled and took a deep breath.

"We'll all meet again sooner or later, whether in this world or another.When we meet them again, we can tell them about our decades of experience.Clayton loved you so much, so he would want you to live a good life."

Nicole was silent for a while.

Then, she nodded.

"I know.I don’t dare to think about ending it all.If he found out that I left Chatty alone, he would be so distressed.He loved his daughter the most, so he would surely be worried about her."

Julie looked at her in distress.

"He loved you the most, Nicole.You must take good care of yourself."

Nicole paused and nodded heavily.

“I will."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

The gloom in Nicole’s heart dissipated slightly.

They ate slowly, but they also chatted and laughed about some interesting topics until Grant called.

Nicole was eating happily and thought that something happened.

Grant said, "Aren’t you coming to the meeting?"

Nicole’s mind went blank.

"I forgot..."

She felt guilty and lowered her voice because she really forgot about this completely.

Grant gritted his teeth.

"I’ll give you 10 minutes to get back to the office."

Nicole replied, "I’m afraid I can’t.I'm having lunch with Julie right now, and the journey back to the office will take at least 30 minutes."

Julie was too scared to say anything.

Grant hung up the phone.

Nicole felt guilty when she ended the call and chuckled.

"Grant has always been impartial when it comes to business.Haha "

"Nicole suddenly came to her senses and lifted her gaze.She was so tired that she could not lift her head, yet she still had to pick the kids up from school.However, it was almost time, so she ran out with her phone.Logan reminded her from behind.

"President, don’t forget to come back and work overtime..."

Nicole almost tripped and fell.She did not even have time to be sad now.

No matter how fast Luca drove, they were still late.

When Nicole arrived and saw the lonely little figure in the classroom, her heart ached terribly.

Chatty’s back was facing the door as she sat there obediently to read a book.

She was almost like a different person from when Clayton was around.

Why did Chatty look so fragile without Clayton? Nicole looked at her daughter's back and became more determined.

No matter how sad she was, she had to come out of it soon.She could not let Chatty become an introverted child who did not talk much.

Chatty used to be so cheerful and bubbly! Just as Nicole was in her thoughts, a teacher came out from the office on the other side of the hallway.

"Ms.Stanton? Are you here to pick up Liliana?" Nicole nodded.

"Sorry, I’m late."

She paused.

"Where’s Levi? I’m his aunt, so I’ll pick him up together."

The teacher looked hesitant and sighed.She seemed to have countless things to say to Nicole.

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