The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Chapter 538 Make Her Drink

Ms. Stanton is investigating the cause o| the accident. She’s also following up on Stanton Corporations’ internal business deadlines, but since it involves the secrets I Stanton Corporation, I didn’t send anyone to investigate in depth.”

Eric let out a faint “mm” with an ENpjonless fare.

Mitchell thought about it before quickly saying, “Ms. Nicole will be dining with a few partners at Green Claoonight.”

Green Club was a ligy private nightclub under Fergusy Pirporation. It was generally nd@open to the public, and its membership was strictly selected.

Thus, Michell was able to obtain first-hand information

In the evening, Nicole arrived at Green Club as promised.

This place was very private and was preferred by many businessmen and

However, the price point starting a seven Ligures a night was not something that the average person cauld allord toe.

Afew of the business partners were all prominent people in their circles. Since they had the intention to get drunk, they naturally would not want reporters to see their intoxicated appearances, which was why they chose this place in a heartbeat.

Nicole was here on behalf of Giant, who was on a business trip. She did not pay attention to the venue 0 When she arrived reserved private room, most of people were already inside. O

At the door, she put on an easy-going smile.

As soon as she entered, everyone greeted her familiarly. Nicole did not dawdle and sat at the head of the table, getting straight to business

“Everyone has worked hard for a year. I hope that our future cooperation will be sincere and united!

She gulped down a glass of red wine and

then told the stary to refill her glass with juice. Everyone who saw this dial insist her drinking All kinds of pleasantries and greetings were raised. and no matter how rude they were, they made in to offend Nicole

If it were an ordinary woman, she would just be a side piece added to the table, and I I would be normal for hands and legs to


However, the woman in front of them was the princess of the Stanton family and the CEO of Stanton Corpora. No one would dare to show a hint to Yontempt for this heiress.

Everyone taxed and laughed for a long time. Nicole sat there patiently, saying a word from time to time. She talked calmly but not coldly. Occasionally, she discussed the details of a partnership with the people next to her…

Her phone rang

Nicole quietly went out to answer the call and get some fresh air.

After hanging up, she walked past a room

on the way back. The door was slightly ajar, and the light inside spilled out. Nicole suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“No, I really can’t drink anymore. Mr. Zahn, please…”

Surprisingly, it was the crying and pleading voice of Ivy Harrison!

Mr. Zahn?

Had Ivy fallen to such a state?

Nicole did not want to meddle and lifted her foot to leave. A second later, she Ard a loud slap followed by the wd and playful laughter of a man.

Didn’t you ask me to come? Yet you’re not drinking now and spoiling my fun? I’II break the contract with Stanton Corporation if you drink this, Ms. Harrison. You should know what to do,

Nicole suddenly remembered that Mr. Zahn was a partner that she snatched from Harrison Corporation.

As she hesitated, someone suddenly

jumped to the door and tried to run out, that expecting Nicole to be standing by the

Ivy’s tear-streaked lace was still smoky red from the wine. Her eyes were Closed for a moment before she

immediately grabbed Nicole’s arm and dragged her into the room

“Ms. Stanton, please help me. I really can’t drink anymore….”

She cried as if the one forcing her to drink was not Mr Zahn but Nicola

Nicole frowned, withdrawing her hand with ice-cold cythe glanced at the person on the 12. Mr. Zalin was so drunk that he could not even recognize her anymore.

Who is this woman? She’s quite good-looking. Don’t think I’ll let you off if you find me another woman. Ms. Harrison, if you don’t serve me well, I won’t sign the contract!”

Mr. Zahn muttered drunkenly, surveying Nicole at the door with lustful eyes. “You look familiar. Are you a celebrity?”

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